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Board of Finance 09/27/2010 Minutes

September 27, 2010


Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall, Selectmen’s Chamber.  Members present:  Margaret Bratton, Catherine Durdan, William Hooper, Thomas Gugliotti and Brett Eisenlohr.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Durdan.


Chairman Harrison welcomed John Jackopsic and Conor Maloney, two high school students who were in attendance at the meeting.  They were sitting in on the Board of Finance meeting for a civics project.

Ms. Howard from the Avon Community Recreational Neighborhood, Inc. (ACORN) addressed the Avon Middle School tennis courts, which have grown to be in disrepair.  There has been a padlock on the courts for the last three years.  She stated that the tennis courts have become unsightly.

Ms. Howard stated that they have started the site plans for the new tennis courts as well as fundraising.  They raised $6,000 at an adult social with entry fees and an auction.  They have also started a capital campaign that everyone in Town received, which she distributed to the Board members.  With the fundraisers, various grants and pledges, they have raised approximately $45,500.  In their fundraising efforts, people have questioned why the Town is not paying for these new courts.  She stated that there are also some grants that question how much the Town has invested in the project.  

Ms. Howard distributed photographs of the deteriorating tennis courts to the Board members.    She stated that she is here tonight requesting that the Town show a financial commitment.  

Chairman Harrison stated that the Town Council is considering matching what the Board of Education has already committed to give.  He stated that if the Town Council makes the decision to go forward, the Board of Finance would then look to see if this is something the Town could do financially.

Ms. Howard stated that the additional request is that the Town look at the Capital Improvement Program.  Chairman Harrison stated that the Board of Finance will have to wait to see what the Town Council decides; this Board will look at their options after that.

Ms. Howard stated that they are hoping the Town will consider what it did with the recent Pine Grove playground project regarding cash and in-kind services.  She stated that they are also looking to do a minor expansion in between the courts so they will be in accordance with the USTA standards.  It is their hope that the Town will give the $12,500 they are looking for, which would match what the Board of Education gave.  She stated that the project will cost approximately $110,000.  They have raised $33,000 to date.  She stated that also, if the Town contributes, they could then apply for a grant.  

Mr. Robertson stated that the Pine Grove playground was a different kind of project.  He also suggested having a conversation with the members of ACORN regarding grants because certain grants have a lot of strings attached.  They will need to figure out exactly what the restrictions are on the grants.  

Mr. Gugliotti questioned why the current tennis courts at the middle school failed and if any changes in maintenance would be required.  Ms. Howard stated that the current courts are very old and have never
been maintained.  She stated that small cracks that do not get taken care of turn into larger cracks.  Chairman Harrison questioned who would maintain the new courts.  Mr. Robertson stated that he believes this would be the responsibility of the Board of Education.

Ms. Bratton questioned when the tennis courts would be available for use by people in the community.  Ms. Howard stated that weekends are available as well as other times during the week.  The courts will be available during the summer months as well.

Mr. Eisenlohr suggested that Ms. Howard check with the USDA for other grants.  He stated that he would email her a contact number.

It was stated by another member of ACORN that this tennis court project has been on the Capital Improvement Projects for many years.  They would like to get this project done sooner rather than later.  It is the Avon Middle School’s 40th anniversary this year.  They are asking the Town to help financially or with in-kind services to get this project done.  He is hopeful that the Town Council and the Board of Finance consider contributing to this project.  

Chairman Harrison thanked Ms. Howard and the others members of ACORN for coming to the meeting.


On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of August 23, 2010 as written.  
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  Mr. Hooper abstained.


There was none.


10/11-03        Supplemental Appropriation: Fisher Meadow Irrigation System Repair, $5,725.00

Mr. Robertson stated that this is for the master valve that broke for the irrigation system.  The Town’s contractor could not come out in a timely manner so another contractor was hired.

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby appropriates a sum not to exceed $5,725 from Fisher Meadow Maintenance Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance, Account #12-0390-43913 and to Fisher Meadow Maintenance Fund, Parks, Materials-Other Account #12-5201-52239 for the purpose of assessing, attempting to repair, and replacement of the 3” Clay Valve for the irrigation system at Fisher Meadows.  
This is to certify that there are sufficient Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance resources to finance the following appropriation.
The sum of $5,725 from the Town’s Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance Account #12-0390-43913 Fisher Meadow Maintenance Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Hooper and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  


Monthly Financial Report Summary

Ms. Colligan stated this summary report goes through July; they are currently finishing up the August report.  She stated that revenue collections are still ahead in all areas from prior years.  Building permits have also increased.  She stated that there is new construction in the Deercliff Road and Stockbridge Drive areas.

Ms. Colligan stated that revenues are looking up and there is nothing major to report regarding expenditures.  She stated that the Town is hoping for a mild winter.  Also, there are several vacant Town employee positions that may need to be filled.  

Ms. Colligan stated that the Board of Education has not given the Town any formal reports, although they will do this after they report to their own Board regarding their financial update.  

Ms. Colligan stated that the Town will be going to market in October to issue the first round of notes.  The library project will be approximately $7 million.  

Ms. Durdan questioned how Avon Old Farms being in foreclosure would impact the grand list.  Mr. Gugliotti stated that the grand list will not change.  He stated that the bank has taken over; the Town should get payment from the bank regarding taxes.

Mr. Robertson stated that, regarding FY 2012, capital requests are due in October and operating requests are due in November.  

Regarding a question that Ms. Bratton had at the last meeting regarding the basketball hoops at the Pine Grove playground, Mr. Robertson stated that the hoops were included in the cost for the playground project.  Also, in response to a question by Mr. Eisenlohr at the last meeting regarding the playground being certified, Mr. Robertson stated that the State does not require the playground to be certified, although someone will be doing a walkthrough.  


Chairman Harrison stated that the recommended date for the Public Hearing for the budget is April 4, 2011.  He questioned if a workshop date was needed to be scheduled.  Mr. Robertson asked for some time to review this matter in order to become more familiar with what has been done in the past.

Chairman Harrison suggested having the workshop on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 with a back up workshop date the following week.  The Board agreed.

Chairman Harrison congratulated Ms. Colligan and her staff for being awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2009.  Chairman Harrison stated that this marks the twenty-sixth consecutive year that the Town of Avon has been recognized with this award.  


There was no need for Executive Session.

X.      ADJOURN 

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn at 8:38 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Hooper and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Alison Sturgeon, Clerk