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Board of Finance 12-16-13 Minutes
December 16, 2013

I.         CALL TO ORDER

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall by Chairman Thomas Harrison.  Members present: Chairman Thomas Harrison, Catherine Durdan, Dean Hamilton, James Speich and Brian Stoll.  Thomas Gugliotti and Margaret Bratton were absent. A quorum was present.  


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Catherine Durdan.


Kathy Zirolli, liaison for the Board of Education, reported that the $271,000 anticipated deficit changed by $100 in the last month and Special Education costs continue to be the greatest contributing factor. Effective October 1, PA 13-60, an Act concerning the consolidation of noneducational services, passed in the legislature. This Act requires the BOE to provide the BOF with an estimate of the cost of maintenance for public schools. It allows the BOF to offer spending recommendations and suggestions as to how the BOE may consolidate noneducational services and realize financial efficiencies. Mr. Robertson and Mr. Mala will need to work together to determine any new reporting requirements and compliance. Mr. Harrison requested a copy of PA 13-60 to be given to the board.

Mr. Stoll asked Ms. Zirolli to extend condolences on behalf of the Board to Gary Mala on the loss of his father.

Douglass Corning, an Avon resident, expressed his views and concerns on the budget approach, specifically as it relates to the BOE budget. He would like more clarity on the BOE’s mandatory spending, true spending per student over time, the Town’s State mandatory spending, the inflation targets for specific items in the budget and service costs that go to the town.  Mr. Harrison replied that the town uses the state labor department inflation projections. Ms. Colligan added that we look at all the latest projections prior to putting the public power point presentation together, but the labor department number is one and Social Security COLA is another. Laura Corning, an Avon resident, added that there are different rates for different sub pieces of the budget and she expressed concern that the correct rate for each piece is not being applied rather than one rate for all. Mr. Harrison stated that he doesn’t know if the Town breaks it down that fine, but the Town will be consistent, whatever has been done, will continue to be done. He thanks the Cornings for their comments. Mr. Harrison elaborated that inflation factors are only some of the factors looked at, others are growth or decline in the Grand List, and new housing permits & projections. He added that 90% of the town’s revenue comes from the levy and 10 % from others sources that comprise a fairly large mix. Mr. Stoll added that there are some numbers that make up the budget that are known, such as multi year labor contracts that specify year to year changes.

IV.      MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETING: November 25, 2013 Regular Meeting

Page 2, Sec. VII, capitalize “F” in Financial

As stated at the November meeting, Mr. Stoll would like clarification of the net reduction in projected revenue from the reevaluation. Mr. Robertson stated that Mr. DerAsadourian agrees with the 2% rate, but will ask Mr. DerAsadourian to come to the next meeting.
On a motion made by Dean Hamilton, seconded by Catherine Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of the November 25, 2013 Meeting as amended.
Messrs: Harrison, Hamilton, Stoll and Mmes: Durdan voted in favor.  Mr. Speich abstained.


13/14-07        Review and Discussion: FY 14/15 Budget Process

Mr. Robertson reported no changes in the budget process that is currently underway. Ms. Zirolli stated that the BOE will vote tomorrow night on the superintendents recommended budget and if approved, it will then be submitted to Council. It was noted that this is months ahead of the normal schedule. Mr. Stoll asked Mr. Robertson if the Town side has any plans to move their budget submission ahead. He stated “no, Avon already tends to have its budget earlier than many other Connecticut towns”. Mr. Speich asked if there was any advantage to submitting early. Ms. Zirolli replied the BOE feels this will allow them to move off the budget and spend their time focused on their regular business.


13/14-08        Review and Discussion & Approval: FY 12/13 Year End Transactions

Ms. Colligan, Director of Finance, explained and presented the background information for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2013 financial statements closing process. The purpose of the presented resolutions is to balance the budget. Overall the 2012/13 budget General Fund revenue ended positive net $1,000,000 based on a $78,000,000 budget. Neither Town nor BOE exceeded their appropriations. It was stated that it is the responsibility of the BOF to approve all transfers greater than $20,000. There was a discussion of the benefits of putting money into assigned fund balance accounts rather than allowing the entire surplus to be applied to Unassigned Fund Balance. It was stated that every time monies are put into assigned fund balance accounts, it reduces the number of events that could impact Unassigned Fund Balance and therefore should reduce the overall target goal of that account. It was stated that the goal for Unassigned Fund Balance is 10% of budget to meet unforeseen needs and based on the recommendations presented tonight it will climb to 9.2%.
On a motion made by Brian Stoll, seconded by James Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance hereby approves the Fiscal Year End Transactions: Transfers and Encumbrances, Supplemental Appropriations, Assignments, Appropriations from Fund Balance, as outlined in the booklet Final Fiscal Year Transactions FY 2012-2013, and as described in the memoranda from the Director of Finance to the Town Manager.
Messrs: Harrison, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Durdan voted in favor.  

13/14-09        Supplemental Appropriation: DPW Trailer, $21,400

Details are provided in the memo dated 12/3/2013 from Alex Trujillo to Brandon Robertson.
On a motion made by James Speich, seconded by Dean Hamilton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby appropriates a sum not to exceed $9,957.95 from General Fund, Other Local Revenues, Sale of Property, Account # 01-0360-43911 and an appropriation not to exceed $11,442.05 from Account #01-0390-43913, General Fund, Other Financing Sources, Unassigned Fund Balance with the intended source General Fund Fund Balance Assigned for Capital Asset Replacement for a total amount of $21,400.00; and increasing General Fund, Roadways, Equipment, Account #01-3101-52194 in the amount of $21,400 for the purpose of purchasing one replacement Public Works trailer.
Messrs: Harrison, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Durdan voted in favor.  

13/14-10        Supplemental Appropriation: Avon Police Department, $2,500

Details are provided in the correspondence dated 11/7/2013 from Mark Rinaldo to Dr. Susan May.
On a motion made by Dean Hamilton, seconded by Brian Stoll, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 13/14 Budget by increasing:


General Fund, Other Local Revenues, Donations & Grants, Private Sources, Account #01-0360-
43651 in the amount of $2,500.00

and increasing


General Fund, Patrol Services, Materials-Other, Account #01-2107-52239 in the amount of
2,500.00 for the purpose of purchasing one (1) automatic external defibrillator (AED) for the
Bike Patrol Division of the Avon Police Department.
Messrs: Harrison, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Durdan voted in favor.  

13/14-11        Supplemental Appropriation: Consulting Services for Traffic Study for Proposed Subdivision “Strafordshire”, 44 lenox Road, $5,700

Details are provided in the correspondence dated 11/21/2013 from Steven Kushner to Brandon Robertson.
On a motion made by Catherine Durdan, seconded by James Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 13/14 Budget by increasing:


General Fund, Other Local Revenues, Refunds & Reimbursements Account # 01-0360-43612 in the amount of $5,700.00
and increasing


General Fund, Planning, Service & Consultants, Account #01-7101-52184 in the amount of $5,700.00 for the purpose of recording funding received from Sunlight Construction for consulting services by John Meyer Consulting PC for traffic study for proposed subdivision at 44 Lenox Road.
Messrs: Harrison, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Durdan voted in favor.  


A.      Monthly Financial Report Summary
Details were included in the packet report dated period ended 10/31/13 prepared and reported by Margaret Colligan. The BOE financial were not included in the packet.

B.      Miscellaneous Updates

There was none


There was none


There was none


On a motion made by James Speich, seconded by Catherine Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m.
Messrs: Harrison, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Durdan voted in favor.  

Respectfully Submitted,
Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Mary Marinello, Clerk

All referenced material will be available to the public in the Town Clerks office.