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Board of Finance 11/28/2011 Minutes
NOVEMBER 28, 2011


Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall, Selectman’s Chambers. Members present: Chairman Thomas Harrison, Catherine Durdan, William Hooper, Margaret Bratton, Thomas Gugliotti, and Brett Eisenlohr.  Mr. James Speich had an excused absence for the evening.  There was the presence of a quorum.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Harrison.  


Mr. Bill Stokesbury added that the BOE is starting their budget process already with a meeting tomorrow night and later this week (11/5 and the 11/8) on reviewing different parts of the budget.  They are starting much earlier and in much more detail than in previous years.  Mr. Harrison questioned if the plan is for the BOE to adopt the budget before the end of the year and Mr. Stokesbury replied that they still plan to adopt the budget in January but it is on the schedule for the December meeting.     

         November 9, 2011 (Special Meeting)
         November 23, 2011 (Special Meeting)

RE: October 24th- Mr. Gugliotti requested the correction in spelling of “Kostin” (misspelled Costin) and the addition of the words “agreed and” in the description of 11/12-09 stating, “Mr. Gugliotti agreed and commented that he doesn’t believe the BOF has the authority…”

Ms. Bratton corrected “Reading” should be “Interest” in section VII-A.  

On a motion by Mr. Harrison, seconded by Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of October 24, 2011 as amended.  
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Hooper, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

RE: November 9th and November 23rd- Ms. Bratton requested the times be adjusted to match entire length of the meeting and that the word “Alfred” be added to the November 23rd meeting to describe the Storm Debris Removal.  Ms. Bratton and Ms. Durdan requested that Ms. Durdan’s name be removed from the November 9th Messrs. section.

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Harrison, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of the Special Meeting on November 9, 2011 as amended.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Hooper, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

On a motion by Mr. Harrison, seconded by Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of the Special Meeting on November 23, 2011 as amended.  
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor. Messrs. Eisenlohr and Hooper abstained.

11/12-05        Review and Discussion: FY 12/13 Budget Process

Mr. Robertson commented that there was not much new information to add at this time.  They have gone through most of the Capital Improvement presentations with one left on 12/1 from the volunteer fire department with their request for CIP.  Many things were pushed off due to Storm Alfred but will be finishing up everything next week.  

Mr. Harrison allowed audience member Mr. Ernie Earhart of Avon Mill Apartments to speak about a request of an advisory question within the budget process.  This would allow the public to answer a question as to whether or not the budget was to high or low.  The council advised him it was under the discretion of the BOF.  During the last month while Mr. Earhart was out of town the BOF responded to him with a letter.  Mr. Earhart’s daughter was present at the last BOF meeting to speak on his behalf.  The letter sent said that the BOF would take a survey of surrounding towns and Mr. Earhart questioned if that had happened and if there was any new information on this.  Mr. Robertson responded that there are no towns in the immediate area that do anything with respect to advisory questions, only other town may be Windsor and may not be in regards to the budget.  He continued that it does not seem to be a common practice.

Mr. Hooper asked Mr. Earhart what the rational is behind his request.  Mr. Earhart responded that there has always been a question generally to the education budget.  There are usually two sides in the newspaper and at the polls showing how some want it up and some want it down.  At this point Mr. Earhart feels the BOF should look for some direction instead of always reducing the budget.  He also feels the people might be more satisfied if they were allowed to give direction and have a say.  Mr. Hooper questioned how far in detail should this go, i.e., Town versus Education, etc. and Mr. Earhart responded that he doesn’t recall it ever being an issue town side but mostly education side and Mr. Hooper added that there has been a time it was town side.  Mr. Hooper added that a big concern is determining how far into the question do we go, 6 or 7 layers deep?  Mr. Harrison added that they would follow up with other towns and see what their experience with it is.  

Speaking on behalf of the BOE Mr. Stokesbury added that they put an informal survey out through the website “Survey Monkey” to get a feel for what people are thinking.  Ms. Durdan questioned what the basis is and Mr. Stokesbury responded that it goes through the school’s email mailings and commented that this same idea could go through the town’s community news blast.  Maybe if this were done post election they would create it as a new sense of communication.  Ms. Bratton added that it should be done other ways than just email considering some people still do not use email.   

Mr. Eisenlohr questioned the Blum Shapiro request with response to the 3-year potential cost savings.  Shapiro is on board and at the next meeting Ms. Colligan will have an update on this.


11/12-11        Approve Formal Resolution: Storm Debris Removal, $1,476,190

Mr. Harrison mentioned that the Town Attorney had concern of the resolution and Mr. Robertson added that the Town Attorney wanted to add in the correct wording to meet the provisions of the town charter.  Ms. Bratton questioned the terminology “superseded the original resolution” while keeping the same amounts.  Mr. Robertson responded that he is comfortable with that because it would cancel out parallel resolutions.    

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby approves an additional appropriation for Storm Debris Removal in the amount of $1,476,190 to be funded from available unappropriated General Fund Resources, based upon the recommendation of the town council and certification of the availability of such resources from the Town Manager, per Charter Sections 9.5.1 (e) and (g).
RESOLVED:  That this resolution superseded the original resolution that was adopted on November 9, 2011.  
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Hooper and Mmes. Durdan and Bratton voted in favor.

11/12-12        Supplemental Appropriation: State of CT Department of Education Youth Services Bureau Grants, $20,250

Mr. Robertson commented that this request is to compensate the Youth Services Coordinator position that would be reimbursed through a state grant.  If the grant were not earned the appropriation would be a wash.

On a motion by Ms. Bratton, seconded by Mr. Hooper, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 11/12 Budget by increasing: REVENUES General Fund, Intergovernmental, Youth Services Bureau Grant, Account #01-0330-43382 in the amount of $20,250.00 and increasing APPROPRIATIONS  General Fund, Human Services, Service & Consultant, Account #01-4203-52184 in the amount of $20,250.00 for the purpose of funding expenditures, which will be reimbursed through approved State of Connecticut Department of Education Youth Service Bureau Grants.  
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Hooper and Mmes. Durdan and Bratton voted in favor.


A.  Monthly Financial Report Summary

Ms. Colligan commented that this report is through September 30th but the quarterly reports are always available on the town website for more detail.  Looking at the revenue side, the town is still ahead in property tax and collection.  Under license, fees and permits we are running ahead. Activity is slow in the residential area but there is more going on in the commercial side.  Intergovernmental does not see much in the first part of the fiscal year but the first revenue of state came in in November.  Grant activity tends to come in December, a few quarterly. Charges for services are slightly ahead including activity that has to do with landfill fills, recreation fees, etc.  Other local revenues tend to fluctuate from year to year with 12% for current year.  At this point there are no major variances to report and nothing to bring to your immediate attention.  Only unusual thing to happen is with Storm Irene with the Sewer Pipe burst and hopefully FEMA will provide some funds toward this.  

Mr. Harrison questioned where the payments have been coming from towards the debris clean up.  Mr. Robertson answered cash balance.  Ms. Colligan commented that the way it has been done is by setting up a distinct appropriation for it so we can trap the expenditures.  It exists without budget appropriations at this time as we wait for what we will receive from FEMA.     

Mr. Gugliotti questioned if the FEMA reimbursement could take years instead of months to receive.  Mr. Robertson responded that there is an inverse relationship with the amount and the time that you receive such reimbursements.  In Mr. Robertson’s experience, the more you ask for the quicker you receive it.  This also doesn’t require any congressional approval- 48 states in the country either had these types of declarations pending or had recently received a declaration and are waiting on money.

Mr. Gugliotti commented that Canton is proud of itself for doing it’s own clean up for $150,000 and Avon is close to 2 million. He worries that Avon won’t understand that the money we have spent will be reimbursed.  Mr. Robertson added that there are more parts involved with this scenario than it may appear.  Mr. Gugliotti feels it’s important to get the word out to the public as to why we acted prudently and how proud everyone is of the work that everyone is doing.  He agreed to send a letter to the local papers to bring attention to this information.    

Mr. Harrison asked if Mr. Robertson thinks we will be using all the money from the appropriations requested for the debris removal.  Mr. Robertson will be meeting with Bruce Williams and Steve Bartha tomorrow to discuss this.  

B.  FY 11

Mr. Robertson commented that there would be a much broader discussion at the next meeting about the budget including the budget notebook.  There has been discussion with Dennix Dix, the financial advisory, about the town’s finances including the notes for the library and ideas for funding the cost of the debris removal project.  Throughout the discussions Mr. Dix learned that the town’s outlook has been upgraded from negative to stable.  Mr. Robertson also received confirmation from the United States Tennis association that they have been awarded the $30,000 grant for the Avon Middle School tennis courts.  At the town council meeting this Thursday they will be requesting the use of the $136,000 towards the tennis courts and come spring time the whole thing will be put out to bid and set underway.      

Mr. Robertson was also happy to announce that starting December 5th Steve Bartha will be promoted from “Assistant to the Town Manager” to “Assistant Town Manager."


There was no other business.


The Board did not find an Executive Session was necessary.


On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Hooper, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn at 7:56 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Hooper and Mmes. Durdan and Bratton voted in favor.

                Respectfully Submitted,
                Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Amber Lansing, Clerk