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Board of Finance 03/28/2011 Minutes
March 28, 2011


Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall, Selectmen’s Chamber.  Members present:  Margaret Bratton, James Speich, Catherine Durdan, William Hooper, Thomas Gugliotti, and Brett Eisenlohr.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Hooper.


There were none.


On a motion by Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of February 28, 2010 as written.  
Messrs. Harrison, Hooper, Gugliotti, Speich, and Mmes. Durdan and Bratton voted in favor.  Mr. Eisenlohr abstained.


        10/11-06        Discussion of FY 11/12 Budget Process

Chairman Harrison stated that procedurally, the slides will be ready for the public hearing; Ms. Colligan will send them out to members for their review.  He stated that many of the same slides will be used from last year with the new calculations.  

Several charts were distributed to the Board members.  Chairman Harrison stated that one chart is the traditional chart showing the proposed mill rates; the other chart shows potential spending increases.  Ms. Colligan stated that these charts do not match; looking at the mill rate column, they move in increments of .05 percent, but they do not start at the same place.   This is because they are approaching these schedules in two different manners.  

Ms. Bratton questioned why the current and potential mill rates are different on the charts.  Ms. Colligan stated that there was a .78 percent growth in the grand list.  Because of this, it allows a shift in the spending.  Chairman Harrison stated that this will not be a part of the slides during the public hearing, although it will be in the handouts.  These charts will be very helpful to the Board members during the workshop.

Mr. Gugliotti questioned if it would be helpful if these two charts were combined into one chart.  Ms. Colligan stated that she could reduce the column named Non-Property Revenue Tax Sources because these exist on both charts.  She could also have only one column for Property Tax Revenues, although a disclosure would need to be written because the mill rate to percentage increase and spending increase to mill rate on the other chart will always be different because the mill rates start at different places.  She stated that she would work on combining these charts and send the revised chart to Chairman Harrison and Mr. Robertson for their review.  Ms. Bratton suggested keeping the headings from both charts on the combined chart.

Regarding the public hearing, Mr. Gugliotti questioned how quickly, if they realize that too many people show up for the public hearing at the Senior Center, would it take for the high school to be set up and how quickly this could be implemented.  Chairman Harrison stated that a backup location will be ready.  Procedurally, a motion will need to be made to recess so that people could move to the high school.  He stated that only voting members could be let into the Senior Center if the capacity is over by just a few.  He stated that although they cannot exclude people from coming in, they could reserve seating.  He stated that he believes the capacity at the Senior Center is 350.  He has been in contact with the Town Attorney regarding how best to handle this issue.

Chairman Harrison stated that he has asked the high school to get students to serve as timers; they will have a backup for this as well.

Regarding the workshop, Chairman Harrison stated that this will be at the Senior Center as well.  He stated that he is unsure if the Board officially voted on the location.  Mr. Gugliotti stated that he feels the Avon Room would not be large enough for the amount of people who might attend.  Chairman Harrison asked Mr. Robertson to see if the Senior Center would be available the day of the workshop.  He stated that if the turnout at the public hearing has a lot of people in attendance, they will have the workshop at the Senior Center.  If the crowd is smaller, the workshop could be held in the Avon Room.  Mr. Robertson stated that he would look into this.  Mr. Gugliotti stated that he would like to make the decision tonight to have the workshop at the Senior Center.  The consensus of the Board was to have the workshop at the Avon Senior Center.

Ms. Bratton stated that she feels the workshop last year got a little out of hand.  People were cheering and making comments.  Chairman Harrison stated that he will stress, at the beginning of the workshop, the fact that this is not a public hearing and the public will not have the opportunity to make comments or ask questions.

Chairman Harrison stated that he would like to use the computer program for calculations that was used last year at the workshop.  Mr. Gugliotti stated that the workshop is for the Board members and the members need to make sure the charts can be seen by the members.  Chairman Harrison suggested setting up the tables and chairs differently this year; the screen should be able to be seen by the three Boards.


        10/11-18        Supplemental Appropriation:  Interlocal Animal Control Officer, $18,268.20

Mr. Robertson stated that this is revenue that is coming in from the Town of Canton, which covers their part of this joint contract.  He stated that this was not in the FY 10/11 budget, although it is in the FY 11/12 budget.

On a motion by Mr. Hooper, seconded by Mr. Gugliotti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 10/11 Budget by increasing:
General Fund, Other Local Revenues, Interlocal Program Funding, Account #01-0360-43657 in the amount of $18,268.20
And increasing
General Fund, Canine Control, General Service, Account #01-2503-52185 in the amount of $18,268.20 for the purpose of recording the Canton share of the Animal Control Officer contract with Avon.
Messrs. Harrison, Hooper, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Speich, and Mmes. Durdan and Bratton voted in favor.   

Mr. Gugliotti stated that he believes more of this needs to be done with other Towns.  They need to start these discussions.  Mr. Robertson stated that these discussions happen quite often.  The Farmington Valley Collaborative, which is chief administrative officials that meet on a monthly basis to talk, does discuss this topic.  Mr. Gugliotti suggested that a Commission be formed to begin to move this forward.

VII.    Town Manager’s Report

Mr. Robertson stated that at the last meeting, the question was raised regarding the Town of Avon receiving funding from FEMA because of the storm event in January.  He stated that the Town did submit the paperwork and $37,000 will be given to the Town of Avon.

Monthly Financial Report Summary

Ms. Colligan stated that property tax and assessments are ahead from the prior fiscal year, although licenses, fees and permits are slightly behind.  She stated that the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit and Peachtree Village permit activity are reflected in the 09/10 revenues.  There was one new home construction permit during January.  Fiscal year-to-date new single family dwelling permit activity is at 13 for FY10/11 versus 8 for FY09/10.

Regarding Intergovernmental, Ms. Colligan stated that the Town does not see a lot of collections at this time of year.  She stated that Charges for Services are tracking slightly ahead, although landfill fees are slightly behind.  

Regarding Other Local Revenue, Ms. Colligan stated that, as reported in December, one-time revenue reported in Refunds & Reimbursements is reflected in FY 10/11.

Regarding Expenditure Highlights, Ms. Colligan stated that there are no major expenditure variances in the General Fund to report.  She stated that the winter storm activity has been of concern; the Town has recommended a 1% return from all departments.

Ms. Colligan stated that there have been no changes from the prior months regarding legal, although this is trending to exceed the budget.

Mr. Hooper questions if the Town would be getting back money from CRRA for recyclables.  Mr. Robertson stated that Avon will be receiving a $7,700 rebate for recycling.  He stated that the Town would also be receiving a dividend from CIRMA totaling $21,000.

The Board had a small discussion regarding the State budget and what it means for Avon.


Ms. Bratton stated that she would like to see more than just the Board members’ names and email addresses on their link on the Town website.  She suggested putting the chart regarding the key local and national economic statistics on the website, although a disclaimer should be added that these numbers may be different at any given time.  Mr. Robertson stated that a document link could be placed under the Board of Finance’s page in order to display budget documents.  He stated that this information was taken from the internet; he would like to make sure the disclaimer is stated.  Chairman Harrison suggested that Mr. Robertson take another look at this information, draft the disclaimer stating that this is for informational purposes only and it is not the position of the Board.  This can then be circulated to the Board members for their review.


There was no need to go into Executive Session.


On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Hooper, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn at 8:18 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Speich and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Alison Sturgeon, Clerk