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Library Renovation Minutes 05/21/2008
MAY 21, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:35AM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room in Town Hall Building 1.  Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Barbara Leonard, Tad Kuziak, Secretary David Goldsholl, Janet Stokesbury, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Architect Peter Wells, and Assistant to the Town Manager Blythe Robinson. Town Manager Philip Schenck, Jr. was also present.  Members absent: Scott Boos and Diane Carney.  

Tad Kuziak suggested adding the description "volunteer appreciation" before the word "mugs" under Section VII. Other Business, paragraph four.  Janet Stokesbury motioned, Tad Kuziak seconded, all agreed to accept the minutes with the changes, except David Goldsholl who abstained from the vote because of his absence from the previous meeting.



Architect Peter Wells brought a computer projected 3-D presentation of the proposed new exterior of the Library.  He showed all sides of the building including a view looking through the front window where the light and low furniture placement would allow light to flow through from the front to the back of the Library.  Continued equipment failure prompted Peter to continue his presentation with storyboards.  Diane Hornaday suggested he bring the 3-D presentation along to public meetings to allow the public to better visualize the proposed renovations.

Some of the changes to the interior design included taking out the corridor adjacent to the Community Room and moving the elevator over to allow more room for technical services, moving the stairway to add windows, adding a stairway to provide egress from the basement, and reworking computer and reference areas.  Virginia noted that the staff had decided to rework the reference area from eight zones down to three major zones.  Peter is also trying to develop a floor plan that does not increase current staff levels.

Town Manager Philip Schenck, Jr. asked Peter if there were design considerations or monitoring in his plan that could address potential behavior problems currently featured in the news regarding Hartford Library.  Philip mentioned that Avon has experienced problems with middle school children over the years.  Peter responded that indeed they take those concerns seriously and try to design accordingly, such as adjusting shelf height or placement of staff.  

Discussion ensued regarding the need for the extra elevator.  Tad Kuziak inquired about a non-mechanical device to lift and lower materials such as a dumb waiter.  Peter Wells felt the elevator was the best and most efficient way to move materials and people and to access the new basement area.  Virginia Vocelli said the mechanicals for the building would also be located in the basement.  Philip Schenck asked Peter if he planned space for custodial materials.  Peter said there'd be a closet on each floor with a mop sink. Peter also raised the question as whether to reserve space for ground maintenance equipment or voting machines.  Blythe answered that the Town was outsourcing grounds maintenance work and no storage was needed for voting machines.  Also, the current vault would be removed from the building.  

Architect Wells showed the changes he made to the first and second floor plans. All of the toilets will have to be changed to meet code.  Other changes included dividing the Community Room into two areas, moving the AV room, the stage area will have a different floor finish rather than be raised, the kitchen will service both areas, and opening the southern exposure area to allow the most light.  The second floor has basically the same floor plan as before with small changes to the young adult and children's areas.  Problems arise over placement of the computers in the young adult area and Peter is working on this.  He also noted there could be a Library Board Room and Conference Room on the second floor.

Peter then presented the landscape architect's first rendering.  Blythe reminded him of the planning and zoning's requirements to have plantings to balance the higher than 35% impervious surface lot covering (currently 41.8%).  She requested he have the landscape plan ready to present informally for the June 4th neighbor meeting.  Chairperson Hornaday suggested coordinating price with the town's purchasing to get the best tree and shrub prices.  

Peter will arrange to have the mechanical and electrical engineers talk to the group to see what systems are available and at what prices.  Due to public concerns, Phil Schenck urged the need to research "green" systems.  Phil suggested coordinating staffs to look at these costs together: costs of mechanical systems, longevity of roofing material or tile vs. carpet.  Blythe added that we must look at cost outlay versus payback on investment.  David Goldsholl emphasized the need to be prepared with this information to answer the public's questions.  The June 18th meeting was set to invite the engineers to come and discuss mechanical costs - 6:30PM, the Avon Room, Town Hall, Building 1.  Diane thanked Peter for his presentation.

Library Director Virginia Vocelli explained that the notice of intent is the official notice that we will be applying for the state grant.  Blythe recommended that the committee vote to authorize Town Manager Schenck sign the intent.  Barbara Leonard motioned, Tad Kuziak seconded, all agreed to authorize Town Manager Philip Schenck to sign the notice of intent.  

Ms Vocelli said that once you get the grant, you have eighteen months to start the project.  We believe the grant will be awarded in November, 2008.  The referendum on the project is set by the Town Council and may occur in late 2008 or early 2009.  Extensions are granted as well for spending the grant funds.  

Ms. Robinson said June 3rd is the date for the public hearing for the zoning amendment change and we will need two or three members to attend 7:30PM upstairs in Building 1 Selectman's Chambers. June 24th is the date for the informal presentation of the project to get feedback from Planning and Zoning before the Town Council meeting in July.  Our next meeting will be June 4th 6:30PM at the Library to invite the neighbors.  Peter mentioned that the estimate will be his next big issue.  June 18th will be the next regular meeting which will be held 6:30PM in the Avon Room, Building 1 Town Hall. Blythe said the committee's real work for this portion of the project should be done by the end of June.  Diane Hornaday suggested having one meeting a month over the summer, perhaps halfway between July and August.

David Goldsholl motioned to adjourn, Tad Kuziak seconded, all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:55AM.  

Recorded by:                                            
                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary