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Library Renovation Minutes 06/01/09
JUNE 1, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room in Town Hall Building 1.  Members present:  Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Barbara Leonard, Diane Carney, Tad Kuziak, Janet Stokesbury and Secretary David Goldsholl. Member absent: Scott Boos.  Also in attendance were Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson, Library Director Virginia Vocelli and Architect Bruce Tuthill.

Secretary David Goldsholl motioned, Barbara Leonard seconded, and all agreed to accept the December 17, 2008 minutes as written.  None opposed or abstained.


Chairperson Diane Hornaday requested feedback from the committee member's project presentations.  Members Barbara Leonard and Tad Kuziak reported a very positive book sale which made $1,000 more than last year's.  Mr. Kuziak also told of his and Assistant Library Director Donna Miller's presentation to the VFW which was also well received. The audience voiced their concerns such as parking issues, funding, or could presentations be made to the senior citizens.  Mr. Kuziak also attended the Wallingford Library's Libratect presentation which included Mr. Tuthill as a presenter.  He particularly felt the children's room to be worth a visit.  Mr. Kuziak complimented Mr. Tuthill on his presentation style and techniques.  

Ms. Robinson and Ms. Vocelli attended the Rotary Club presentation which also included Scott Boos and Peter Wells as presenters.  Ms. Vocelli also told of the Guilford Libratect she, Donna Miller and Mary Suter attended.  June 17th is the date for the Simsbury Libratect.  Mr. Tuthill said the Libratect is a good source of information for the committee members to learn about library construction, spacing, contractors, etc.

Chairperson Hornaday is interested in producing a press release of some kind to let the townspeople know that the status of the project and keep the interest current.  It could also serve to offer committee presentations to groups who'd be interested. Mr. Goldsholl suggested the Valley Post.  Ms. Vocelli suggested the Town website as a good source to post information.  Ms. Leonard mentioned the Friend's newsletter would go out to all town residents in September.  Ms. Robinson volunteered to draft a release and suggested it be sent to the Hartford Courant and local papers.  Ms. Hornaday said to contact Ms. Robinson with sample audience feedback the members had received from their presentations to include in the draft.  The Library Renovation project will be on the next Town Council meeting agenda to be held July 6, 2009.

Ms. Vocelli updated the members on the Library Grant status.  The State Bonding Commission did not meet in May which means the clock has not started on the grant.  Town Manager Philip Schenck wrote a letter to the State Library Consultant saying that Avon was not ready with local funding and that schematic drawings had been completed but the design development phase and beyond could not commence until this funding had been secured. He also stated the Town Council would consider setting a Fall 2009 referendum date at its July meeting. Ms. Vocelli lamented, that due to State budget deficits, the likelihood of scarce Library construction/maintenance funding would only be available to distressed towns.

Ms. Robinson attempted to explain the Town Council's hold approach to the project as a reaction to the economic crisis as a "wait and see".  An update to the debt model to include the project would give a better picture. She asked the committee for suggestions as to how to approach the Town Council for the upcoming meeting.  Mr. Kuziak said the project was going ahead. Ms. Hornaday questioned whether a new estimate would make the project more attractive while construction costs were down.  Mr. Tuthill answered that we still only had preliminary drawings and the contingency percentage would be higher, taking into consideration material costs, prevailing wages and profit margins.  Ms. Robinson added that the project wouldn't even go to bid until next July 2010 and a new estimate would cost money.  Mr. Goldsholl posed why waste money now when we don't even know if the project is going forward.  Mr. Kuziak agreed that it would waste the cost estimate money without the working drawings. Mr. Tuthill said no one could have predicted the current economic crisis.  

Chairperson Hornaday suggested a two phase approach: a public meeting to approve funds for the design drawings and a referendum to approve the balance of the project.  Mr. Tuthill said the Library would be built eventually, even if some projects take longer. Mr. Goldsholl feared the unforeseen changes that come into play the longer the project takes such as "green" building mandates etc.  Ms. Carney suggested putting everything out before the Town Council to let them know we are working on the project and want it to go forward.  She felt the budget passing in one referendum was a positive sign that people are interested and willing to move forward.  Ms. Robinson offered to take last November's report and update it to present to the Town Council. Ms. Hornaday suggested including in the report the dollar amounts of the final drawings and balance of the project as a two phase proposal.  This way, the Town would still have the drawings.  Her first preference is to go to referendum but the current economic conditions would have her settle for the second option.  Mr. Goldsholl added that you really don't know what the voters are going to do until they get in that booth.  Ms. Robinson can write the report to include the two options with a preference for the one referendum.  Ms. Stokesbury questioned whether it is prudent to have a separate referendum with possible lower turnout or include it with the election.  Ms. Robinson spoke of her conversation with the Registrar who said registered voters and property owners could vote in a referendum but only registered voters could vote in an election. Ms. Stokesbury added that in this economy the Library usage is up, the book sale was successful and that now is the time to push for the Library expansion.

Chairperson Hornaday summarized the committee's next steps.  Ms. Robinson will develop a report using the member's suggestions and go with that material on July 6th to present to the Town Council.  It will indicate that the committee's first choice is to go to referendum for the whole amount but also consider the two phase version of a town meeting to secure funding for final drawings.

Ms. Robinson handed out a memorandum that will be included in the June 4th Town Council meeting.  It is a proposal suggesting temporary interim improvements at the Library in response to the delay of the expansion referendum.  A meeting with the Library Director, Deputy Town Engineer, Director of Public Works, Planning Director and Ms. Robinson determined a recommended course of action which includes a temporary overflow parking lot to the east side of the Library and a painted crosswalk from West Avon Congregational Church to the Library.  The parking lot would be constructed out of millings from the repaving of New Road and the work would be conducted by Public Works personnel.  Both projects can be constructed with small dollars totaling approximately $3,500.00. It also serves to give the community a kind of preview of the project.  

The next meeting will be held Wednesday, June 17th in the Avon Room, Town Hall Building 1 to prepare for the upcoming July Town Council meeting.

Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded, and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM.  None opposed or abstained.

Recorded by:                                            
                                                        Susan G. Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary