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Library Renovation Minutes 06/04/2008
JUNE 4, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Free Public Library's Alsop Community Room.  Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Scott Boos, Diane Carney and Tad Kuziak.  Also in attendance were Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller, Assistant to the Town Manager Blythe Robinson and Architect Peter Wells.  Members absent: Barbara Leonard and Janet Stokesbury.

Chairperson Hornaday introduced the members of the building committee and the purpose of the meeting to several neighbors who were also in attendance: Christian Parady of 16 Sunnybrook Drive and Richard Griffin of 17 Sunnybrook Drive.

Chairperson Hornaday suggested adding one change to the minutes under Section VII. Other Business "for this portion of the project" before the words "should be done by the end of June."  Tad Kuziak motioned to accept the minutes with changes, David Goldsholl seconded, and all agreed.

Neighbor Richard Griffin expressed his concerns about the project:  access to the Library from Sunnybrook Drive, a landscape buffer zone between the Library and his house, and an explanation of the project. Architect Peter Wells answered that the need for expanding the Avon Library was long overdue.  Peter spoke of using the State's formulas and projecting for twenty years ahead in developing the plans for the expansion.  Mr. Wells then presented storyboards showing interior and exterior renditions of the project thus far and assuaged Mr. Griffin's concerns that there were no plans to have an entrance to the Library from Sunnybrook Drive.  He also explained the process for landscaping: first he'd walk the area and tag any diseased or inappropriate trees or bushes to be removed, then meet with adjoining owners to discuss preferences for placement, and then choose to add trees and bushes where needed.  Peter also spoke of choice of outdoor lighting that projected on the parking lot and not into neighboring properties.  

Neighbor Christian Parady spoke of his concerns about possible noise coming from generators or other mechanical equipment.  Peter answered that most of the mechanical equipment would be placed in the new basement.  He continued that most outside equipment was generally placed along walkways or behind special sound block material.  Mr. Parady was also concerned about privacy.  Peter showed him that the window design prevented persons from looking into neighboring yards.  Diane Hornaday said that the trees would also provide a visual buffer.  Neighbor Richard Griffin also expressed concern about any possible well disruption due to a change to the Library septic system.  Peter mentioned the Library possibly hooking up to the main sewer lines with this project and that he'd never encountered any problems with wells.  Peter will also have soil borings done to determine the level of the water table.  Library Director Virginia Vocelli will have the plans of the project in her office for viewing.  Both attending neighbors were pleased with the plans presented so far.


Architect Peter Wells showed a few changes to the last design.  The existing walk up book drop would move to the outside wall and the drive by book drop would remain in its proposed position on the outside of the Community Room.  The new elevator would not only provide ADA access to the new basement but also be the best method of transporting people and materials to each level.  He explained that he would continue to move things around with the interior design but that he felt the plan was ready to present to an estimator. Peter said he will hire someone to do this as part of his $32,000.00 fee.  Peter noted that he provided us with a price of $9,000.00 for a second estimate should we want one later in the process.  Secretary David Goldsholl expressed his concerns about cost accountability.  Blythe suggested getting one estimate for the Town Council's meeting in July.  Diane Hornaday said the Council will expect an estimate and not a final, hard number.  

Blythe summarized the committee's preparation for the Town Council's meeting in July: to present the neighbor's comments, the Planning and Zoning Commission's input based upon an informal presentation, and provide an estimate of the project's cost.  Diane Hornaday reminded the committee that the Town has a time frame to prepare a project for a referendum; that several steps are involved such as the Town's bonding schedule.  Library Director Virginia Vocelli hopes to have information on the project ready in time for the Friends of the Library's newsletter in September which would help promote the project to the public.  Diane Carney agreed that the project will take a lot of marketing.  Peter reminded Virginia that he'd need State Library Grant person Mary Jensen's comments for the grant application and that Virginia ought to set up a meeting with her.  

The committee discussed the potential for asbestos problems in the Library and the Eagle Environmental, Inc. estimate to conduct inspections and sample analyses of potentially hazardous materials.  Scott Boos felt that given the age of the building that asbestos shouldn't be a big problem.  Diane Hornaday felt the cost for their survey and testing was reasonable.  Scott Boos suggested holding off the testing until after meeting with the engineers at the next meeting because a report may have already been done on this.  Tad Kuziak motioned to pay Eagle Environmental, Inc.'s invoice for the walk through, Diane Carney seconded, all agreed.  All agreed to wait for the next meeting to decide to proceed with Eagle's inspection of the building.

Blythe Robinson announced that the Planning & Zoning Commission passed the amendment to the zoning regulations changing the language regarding impervious surface coverage at their meeting on June 3rd.  Diane Hornaday reviewed the upcoming calendar.  She will not be able to attend the June 18th meeting when the engineers are invited because she will be speaking at the Lion's Club meeting about the project.  The Planning and Zoning Commission next meets June 24th at 7:30 PM.  The Town Council will meet July 10th at 7:30 PM unless Blythe tells of changes. Ms. Hornaday stressed the need to have representation at these meetings as it shows interest.  She would like to have a meeting July 2nd to prepare to present to the Town Council.  The building committee meetings are to be held in the Avon Room, Town Hall Building 1 at 6:30 PM.

Tad Kuziak motioned, David Goldsholl seconded, all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM.  

 Recorded by:                                                   
                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary