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Library Renovation Minutes 07/22/2008
JULY 22, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Selectman's Chambers in Town Hall Building 1.  Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Diane Carney, Barbara Leonard, Janet Stokesbury, Scott Boos and Tad Kuziak.  Members absent: none.  Also in attendance were Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller and Architect Peter Wells.

Barbara Leonard requested the addition of "and the Trustees" to the end of the sixth sentence of Section IV.  David Goldsholl asked that the sentence, "David Goldsholl preferred to have these estimates ready for the July Town Council meeting," be added to the end of Section VIb.  There were no changes suggested for the July 10th meeting minutes.  Diane Carney motioned, Barbara Leonard seconded and all agreed to accept the minutes as written with changes.  Tad Kuziak abstained from the vote because of his absence from the July 2nd meeting.


Diane Carney began a discussion of the feasibility of the Library project referendum's passage given the current mood of the voter and today's economic climate.  She feels it's time to "start facing reality," that she was in "shock" after the Town Council's negative response.  Architect Peter Wells said the square footage costs were actually lower than the industry standard.  He also added that, from what he'd seen over the years, every town supported the Library.  Scott Boos suggested perhaps a cost per family per year figure might help to sell the project.  Tad Kuziak felt the Town Council was doing exactly what it should do and the committee needed to stand as one in its presentation of the project. Tad also added that he'd been getting positive feedback from the people he'd been talking to. He said to emphasize the architect's attention to cost containment while providing flexibility in the design when presenting the plan to the public and also its added value to the community.   David Goldsholl reminded the committee of his former assurances from the Board of Finance that there'd be sufficient bond capacity for the project.  Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson said she'd meet with the Finance Director to go over the numbers again.  She also added that hopefully the Town Council would provide an idea of when to hold the referendum on the project at their next meeting. The Town's financial advisor will be providing the Town Council an update to the debt model with the updated cost of the Library factored in.  Virginia reminded the committee that we'd know the outcome of the grant by the third week of November.  Chairperson Diane Hornaday felt a number close to $8m. would be acceptable and that given the mood of the community, the committee would need to present a very tight proposal.  She feels the Town is very supportive to the needs of the community and we should emphasize the building's open and flexible design and that will accommodate the growth of the community over the next twenty years.  Diane Hornaday told the committee she spoke to Hank Frey, Chairman of the High School Building Committee, to find out if the school has a community room as was mentioned at the last Town Council meeting.  Hank claimed that it is a "Library Media Center Room" with no direct access to the building's exterior.  One must go into the Library to gain entrance.  It is also smaller than what is planned for the Library to hold about half as many people.

Janet Stokesbury reminded the committee of the High School project's problems and, therefore, "do it right the first time."  She said the first Town Council meeting was not the best, that we lacked excitement as a committee.  Also, she said we needed to be realistic about the additional impact to the operating budget.  Blythe suggested that when the committee presents this to the Town Council that we emphasize that this is the staffing level that is recommended.  Ms. Hornaday said it's discouraging to go to referendum and "fail."  Mr. Kuziak said the committee needed to walk out of the meeting all in agreement: this is the plan, this is the cost, and this is how we sell it.  Mr. Kuziak added that if we couldn't agree as a group on the expansion plan, then how could we expect the Town to accept it.

Responding to the need to lower the costs of the project while still meeting the building program and a change in the setback to Sunnybrook Drive, Peter was able to reduce the square footage by 2,000 sf. thus bringing the total to a little over 40,000 sf.  This is the plan that will be submitted with the grant application. He was able to cut 1,000 sf. from each floor, save the basement, thus leaving a 23,750 sf. footprint.  

Ms Robinson spoke to the Engineering Department and found that the site can handle a septic expansion, thus saving money not extending and tying into the current system or the cost of its design.

The revised estimate from MPR Consulting brings construction costs down to $7,858,713.00 thus bringing the projected cost to $10,007,333.61.  Including sewer expansion vs. sewer hookup and square footage reductions, the revised budget figure for the grant is $9,573,033.61.  Obtaining the grant and Library Board fundraising efforts could bring the project total to $8,073,033.61.  Blythe will continue to revise these figures as appropriate.

Chairperson Diane Hornaday cautioned against going too cheaply citing the Roaring Brook School's continuing problems.  Diane Carney suggested forming a sub-committee to work on a more exciting marketing angle to present the project again to the Town Council.  Barbara Leonard said the new numbers showed we're willing to come down a little and then re-present the project. Virginia Vocelli conceded that compromises have to be made and this was acceptable for getting the Grant done for the due date.  David Goldsholl questioned whether there was any "fluff" in the contingency amount.  He also wanted to make sure everyone was comfortable with the number.  Blythe reminded the committee that it's early to say where you can take out monies; further designs will be required to determine that.

Peter explained that part two of the schematic design encompassed the layout of what goes where.  He suggested that a firm, Tucker Library Interiors, would be willing to give a free estimate of the cost of new furniture.  Peter said a rule of thumb for furniture is $20/sf. from which you take out furniture that can be reused and then come up with a budget.  Scott Boos motioned to give the firm a copy of the design drawing for the free estimate, David Goldsholl seconded, and all agreed with none opposed.

Ms. Hornaday reminded the committee that we are still not at a final figure of what is to be presented to the public at referendum.

Ms. Robinson brought an Excel spreadsheet showing the projected staff and operating costs.  Library Director Virginia Vocelli would like to phase in hiring additional staff over a three year period.  Wages and benefits from hiring several full-time and extending part-time employees are projected to add $96,018.00 for the first, $245,991.00 for the second, and $309,570.00 for the third year. Service and supplies minus utility costs would add $10,674.00 for the first, $30,318.00 for the second, and $31,705.00 for the third year.  Blythe will update the projected additional utility costs.  Ms. Vocelli had tried to hold back her staffing needs for the expansion.  Ms. Stokesbury feels these numbers are going to be a difficulty to project approval.  Assistant Library Director Donna Miller urged that the committee consider the additional staff crucial to provide security, safety for patrons and staff, and a deterrent to vandalism.  

Chairperson Diane Hornaday cautioned that additional operating and staffing needs are what gets people upset and could jeopardize the referendum and to be aware of what can nix the project.

Diane Carney motioned, Scott Boos seconded, and all agreed to approve payment of the Tuthill and Wells, LLC invoice #3901, dated 7/16/08 for $7,440.00.

Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson invited all committee members to attend the July 29th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.  The building committee will not need to meet August 6th before the August 7th Town Council meeting.  Blythe will let Peter Wells know if he needs to attend that meeting.  Ms. Vocelli asked about a rendering for the Friends and Trustees' newsletter needed by August 10th for the September edition.  Ms. Hornaday said we should ask the Town Council first.  Barbara Leonard reminded that this is the only one that goes to the entire town vs. members only.  Ms. Vocelli would like the slogan "Something For Everyone" to be used.  

Barbara Leonard motioned, Janet Stokesbury seconded, all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 PM.

Recorded by:                                            
                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary