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Library Renovation Minutes 11/05/2008
NOVEMBER 5, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM in the Avon Room, Town Hall Building I by Chairperson Diane Hornaday.  Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Scott Boos, Diane Carney, Tad Kuziak, Barbara Leonard, and Janet Stokesbury.  Members absent: none.  Also in attendance were Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson, Architect Peter Wells, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller and Avon Library Board of Directors President Mary Labelle Suter.

David Goldsholl motioned, Barbara Leonard seconded, and all agreed to accept the October 16, 2008 minutes as presented.  Tad Kuziak abstained due to his absence from the previous meeting.


Scott Boos mentioned other town's referendum results relating to building projects.  The Barney branch of the Farmington Library project passed although there were still some absentee votes left to count.  Peter Wells mentioned the passing of the East Hartford project as well despite the resounding "NO" vote theme of the current election.  

Chairperson Hornaday began the project report discussion. She felt it looked good and was factual and informative.  She asked the members if they had any questions or information to add to the report.  Peter Wells mentioned the compatibility of the renovation's boiler system with the current one needing replacement. He said he discussed it with his engineers and they could design a system that could use the new boiler in the renovation.  Blythe Robinson said she would incorporate the current boiler's repair into her revisions of the report for presentation to the Town Council for their meeting Monday, November 10, 2008 as she felt they were probably not even aware of its condition.   

Ms. Robinson discussed Dennis Dix's debt model (the Town Council uses models to decide which projects to put forward at referendum) and keeping the Town's current AAA rating as part of the project financing section of the report.  Moody's recommends that 10% of the Town's budget be in surplus (we are currently in the 5-6% range).  The favorable interest rate received from the recent BAN sale freed more money ($285,808.55) that could go towards that surplus amount.  Moody's would like to see progress towards this goal and would see this as a positive for the rating.  Ms. Robinson also added that if we could end the year without a deficit that this would be good as well.  The good news is that we could do all three planned projects (Library renovation, Town Clerk's vault, AMS roof) and still return monies to the surplus the first year ($106,474.00).  

The budget section showed updates in the staffing projections.  Library Director Virginia Vocelli looked at the number of personnel needed to open an expanded facility and eliminated any new staff in the first partial year of occupancy, reduced the number in the two succeeding years and eliminated the conversion of several part-time positions to full-time thus reducing benefit costs.  Ms. Vocelli will be at the Town Council meeting to discuss the staffing issues further.  The estimated construction budget remained the same.  

Scott Boos discussed the current construction climate.  He said contractors are bidding with a zero profit margin, just covering overhead.  Though, he said we would be more challenged with change orders in a more difficult economy.  Mr. Wells mentioned that there are mechanical contractors who were willing to bid with no change orders but he was leery of this because their contingency would be built into their bid.  

Janet Stokesbury questioned whether the State could say "no" to a request for an extension to the grant.  Mr. Wells and Ms. Vocelli didn't think so, that the only time she knew of was when Simsbury went beyond two to three years and had to re-apply.  Ms. Hornaday clarified that it was the State Bonding Commission grants the money to the State Library Board which holds the money for the project until needed.  

Ms. Robinson reminded the Committee that the Town Council will decide at their Monday night's meeting which projects will go to referendum - the vault, the school roof, the Library Renovation project, or a combination of all three.  Their decision will allow completion of a December town wide mailer on the subject.  Janet Stokesbury added that this is a project that benefits everyone in the town.

Ms. Hornaday emphasized the need to mention the aging of the Library building itself and the need for repair as its useful life is coming to an end.  Tad Kuziak mentioned the deteriorating and uneven sidewalks in need of repair in addition to the aging boiler.  Ms. Robinson suggested she could put this information closer to the beginning of the report.

With regard to citizen outreach, Ms. Hornaday wanted to particularly mention the good response the committee has received from the people over the project.  She also emphasized the need for the committee members being present to get the message out; the importance for all members of a committee to be present at a Town Council meeting.  She suggested each member could speak at the Town Council meeting in an area they were strong in, for example, Tad and Mary Suter speaking about fundraising.  She clarified that we were on the agenda and would be speaking.  Ms. Robinson will present the debt service impact and Ms. Vocelli's reductions she made to staff projections.  She would then turn the meeting over to the committee.

Mary Suter is currently waiting for a feasibility report and the impact the current economic conditions will have on fundraising efforts.  She'd like to propose a 2 to 3 year pledge period for larger donations.  Her hopes were that the economy would turn around by then.  She said too they'd offer her consultant to visit the December Town Council meeting.  She felt very positive regarding the debt service information and the real possibility of the project going forward.  Janet Stokesbury also felt more optimistic to pass the project through a referendum in February rather than September. Ms. Hornaday felt positive the committee was ready with plans and drawings to move forward with the project given the okay.

David Goldsholl motioned, Scott Boos seconded, and all agreed to accept the 2009 meeting schedule as presented by Ms. Robinson.

The Library Building Committee will meet on the third Wednesdays of every month in the Avon Room in Avon Town Hall and will begin at 6:30 PM.

There was no other business.

Tad Kuziak motioned, Scott Boos seconded, and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM.

Recorded by:                                                    
                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary