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Library Renovation Minutes 04/07/10

APRIL 7, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 AM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Diane Carney, Janet Stokesbury, Secretary David Goldsholl, Barbara Leonard and J. Tad Kuziak. Member absent: Scott Boos.  Also in attendance were Town Manager Brandon Roberston, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller, Architect Peter Wells, Enterprise Builders’ President Keith Czarnecki, Business Development Manager David Mellon and Operations Manager Michael McNaboe.
Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Carney seconded and all agreed to accept the March 17th minutes as written. Mr. Kuziak was absent for the vote.
Chairperson Hornaday welcomed Town Manager Brandon Robertson and Enterprise Builders’ representatives to the committee members. She recently attended the public budget hearing and was pleased that Town Council Chairman Mark Zacchio said the capital projects (library and fire house) were included and would not show an increase in the debt service.
Mr. Robertson, Mary Suter and Mark Zacchio recently visited the Governor’s representatives at the State Capitol to discuss positioning the project on the next Bond Commission’s meeting agenda. Mr. Roberston summarized that the State is in dire financial straits and cannot commit at this time. The State is having its own difficulty which may also impair its bond rating. They have also committed to $300,000,000.00 in new spending for next year. Mr. Robertson will be presenting to the Town Council at tomorrow night’s meeting. The design phase of the project is basically done, whereby he will recommend to the Council to move forward with the preparation of the construction documents with a cost of approximately $300,000.00. This scenario will not jeopardize the State grant at this time. The demarcation line will be at the signing of the construction contract. Mr. Robertson added that it was not a statute or regulation but rather a policy of the State Library Board to draw the line for fund distribution at that point. He did add that given current economic times, the Board could possibly offer some flexibility. The best case is to receive the grant in the future thus reducing the amount of money the Town would have to borrow for the project.
Mr. Goldsholl questioned how losing the grant money would affect the parameters of the project itself as the renovation was designed around the criteria set for securing the grant.  Mr. Kuziak offered that the renovation was designed to meet the State’s guidelines, calculations for space and usage, for a town of our size. Mr. Wells added that he has incorporated the State’s guidelines into his designs, finding them useful to meet the needs of a particular population, and would have come to the same or similar if we hadn’t sought the grant money. Ms. Hornaday suggested we discuss this further at a later date.
Ms. Hornaday introduced the representatives of Enterprise Builders to the members present. She added that she’d be pleased to present them to the Town Council and looked forward to working with them. President Keith Czarnecki thanked the Committee for his selection and suggested to keep moving forward, that maybe the grant money would come, and also to take advantage of current favorable market conditions. Mr. Czarnecki spoke of similar projects he’s worked on that involved securing grant funds. He said he could plan accordingly to meet the project’s needs. Mr. Goldsholl emphasized that some members of the Town Council were particularly sensitive to committed finishing dates. Mr. Czarnecki responded that he was confident his firm would meet the commitment with flexibility if needed, without going outside the parameters of the original agreement. Mr. Wells added that he’s worked out a four phase plan to facilitate the decision to remain in the Library during construction and that he’s very pleased with it, and it’s less tricky than he first anticipated. He brought those plans for Enterprise to view to integrate with the subcontractors.
Mr. Kuziak questioned the firm’s methodology to track progress (critical path) and communicate with the Committee. Enterprise handed out a pre-construction schedule for the members to view containing a projected completion date of September, 2011. Mr. McNaboe explained the template to the members, including scheduled weekly meetings to keep the critical path updated. Mr. Czarnecki also asked the members to review and make suggestions as well. Mr. Robertson added that going forward the staff would be working closely with the architect and construction manager to provide a “snapshot” of the project and keep the Town Council updated. Mr. Goldsholl questioned whether a member(s) of the Committee should be included at the weekly staff, architect and construction manager meeting. Mr. Wells answered yes but would prefer that one member attend. Mr. Czarnecki will produce a distribution list for all. Ms. Hornaday said she’d like a copy for the Town so the files will be complete.
Ms. Hornaday is confident the Town Council will approve Enterprise Builders for construction management for the project. After she makes the recommendation, Mr. Czarnecki can introduce his team to the Council and emphasized that we are on the same team and need their support. Mr. Robertson suggested keeping the introduction brief.
Mr. Wells presented a revised version of the parking lot. He was pleased that his civil engineer was satisfied with the book drop design and that parking spaces totaled 111. Next he needs to present the plan to the Planning and Zoning and Engineering departments for their approval. Mr. Czarnecki is planning to be on the P & Z’s agenda for the May meeting. Mr. Wells explained the phasing plan for staying in the Library during construction. Fire exits will be relocated along with a temporary staircase, depending on the cost, so that fire regulations will be met. Temporary toilets will be located in the Community Room. Mr. Wells also met with his IT consultant Gary Feld and the Library staff for computer placement. He met with his interior designer for furniture and shelf placement. Mr. Wells included a drawing of the proposed placement of a proposed RFID system for automating inventory.
Ms. Stokesbury requested more information from the meetings between Mr. Wells and the library staff. Ms. Miller explained that it was often difficult to schedule these meetings around library staff and programs. Mr. Wells said too that they planned to make a full presentation to the members. Ms. Leonard added that the meeting she attended enlightened her to the staff’s essential needs and input into planning and placement of their tools (shelving, computers) and materials.
Mr. Wells continued with drawings he brought from his consultants – HVAC, electrical, the geothermal system, plumbing and fire protection. He should have the structural engineer’s by the end of the day. Mr. Wells also mentioned that he’d spoken with the Public Works Director to determine salvage and storage for the library’s hardware and furniture. This he will coordinate with Mr. Williams and Enterprise Builders.
Ms. Carney motioned, Mr. Goldsholl seconded and all agreed to put in for payment of Tuthill and Wells Architects, LLC Invoice #3894 for $47,604.85. None opposed or had questions.
The next meeting will be held April 21, 2010, 7:00 PM in the Avon Room, Building 1.
Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 AM. None opposed.
Recorded by:                                                   
                                                                                    Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person
                                                                                    David Goldsholl, Secretary