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Library Renovation Minutes 07/02/2008
JULY 2, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Selectmen's Chambers in Town Hall Building 1.  Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Barbara Leonard, Janet Stokesbury, Diane Carney and Scott Boos.  Members absent: Tad Kuziak.  Also in attendance were Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson, Library Director Virginia Vocelli and Assistant Library Director Donna Miller.

David Goldsholl motioned, Diane Carney seconded, all agreed to accept the minutes as written. Diane Hornaday abstained from the vote because of her absence from the preceding meeting.


Diane Carney told of the visit to the Monroe Library.  In addition to impressive, Diane also commented that the benefit of these visits allows one to really see what can be done in a renovation project.  Scott Boos asked Virginia if this would be the overall look the Avon Library would have.  Ms. Vocelli preferred a more understated look in the furniture and that the architects, Tuthill and Wells, tend to use an expansion of a current design and not a replacement.  

Barbara Leonard spoke of the upcoming September Friends of the Library's and Library Trustees' newsletter and the desire to present the renovation plan in it.  She'd like to use a color rendering of the project and would pay for its extra cost through the Friends and the Trustees.  Diane Hornaday loves the idea but urges good information be put in it.  Blythe Robinson said it would be good for the Friends and Trustees to put out as the Town has more constraints when publishing information.

Architect Peter Wells did not attend the meeting but will be there to present at the July 10th Town Council meeting.  Diane Hornaday suggested the Committee meet before this meeting to discuss Peter's minor design changes.  David Goldsholl was concerned the Committee would be seeing the changes when the Town Council saw them and that it wouldn't allow enough time to discuss them.  Scott Boos reminded that Peter said he'd be making changes up to the day we'd move in.  Diane Hornaday reminded the Committee that presentations made to the Council were "up to this date" and not "final."  Blythe will let the Committee know if she can get space to accommodate the earlier 6:30 PM meeting time.

Blythe Robinson brought spreadsheet information showing the project's estimated cost proposed for a referendum vote.  She also reviewed the planning budget costs incurred through 5/29/08.  She said that this early in the process she prefers to present numbers on the high side so as to avoid surprises.  Based on the estimate from Tuthill and Wells's estimator, MPR Consulting Associates, Inc., total construction costs would be $8,076,827.00 with the length of the job running 78 weeks. The construction figure does not include "soft" items such as hiring a separate construction manager, special engineering tests, hazardous material identification or removal, furniture and shelving, telephone, technology or security systems, moving and or relocation expenses, added risk insurance, legal and bonding fees, State Grant audit fees, or professional tests for mechanical systems, etc. The architect's fee would be 7.5% of the construction number or $605,762.02.   Construction "hard" costs combined with projected "soft" costs bring the grand total of the project to $10,233,487.30.  Both Blythe and Diane Hornaday spoke favorably of the Town's use of a construction manager on the last few projects.  Blythe suggested that perhaps half of the current furnishings could be used in the new space.  Virginia Vocelli would like to see a RFID system (currently in use at the Darien Library) wired in for future set up and an upgrade to the current security monitoring system.

Ms. Vocelli and staff continue to work on the State Grant application.  Award of the grant will help to offset the project's cost.  Diane Carney questioned whether monies from the grant had to be specifically targeted to an area or used generally towards the total cost.  Ms. Vocelli answered that the grant could be used in any way as long as we kept to the plan we presented with the application and used the money soundly.

Library Director Virginia Vocelli distributed a special packet outlining projected staffing and operational costs for the project.  Excluding projected 1/1/11 opening day to the end of the fiscal year figures, projected full year staffing increases, (additional full time, converting part time to full time, extending hours, and benefits), are projected to run $245,991.00 the first year and $309,570.00 for the second year, assuming annual 3% increases. These positions would be phased in over a 2-1/2 year period.  Projected physical plant operational costs would be $125,461.00 for the first full year and $135,447.00 for the second and to this needs to be added the expense of janitorial services for the expanded building.  Ms. Vocelli added that these are bare-bone projections and that currently the Library is operating understaffed compared to other towns with libraries of its size.  Diane Hornaday reminded the Committee that we'd need good numbers to inform the residents at the public hearing on the expansion.  Diane Carney proposed using volunteers to help with staffing.  Ms. Vocelli countered that volunteers could not be as counted upon, as a paid worker for a facility of this size, and the positions are requiring increasingly sophisticated technical training.  August 29, 2008, at 4:00 PM is the deadline for the grant application.  Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson suggested saving presentation of these costs for the August Town Council meeting when we might have a clearer picture of the operating costs other than staff.  David Goldsholl preferred to have these estimates ready for the July Town Council meeting.

Blythe presented the current Tuthill & Wells invoice of $3,840.00 for payment.  David Goldsholl motioned, Barbara Leonard seconded, all voted in favor to pay the invoice as presented.

Ms. Robinson received 3 proposals for soil boring tests.  Dr. Clarence Welti, P.E., P.C. bid $4,300.00, and additional if rock was encountered.  Scott Boos said Dr. Welti has been on just about every job he's been on and highly recommends him for the Library project.  Scott Boos motioned, Barbara Leonard seconded, and all voted in favor to accept Dr. Welti's proposal for the soil boring tests.  Ms. Robinson will handle this.

Secretary Goldsholl asked if any of the other neighbors had contacted Ms. Vocelli.  She said yes, one had come in to look at the plans.  

Ms. Robinson discussed the meeting schedule.  A tentative July 16th meeting will be held if there is a quorum to do so.  An August meeting has not been planned at this time.  Ms. Hornaday reminded the Committee to attend the pre-Town Council meeting at 6:30 PM, July 10th.  Blythe will notify Peter Wells.

Secretary David Goldsholl motioned, Barbara Leonard seconded, all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 PM.

Recorded by:                                                    
                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary