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Library Renovation Minutes 02/17/10

FEBRUARY 17, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Selectman's Chambers Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Barbara Leonard, Diane Carney, Janet Stokesbury, Secretary David Goldsholl, J. Tad Kuziak and Scott Boos. Members absent: none.  Also in attendance were staff member and Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller and Architect Peter Wells.

Mr. Kuziak asked to add "because the subs, architects and other subject matter experts can help" to a sentence in section VI. Ms. Hornaday asked if there were any other changes to be made. Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Mr. Kuziak seconded and all agreed to accept the February 3, 2010 minutes with the changes. None abstained.


Mr. Kuziak asked if anyone had read the recent articles in the Hartford Courant and a local paper, The Avon News, regarding the Library project.  Ms. Carney expressed her dismay with misquotes and misinformation. Others agreed. Ms. Hornaday will discuss the funding issue (status of the Bond Commission meeting) later in the agenda.

Mr. Wells told of finishing the roof and elevation plans today and of getting ready to present these to the members. He is very pleased with the design he'll be presenting.  Mr. Goldsholl questioned whether each change made needed to be presented to the Town Council for approval. Ms. Robinson explained that really only major changes such as grant issues or size of the building would need to be brought to them for approval.  Mr. Wells added that his structural and mechanical engineers were beginning to coordinate their part of the design with Mr. Wells.

Mr. Wells said the finish schedule will accompany the completed drawings and tell the contractor the basic finishes in each and every space.  Mr. Wells explained that there were subtle differences with the current and proposed building such as carpet tiles vs. the currently used roll carpet. He suggests tile on the public side and carpet on the staff side of the circulation desk, as tile is easier to keep clean. He also suggests an anti fatigue backing for the carpet for the staff side. Mr. Goldsholl questioned whether these choices were going to cost more than estimated and Mr. Wells replied no, that he was using the established figures.  Mr. Wells was open to suggestions or comments or likes or dislikes of his suggested material/location selections.  Ms. Vocelli was interested in wall materials that were easier to keep clean such as certain wallpapers or paint other than flat.  Mr. Wells will be working with the construction manager to find the best materials. Ms. Stokesbury questioned the use of carpet tiles vs. the roll carpet type.  Mr. Wells explained that they are three foot squares that can be easily removed for repair vs. a large carpet and are available in many colors, thus providing more flexibility.

Mr. Goldsholl presented the feedback he'd received regarding Enterprise Builders' references.  He received very positive remarks such as finishing a project on time and on budget.  He was particularly interested in how unforeseen problems were handled to which he also received positive remarks.

Ms. Leonard presented her references on Enfield Builders.  She asked three basic questions: how was the communication, did they like the end product and how clean did they keep the site.  She talked to the owner of Guilford Library who spoke very highly of them, coming in on time and on budget, good communication and cleanliness.  The project was $5.7 million and doubled the Library’s original size.  Newington Town Hall was very pleased with the end product and said Enfield was always available and kept a clean site. Groton also was very pleased, having similar relations with them.

Ms. Stokesbury researched references for Downes Construction.  She spoke to Douglas Hyland at the New Britain Museum of Art who said they could not find "a more responsible or more efficient company."  The job was done with a very tight budget and with no cutting of corners. She inquired about the neighbors since the job was done in a neighborhood, to which she did not hear of one complaint.  She also spoke to Chris Dupuis about their renovation to the Art Center at the University of Hartford.  He had no complaints, felt they were fair to their subcontractors, and enjoyed a very good relationship. There was an issue after construction to which they were very attentive and prompt in resolution.  Kevin Taylor in Waterbury would highly recommend them, being under budget and on time.  In every instance, each person she spoke to would have this firm back for more work.

Ms. Hornaday spoke about FIP Construction. She noted they had been called back as construction manager to many communities.  She spoke to David Holmes regarding work at Goodwin College in East Hartford.  They were slightly over time but on budget, worked well and also dealt well with issues.  She touched base with James Laposta regarding the job at the Westland Center for Film Studies and Cinema Archives. The job was similar in size and scope to the Library.  He left her a message saying wonderful things about FIP, that they were outstanding and great to work with and would strongly recommend them.  Ms. Hornaday also spoke with Rich of SLAM who did the Avon Old Farms School Performing Arts Center, Athletic Building and Brown House reconstruction.  He said there were a minimum number of change orders and that they were excellent at estimating up front. The job site was kept very clean throughout the project and they even allowed curious onlookers (the students) limited access to view the site in a creative way.

Ms. Hornaday reminded the members that it was the Town's policy to do due diligence in selecting a construction manager and this was the committee's task. Mr. Kuziak agreed that it was the committee's charge to find the best option for the taxpayer in town and not base the decision of the selection of the construction manager on personal opinion or history.  He also reminded the group that the construction manager was beholden to the Town, which is us, and that we would direct them what to do with a possible surplus if there'd be one.  Mr. Goldsholl clarified that it is we who manage them.  Ms. Stokesbury added that several of the firms' members were residents in town and would have a vested interest in winning the job, and would this be a problem.

Mr. Goldsholl discussed the detailed financial information Ms. Robinson included with the agenda packets. (Total Price Comparison Figures Showed: Downes - $640,425.00, Enterprise Builders - $487,825.00, FIP Construction - $456,550.00, and Enfield Builders - $474,781.00).  He summed that we were looking for the most bang for the buck as opposed to the least expensive, for example.  He was concerned that we didn't have enough understanding of the quotes given to see if they met Mr. Wells' estimates.  Mr. Boos explained that individual cost estimate breakdowns varied but didn't bear on the total number presented.  The firms' amounts were similar with the exception of Downes which was $200,000.00 more to manage the job than the others.  At this time, he said we should choose the services of a construction manager who we feel is the most appropriate and try to negotiate with him. Ms. Robinson added that the negotiated figure would lock them in to a "not to exceed" figure.  Ms. Carney agreed that the line by line numbers and how they were arrived at didn't matter compared to the figure they would be paid.

Ms. Hornaday asked Mr. Boos to explain the basic divisions one through sixteen:

                1.  General Requirements of the Job - bonds, insurance, taxes, trailers
                2.  Site Work
                3.  Concrete - foundations or sidewalks 
                4.  Masonry - block, brick
                5.  Steel - structure, metal handrails
                6.  Carpentry - wood, finished trim
                7.  Thermal, Moisture Protection - insulation, waterproofing of concrete
                8.  Doors, Frames, Windows, Hardware
                9.  Finishes - carpeting, sheetrock, painting
                10.Specialties - lockers, toilet partitions
                12.Window Treatments
                13.Special Construction
                  With a 17 being Voice, Data, Tele

Mr. Boos continued that we hire a construction manager to manage the job, do the hiring of subcontractors, build the building and bring the job in on time and on budget or under. Mr. Wells added that the project was not just about building a building. There were other components to be considered such as moving in and out of the Library and that wouldn't we want the construction manager to be involved in all aspects of the project.

Ms. Carney asked that the members to make a decision as to who they'd hire. Mr. Goldsholl felt he needed a complete story from all of them.  He was concerned too that the numbers presented would be a "shell game" with low up front but increase later.  Mr. Kuziak questioned whether the information we had thus far would be enough to make a good decision. Mr. Boos thought Enfield Builders were great but light on construction manager experience. Downes, he still felt, was too expensive.  Ms. Hornaday agreed that the price differential ($200,000.00 higher) with Downes could not be justified.  s. Robinson has had experience with both Enterprise and FIP and felt they were both equally good to work with.  She also suggested selecting the firm with whom the members felt the most comfortable. The difference between the RFP and out to bid processes is that the RFP does not force the choice of the lowest bid but that selection could be based on other factors such as good rapport with a firm.  Mr. Boos said to select a firm and then negotiate the price.

An informal vote was taken on two firms: FIP and Enterprise Builders. Ms. Leonard, Ms. Carney, Mr. Boos and Ms. Hornaday preferred Enterprise while Mr. Kuziak and Mr. Stokesbury chose FIP.  Mr. Goldsholl did not want to make a decision at this time. Choices were based on presentation, eagerness of the firms, organization and gut feelings.  Lacking a clear consensus to go to the Town Council with a recommendation, Ms. Hornaday suggested putting off the selection of the construction manager firm until the next meeting and urged the members to go back over their materials to prepare.

Mr. Boos congratulated Ms. Robinson on her hard work in coordinating people and materials to help facilitate the construction manager selection. She and Mr. Boos will discuss final questions to ask the two firms, FIP and Enterprise, and report back to the Committee for the next meeting.

Ms. Robinson reported information she received back from the lawyer representing the potential temporary site for the library during construction. The $10/sf. fee will not include costs for renovating and returning the site back to its original condition which she said could possibly be negotiated in the sf. price to avoid this task when we vacate the site. The representative will also need to know the layout the library will need beforehand. The risk is in rejecting the site and going back to the market to choose another. The date for the move is scheduled for late August.

Ms. Hornaday discussed her concerns about the award of the grant money in relation to the project's timeline.  She spoke to the Town Manager about options if we don't get on the Bond Commission's agenda for the March meeting as we can't go much beyond March or April without a commitment. She'd like to organize some folks from the Town Council and/or Town Manager to talk this over and see if we wait or look at other adjustments we could make to the plans. She asked the members to think about a meeting and who to invite to discuss other options. The March 17th agenda will be about what the committee will do if the grant money will not be made available.

Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 PM. None opposed.

Recorded by:                                            
                                                                                   Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                                                 David Goldsholl, Secretary