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Board of Finance 8-26-13 Minutes
AUGUST 26, 2013

I.         CALL TO ORDER

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall by Chairman Thomas Harrison.  Members present: Chairman Thomas Harrison, Vice Chairman/Secretary Thomas Gugliotti, Margaret Bratton, Catherine Durdan, Dean Hamilton, James Speich and Brian Stoll.  A quorum was present.  


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dean Hamilton.


Mr. Stokesbury, liaison for the Board of Education gave an update on the schools. He stated that current enrollment is at 3417 students, 50 less than a year ago. He added that the state uses an October 1 census for determining financial obligations. Mr. Stokesbury informed the Board that the Board of Education has closed out its’ FY 12-13 encumbering $390,000 toward special education tuition and transportation in a process worked out with Mr. Robertson and the town. In a reply to Mr. Gugliotti, he stated that the Board of Ed is on track with the security plan they have implemented. Mr. Spang added that 3 of the 5 security items have been completed and that the last two projects have been bid and awarded. They should be completed in the next 30 to 45 day.

In response to Mr. Stoll, Mr. Stokesbury stated that all school vacancies have been filled except one.

Mr. Robertson added that there is a statewide grant of five million available to towns to upgrade physical plants. Avon qualifies for 30% reimbursement and an application was submitted at the end of July.


June 24, 2013 Meeting

Page 1 changed “coved” to “covered”
Page 3 change minutes to suspense list

On a motion made by Ms. Bratton, seconded by Mr. Hamilton, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of the June 24, 2013 Meeting as amended.
Messrs: Harrison, Gugliotti, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  


10/11-16        Discussion of possible modifications to the current format for the minutes of BOF meetings, including the level of detail to be reflected               

Mr. Gugliotti stated that according to Robert’s Rules, minutes should record what was done and not what was said. He felt that too much time is spent on the minutes both in preparation and in review. He recommended that all summaries provided in the meeting packets be attached to the minutes in lieu of the actual reporting of them. He does feel any new information should be included in the minutes. For the meeting in the spring he would like to see the minutes done the same way but still include residents name and addresses. The Board agreed.


13/14-01        Supplemental Appropriation: GIS Sewer Database Quality Assurance Project, $30,000

Details were included in the packet memo dated June 26, 2013 from Lawrence Baril, Town Engineer to Brandon Robertson, Town Manager.

Mr. Gugliotti questioned the disparity of the three bids. Mr. Robertson stated that Mr. Baril has done due diligence and is satisfied. Mr. Speich questioned if Avon should be working with neighboring towns for this need. Mr. Robertson stated no, none of the communities have GIS as advanced as Avon or the staff dedicated to the system.

On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance hereby appropriates a sum not to exceed $30,000.00 from Sewer Fund, Other Financing Sources, Unassigned Fund Balance, Account #05-0390-43913, to Sewer Fund, Sewage Collection and Disposal, Service and Consultant, Account #05-3205-52184, for the purpose of the development of a geodatabase in which all features are captured, and all desired attributes are collected and match source record plans.
Messrs: Harrison, Gugliotti, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

13/14-02        Supplemental Appropriation: Traffic Counter and Radar Speed Monitor, $13,079.50

Details were included in the packet memo dated July 8, 2013 from Mark Rinaldo, Chief of Police to Brandon Robertson, Town Manager.

In response to a question by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Robertson stated that this purchase is a tool to provide data for decision making. In response to a question by Mr. Speich, Mr. Gugliotti stated that it does not make sense to share this equipment with neighboring town because it will be heavily used and down time will be minimal. In response to Ms. Bratton, Mr. Robertson informed the board of the progress of the light installation at the intersection of Lovely Street and Country Club Road.  He stated that the project by the state has gone to bid and has been assigned to a contractor. The underground work was done this year and he expects the State will be back in 2014 to install the light.

On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Stoll, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance hereby appropriates a sum not to exceed $13,079.50 from Police Special Services Fund, Other Financing Sources, Unassigned Fund Balance, Account #07-0390-43913, to Police Special Services Fund, Special Services, Other Equip, Account #07-2109-53319 for the purpose of purchasing a new traffic counter and radar speed monitor.
Messrs: Harrison, Gugliotti, Hamilton, Speich, Stoll and Mmes: Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  


A.      Monthly Financial Report Summary

Details were included in the packet report dated Period ended 5/31/13 and Period ended 6/30/13 prepared by Margaret Colligan and reported by Mr. Robertson. In response to a question by Mr. Harrison, Mr. Robertson stated that the reevaluation is going according to schedule in a joint contract with Canton and the final report will be ready to be presented to the board in September or October.

B.      Miscellaneous Updates

Mr. Robertson reported that Steve Bartha will be leaving his position with the town and has accepted a position in Lenox, Ma.


The Board expressed it's condolences to the family of Christopher May, a member of the Town Council, who passed away this week.


There was none  


On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Stoll, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Messrs:  Harrison, Stoll, Gugliotti, Speich, Hamilton and Mmes: Durdan and Bratton voted in favor.              

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,         
                                                        Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary  

Attest:  Mary Marinello, Clerk