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Library Renovation Minutes 09/17/2008
SEPTEMBER 17, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room, Avon Town Hall, Building 1.  Members present:  Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Barbara Leonard, Janet Stokesbury, Diane Carney, Scott Boos and Tad Kuziak.  Members absent: none.  Also in attendance were Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant Library Director Donna Miller and Architect Peter Wells.

On a motion by Scott Boos, and seconded by Tad Kuziak, the committee agreed to accept the minutes of August 20, 2008 as written.  Chairperson Diane Hornaday and Secretary David Goldsholl abstained from the vote as they were absent from the preceding meeting.

Library Director Virginia Vocelli told of a phone call the Library received from resident Francena Dwyer of 15 Goodwill Drive regarding her concerns of her allergic reactions to building materials.  Architect Peter Wells responded to the concerns of sensitivity to building materials and that most occurred with fresh paint or carpet glues and adhesives.  He said sensitivity could surely occur but that an inert building would be impossible to build.  He also said that with the current energy concerns of construction they are revisiting the issue of buildings being too "tight," finding it actually causing air quality problems from breathing stale air.  He said manufacturers were doing everything they could to address these issues.  

Several committee members told of their recent Library project presentations to the various local groups.  Diane Carney and Assistant Library Director Donna Miller said their presentation to the Encore group was very well received.  (The group currently meets monthly at the Library.)  Janet Stokesbury said she was not allowed to speak at the elementary school meetings but was allowed to put up the drawings for presentation.  The middle school was hugely positive, especially with the young adult ideas.  Barbara Leonard met with Newcomers whose main concerns were the drive-up book drop and meeting space.  Chairperson Diane Hornaday spoke to individuals around town and those who received the Friends' Newsletter and all were very positive about the project as well.  She also requested that those who have met with these various groups develop a list of the questions that they're asked so we can make sure we are addressing them to future groups.

Chairperson Diane Hornaday discussed the Town Council's suggestion of a single vs. a two stage referendum for the project in part as a response to the High School's project needing to go back to a second referendum for additional funding.  Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson brought a spreadsheet showing preliminary Library Referendum Budget amounts if the project is to be approved in a two stage referendum.  Ms. Robinson suggested 75% of the design process cost - $560,427.61 be presented first which includes the amount needed to get the project through the construction bid process. A second referendum is for the construction costs and related equipment and soft costs balance of $8,938,218.87.  It would need to cover the added cost of the referendum and a contractor's built in cost to cover holding bid amounts for extended time. As a taxpayer and contractor, Scott Boos favored voting for the total amount in one referendum.  Janet Stokesbury felt the time for the plan would be held up, that she didn't want to see all the design work done and risk not getting the Library renovation.  Barbara Leonard spoke of the September 16, 2008 Library Board of Trustees' meeting she attended where they agreed they wanted one referendum, that momentum for the project would be lost and that fundraising looked very positive.  Tad Kuziak concurred: "strike while the iron is hot."  He didn't want a re-education process; the possibility that other laws could be passed that could affect the project.  

Ms. Robinson told of the AIA seminar she attended recently describing changes the state is making requiring new commercial buildings and renovations costing more than $2,000,000.00 to be Green Globes USA Design program or LEED's silver level compliant beginning January 1, 2010.  Architect Peter Wells felt we now met most of the requirements.  Ms. Hornaday worried that is wouldn't be a problem currently but a second referendum could put the project into the new code compliance requirements.  

Diane Carney agreed that the one referendum is the way to go, that no way could the committee go back for more money.  She felt the committee had to present a number and stick to it.  Ms. Carney wants the taxpayers to know the committee is trying to keep costs down the best it could.  Secretary David Goldsholl felt that if Blythe was comfortable with the numbers then the committee should be too as she was closer to them.  Mr. Kuziak added that he looks to lean on others who are more familiar so that if Town Manager Philip Schenck recommended an amount then that was what the committee should go with.  

Ms. Hornaday asked for a vote to present to the Town Council for a single referendum and project amount of $9.5 million.  

David Goldsholl motioned and Diane Carney seconded to go to the Town Council to recommend one referendum for the Library Renovations and Additions project.  All committee members agreed, none opposed or abstained.  

Tad Kuziak motioned and Barbara Leonard seconded for the amount of the project to be $9.5 million.  All committee members agreed, none opposed or abstained.

The date for the referendum for the project is set for February 26, 2009.  

Ms. Robinson suggested skipping the October meeting as the committee's work was done for now.  She will also get the information to the various Boards.  Ms. Hornaday asked that an updated spreadsheet of project expenditures be sent to the committee.

Library Director Virginia Vocelli will send a list of other groups to contact about the project.  Ms. Carney felt the committee needed to keep up the pace.  Ms. Hornaday spoke of the seniors' fear of the change in their taxes and assured them that the project would benefit them as well.  Ms. Leonard spoke to Flo Stahl, President of the Avon Taxpayers Association, who felt very positive and relieved the project would be under $10 million.  Mr. Wells brought the latest sketch of the outside of the building to give to Ms. Leonard that the Friends of the Library had purchased.  Ms. Vocelli requested some for the Library for display.  The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 6:30 PM in the Avon Room, Town Hall Building 1.  

Janet Stokesbury motioned, Tad Kuziak seconded, and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 PM.

Recorded by:                                            
                                                        Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                        David Goldsholl, Secretary