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Library Renovation Minutes 04/16/2008
APRIL 16, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM by Diane Hornaday in the History Room at the Avon Public Library.  Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Barbara Leonard, Janet Stokesbury and Scott Boos.  Absent: Diane Carney and Tad Kuziak.  Also in attendance were Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant to the Town Manager Blythe Robinson and Architect Peter Wells.  Members from the audience included Mrs. Lona Kirk and two boy scouts attending for a community project.

David Goldsholl wanted to add a sentence to section four under Communications From Committee Members: "David Goldsholl suggested as the best method of discerning how the Town truly feels about the project would be to vote at a time when the voter turnout would be at its peak" Barbara Leonard motioned for acceptance of the minutes with David's addition, Scott Boos seconded, all agreed.


Diane Hornaday thanked everyone, who attended the Town Council's special meeting Monday April 14, 2008, seeking the Council's approval to approach the Planning and Zoning Commission to address amending the zoning regulation to allow for increased impervious surface coverage for the project.  Blythe said there is no need for the committee members to attend the upcoming Planning & Zoning Commission's April 22nd meeting.  David reminded the Committee of Diane Carney's concerns that were disseminated in an email about the Town Council not voting unanimously for the amendment request.  The Committee discussed the matter and noted that there may be some community concerns expressed over a zoning change that comes after other applicants had been held to different standards.

Peter Wells brought revised floor plans reflecting a greater space need for non-fiction items and slightly less building square footage overall.  Peter would address the non-fiction space shortage by increasing the books per shelf (22) and shelf height (90").  The shelves will look fairly empty in the beginning but this is essential to accommodate for growth over the next twenty years.  Peter wants to design the building with flexibility so as to accommodate changing needs.  The new plan reflected several changes:  lower shelving from the front door to the back of the room allowing flow and light, access to the Community Room without accessing the main Library, a new elevator to access new space in a basement, and a landscaped area between two wings on the left side of the first floor which could provide an outside reading area or program area.  The second floor plan showed a dormered window addition which would allow ample light to the first and second floors.  Virginia Vocelli expressed concerns about the interior configuration of space and was reassured by Peter that these were initial plans and that best use of space would be determined later.  He is still working on revising the second floor plan and will have more for the next meeting.  A drive-up book ddrop would be located by the Community Room.  The technical processing support area and related materials would be located in the basement.  Virginia is concerned that materials would still have to be brought up from the basement location.  Also, she is trying to improve work flow using various staff groups and the placement on different floors would hinder this.  Overall, Peter's new plan brings the impervious coverage figure down to around 41-42%, which is still not compliant with current zoning.  

A question was asked about how the size of the building is determined.  Peter reviewed the State Library's standards, which he believes are good standards even if grant funding was not available.  He said that each community puts together a needs study, reviews demographics, applies minimum standards to the size of each space in the building, and plans for the building to be functional 20 years in the future.  He also stated that in reviewing the current library, it is about 15,000 square feet too small for today's standards.

Janet Stokesbury referred to Diane Carney's e-mail suggestion that the committee consider reducing the size of the project to accommodate the zoning issue.  Peter said he'd have to shave 4,000 square feet or 33 parking spaces from the 110 that are now planned.  Virginia countered that lack of parking spaces has been an issue.  Peter said the new renovation would increase Library activity by approximately 30% which would further burden the parking situation.  Blythe said the Town Planner was very positive about writing the language for the new regulation.  Generally, the committee was very pleased with the plan.

Blythe urged the committee to look at all possibilities and costs involved in the staff staying in the Library during all or part of the renovation versus re-locating to another site, closing the Library during all or part, or a combination thereof.  She'd like to have this information before presentation to the Council.  Peter said it was much easier to cost out a move rather than stay on site as there are many variables that change as work progresses.  Peter put the cost of a move at $150,000 which would be included as part of the total job.  Blythe has researched space in town and found space at 50 Tower Lane or Riverdale Farms.  The ballpark figure is $8 - $15/square foot with a $2/square foot estimate for utilities.  Virginia added that the space at 50 Tower Lane would save on storage costs which would also need to be considered.  Diane Hornaday reminded the committee of the urgency to investigate moving cost and availability or staying on site would be the only option.

Blythe said the Town Hall Building 1 Avon Room is now available for building committee meetings and the next one will be held there on May 7th, 6:30PM.    

Barbara Leonard motioned for adjournment, Scott Boos seconded and the meeting adjourned at 8:40PM.

Recorded by:                                                                          
                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary