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Library Renovation Minutes 09/16/09
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1.  Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Diane Carney, Tad Kuziak, Scott Boos, Janet Stokesbury, Barbara Leonard and Secretary David Goldsholl. Members absent: none. Also in attendance were Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson, Library Director Virginia Vocelli and Architects Peter Wells and Bruce Tuthill.

Mr. Goldsholl corrected "David Goldsholl" to read "Virginia Vocelli" in section IV.  Mr. Kuziak requested changing the word "was" to "were" in section V.  On a motion by Mr. Kuziak, seconded by Ms. Carney, all agreed to accept the preceding minutes of September 2, 2009 as written with corrections. Chairperson Hornaday abstained.


Mr. Goldsholl expressed concern that many residents did not receive the town-wide referendum mailer sent weeks ago presenting the Library project.  Ms. Robinson expressed her frustration with the post office's treatment of bulk mail. Ms. Hornaday offered to phone the radio personality Ray Dunaway to announce the information to perhaps reach the folks who did not receive the mailer.  Ms. Robinson added that extra mailers could not be handed out now that the referendum date has been set so the Town could remain neutral. She said two handouts of the presentations to be made that night will be available at the upcoming Special Town Meeting, September 21st. Ms. Leonard offered to bring the Friends' newsletter as this was not published by the Town.

Chairperson Hornaday discussed the Town Attorney's changes to the presentation and suggested implementing them. The Attorney suggested eliminating sub points 2 and 3 on page 7 regarding: schools and libraries having different focuses and patrons and building a smaller addition would not meet the current needs or projected growth of the Town.  Ms. Robinson explained the items could be considered to be persuasive when the position of the Town should be one of neutrality towards the project. She added that "yes" these items could be spoken but not included in printed materials paid with taxpayer monies. Ms. Carney suggested taking the Attorney's suggestions without argument. Ms. Hornaday recalled that there had been discussions in the past about adding a doorway to access the High School's library at night for patron use so these issues had already been looked at.

Ms. Hornaday referred to page 23 of the power point presentation which the Attorney suggested deleting completely. Ms. Robinson said he felt it too strongly suggested voting for the project now.  Ms. Hornaday felt the information is very important and that it could be presented in other ways without using the slides. Ms. Stokesbury added that these were facts and not opinions. Ms. Hornaday offered to speak with John Carlson or Mark Zacchio to see how this will go. Ms. Hornaday plans to introduce the members of the committee at the meeting in case members of the Town Council do not. She wants the residents to see who has been working so hard on the project. Ms. Robinson asked if anyone else had comments about changes on the committee's portion of the presentation.  She also added that the format will change a little to accommodate the architect's floor plans. Mr. Kuziak discussed changes to page 5 to include "research" as a separate bullet and add CD's or other new technology to the Library's offerings. Ms. Hornaday cautioned that many people in the audience would not be as technologically savvy as some and would feel a little uncomfortable.  Mr. Kuziak also noted absence of the updating of systems the Library would soon need as being included in the renovation. Ms. Hornaday suggested the architect's portion could include information about this. Ms. Robinson cautioned that this could be misconstrued as the Town's lack of preventive maintenance or laissez-faire attitude towards its buildings and added that each year is a struggle to patch and go or replace with precious dollars. Ms. Stokesbury said so often the Town reacts to a crisis which ends up costing us more in the long run.

Mr. Wells mentioned that geothermal technology had improved so much since the project began that it really is a viable alternative with a start-up cost payback in energy savings of about six to seven years. Mr. Wells added that this affects operating costs as a positive given the initial increase in capital costs. He also added that it's LEEDS compliant.

Ms. Hornaday discussed the format of the presentation.  Ms. Robinson will control the power point presentation beginning with Ms. Hornaday, followed by the architect's, the finance piece and then a general question and answer period.  Ms. Hornaday suggested the members be prepared to step in to offer more information or clarification during her presentation segment. Mr. Boos questioned the location of the meeting which is to be in the Senior Center; Monday, September 21st at 7:30 PM. Chairperson Hornaday would like everyone to be there by 7:00 PM.  Ms. Robinson will arrive at 6:30 PM to set up. Ms. Mary Harrop will be the moderator. Mr. Goldsholl added that the presentation will be the last shot at credibility for the project and wants to make sure the equipment will be working properly.

Mr. Wells spoke of some of the points they'd be making at the presentation.  They'll point out the additional parking and where the drive by book drop will be.  They will mention the courtyard as usable space but not built space. Ms. Hornaday discussed moving to a remote location while the library was under construction.  Mr. Wells said it could be done but would not be preferable.  Mr. Tuthill added that the cost of the move and relocation was already included in the budget figures and would not add anything to the budgeted amount. Ms. Vocelli was concerned the residents wouldn't be able to readily see the entrance.  Mr. Wells reassured her and emphasized the intent of their design is to enhance and not compromise the existing design of the building. Dormers will provide natural light and the expansion of the Community Room will provide much needed meeting space for the community at large. Mr. Wells spoke that the flexibility of the design would allow for the changing future needs of the Library. Mr. Tuthill added that doubling the size of the Library will not double the need for additional staff with their design.  He will also mention the expansion of the much needed children and young adult areas. He will point out the little areas for study. The architects will provide easels with larger renditions of the building design. Ms. Hornaday feared the residents would think the basement would be too costly to add which Mr. Boos countered as being very cheap space to build.  It would provide needed storage areas and housing for the mechanicals. Mr. Wells spoke of a recent study that looked at circulation three years before a library expansion and three years after and found circulation actually increased.  He also spoke of a comparison of Massachusetts major sporting events attendance and attendance at libraries.  People attended libraries ten times as many as major sporting events. This helps to explain the need for libraries.

Ms. Robinson urged the members to get changes to the talking points to her as soon as possible and she can e-mail them to all by the end of the day Friday.  Mr. Kuziak complimented Ms. Robinson on the feedback he received at the recent Library Board meeting to her e-mail responses.

Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM.  None opposed.

Recorded by:                                            
                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary