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Board of Finance 04/23/2012 Minutes
APRIL 23, 2012


Chairman Thomas Harrison called the Board of Finance meeting to order at 7:03 pm at the Avon Town Hall, Selectman’s Chambers. Members present: Chairman Thomas Harrison, Vice Chairman/Secretary Thomas Gugliotti, Brian Stoll, Messrs. Catherine Durdan and Margaret Bratton. Dean Hamilton and James Speich were absent. There was the presence of a quorum.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Gugliotti.  


The Board was happy to welcome Sam Finch, who was at the meeting to observe democracy, as part of a boy-scout project, with his mother Gina Finch.    

Mr. Bill Stokesbury, BOE Liaison, introduced Superintendent Gary Mala, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Donna Rusack and Interim Schools Finance Director John Spang. Mr. Stokesbury spoke in regards to the past 2 memos the BOF received regarding the Air conditioner units and Special Education. They were all present to answer any questions or to receive further comments.

Mr. Harrison introduced the remaining members of the persons in the meeting to Sam Finch including Brandon Robertson, Steve Bartha, Peg Colligan and Amber Lansing.   


Ms. Bratton followed up on her comment regarding the water fountains at Sycamore (pg 4). She was able to find out that there are NO water coolers at Sycamore, which is why the water is always so hot.

Section III.- Add “Mr. Bill Stokesbury, BOE Liaison,…”

Section V.- Half way down the paragraph, Change $1,056,000.000 to $1,056,000

Section V.- Last sentence, remove the word “on”

        Page, 3, 3rd full paragraph, half way down. Change 1.2% to 1.12%
        Page 3, 4th full paragraph, change to “$300,000 shortfall”

        Same paragraph, change to, “Mr. Stokesbury responded that the number he mentioned during the February BOF meeting was the current projected special education out of district average for the current year based on the current years budget as developed in early 2011. The budget adopted in December 2011 is for school year 12/13. The current expected cost has been reduced but he isn’t sure of the exact number at this time and added that it is the most volatile line item they have.”

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
APPROVED: That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of March 26th, 2012 as amended. Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Stoll, and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

        11/12-05        Review and Discussion: FY 12/13 Budget Process

Mr. Stoll questioned if there are minutes produced from the public hearing and Mr. Harrison answered yes.

Ms. Colligan added that in preparation for the hearing they provided 2 years worth of PowerPoint presentations and questioned what the Board would like for this upcoming hearing. She mentioned that they updated something and can send it to them for them to review if they would like.  


        11/12-24        Request for a Supplemental Appropriation- Board of Education, $85,370

Mr. Harrison commented that this would come from the surplus, or unassigned, fund. Mr. Robertson added that the original request was for $163,000. The TC approved $58,108 for health insurance and $20,000 for the installation of LCD panels and smart boards.

Mr. Stoll questioned if Mr. Robertson could explain the rationale for those 2 items. Mr. Robertson said that after discussion with the TC, they determined there really is no impact on the BOE operating budget- it would be absorbed by fund 9.  Ms. Bratton questioned if Fund 9 was a state fund or town. Mr. Robertson answered this is a town fund.  

Mr. Gugliotti commented that the resolution appears to be wrong and Ms. Colligan responded that is correct, it is wrong. The “Town Council” should say “Board of Finance”.

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Bratton and Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance favorably hereby approves an appropriation not to exceed $85,370,000 from General Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance, Account #01-0390-43913, to General Fund, Board of Education, General Service, Account #01-9401-52185, for the purpose of (per Board of Education memo from Mr. John Spang to Mr. Brandon Robertson, dated January 20, 2012 with the exception of $58,108 for health insurance for teachers taking June 2011 retirement package, and $20,000 for labor cost to install 54 LCD panels and smart boards purchased in FY 10/11), covering incurred unbudgeted expenses during FY 11/12, for events that either occurred, or first became known, after the new budget was prepared and before the end of FY 10/11.

Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Stoll and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

        11/12-25        Board of Education- Supplemental Appropriation Request $1,557,496 (non-tax revenue)

Mr. Stokesbury commented that this is part of this unique year process that we have and once we get into the new budget it will all be in the gross.

Mr. Harrison asked if they were in hand and Ms. Colligan answered mostly everything is yes.   

On a motion by Mr. Stoll, seconded by Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 11/12 Budget by increasing
REVENUES: General Fund, Charges for Services, BOE Miscellaneous Receipts, Account #01-0340-43506 in the amount of $56,416.33: General Fund, Charges for Services, BOE Interdist Tuition Valley Alt Academy, Account #01-0340-43512 in the amount of $30,000; General Fund, Intergovernmental, Education Program Grants, Account # 01-0330-43343 in the amount of $38,778.00; General Fund, Charges for Services, BOE Employee Bnft Contrib, Dent/Life, Account #01-0340-43505 in the amount of $94,136.93; General Fund, Charges for Services, BOE Cafeteria Rent Receipts, Account #01-0340-43510 in the amount of $49,786.40; General Fund, Charges for Services, BOE Tuition Receipts- Parent Paid, Account #01-0340-43507 in the amount of $20,400.00, for a total of $1,557,495.66.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Stoll and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.


A.  Monthly Financial Report Summary

Ms. Colligan reported for the period ending February 2012. License, fees and permits up slightly, intergovernmental is running in line, but in the next report it will jump up to over 100% because it is a timing issue. It reflects a lot of activity that you just approved from the BOE. Charges for Services running inline. Local revenues reflects one time revenues that change from year to year.

The weather is continuing to work in our advantage, especially in the area of PW. They are still working with salt from last year. The only area we are seeing overtime is with the Police and that is because there are positions open.

The BOE is providing monthly reports and at this point they are about 73% expended. With the supplementals we did tonight, the 1.5 million, they are happier and more comfortable matching their expenditures. Would envision if they do take in more revenues they would become end of year supplementals.

Maybe coming to you before end of FY for the FEMA reimbursement for Irene. We’ve received almost all funds for that but going into various funds, some going to fund 9, fund 5 (sewers) and some to the General fund. Mr. Harrison questioned if we got what we expected and Ms. Colligan said yes, she believed so.  

Mr. Bartha added that we’ll know more up to date information but for Irene we had been reimbursed $106,000, the rest is on it’s way. Winter Storm Alfred totaled a clean up cost of about 2.5 million dollars; we’ll be reimbursed about 1.9 million.

Mr. Stoll requested if it’s possible to show the full budget within the categories on the monthly reports. Ms. Colligan answered sure. Mr. Stoll also questioned Mr. Robertson if the BOF could receive TC updates like the BOE updates.  

Mr. Robertson had 2 items to mention; the first being that our credit rating company, rather than doing onsite interviews for ratings, will be giving their clients the option to respond in writing or even a telephone conference call, something that’s a little bit different than in the past. He also gave a heads up about an upcoming change in the Avon Old Farms connector project- the bridge located between Fisher Meadows and Waterville rd. These are projects that have been around for years.  As important as the money is, it’s more important that DOT is taking responsibility for it. In the past it was said that the Town would be the lead agency.   


There was no other business.


The Board did not find an Executive Session was necessary.


On a motion by Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Gugliotti , it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn at 7:58 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Stoll, Hamilton and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

                                                                  Respectfully Submitted,
                                                                  Thomas A. Gugliotti, Vice Chairman/Secretary

Attest:  Amber Wyzik, Clerk