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Board of Finance 08/23/2010 Minutes
August 23, 2010


Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall, Selectmen’s Chamber.  Members present:  Margaret Bratton, James Speich, Catherine Durdan, Thomas Gugliotti, and Brett Eisenlohr.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Bratton.


There were none.


Mr. Speich made a change to the spelling of his name.

On a motion by Ms. Durdan, seconded by Mr. Eisenlohr, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of June 28, 2010 as amended.  
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Speich and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  


There was none.


10/11-01        Pine Grove School Playground Project:  
Supplemental Appropriation $143,310 and $6,000

Mr. Robertson stated that this is two supplemental appropriations that are coming from two funding sources.  

Mr. Gugliotti stated that the vendor who won the contract came down on the bid.  The vendor went from $194, 887 to $143,310.  Mr. Robertson stated that the Town will be doing some in house work as well.

Ms. Bratton questioned where the $6,000 would be coming from.  Mr. Robertson stated that this money is from the fund balance, where it is a Special Revenue Fund.  The total fund balance is approximately $70,000.  He stated that this will be a transfer from the Special Revenue Fund Balance of the Board of Education.  This is part of the Board of Education’s budget.

Mr. Robertson stated that there were discussions regarding bench design for this project.  The first design was a concrete design although they did not feel that this was a functional design.  There is a lot more prep work in the slab bench design, which is the primary difference in the benches; it is a functional issue.  The benches that they ultimately decided upon were more expensive.  

Mr. Eisenlohr questioned if the $143,310 total included the extra overage, which was projected by Mr. Williams, Director of Public Works.  Mr. Robertson stated that this was not included.  He recommended
not including this.  He stated that the Town Council did not include that projection; they approved the $143,310 only.

Mr. Eisenlohr questioned if the company doing this work will certify the playground for safety issues.  Mr. Robertson stated that he would look into this issue.

Ms. Bratton questioned if the basketball hoops were included in the $143,310 total.  Mr. Robertson stated that he did not believe they were included, although he would check into this issue.

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby appropriates a sum not to exceed $6,000 from Use of School Facilities Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance Account #15-0390-43913 and transfer from Use of School Facilities Fund, Other Financing Uses, Interfund Transfers-Out Account #15-8700-58000 to Capital Projects Fund (Facil & Equip), BOE CIP-Facilities, PGS Playground Replacement, Account #02-4859-53069 and Capital Projects Fund (Facilities & Equipment), Other Financing Sources, Interfund Operating Transfers-In Account #02-0390-43918 in the amount of $6,000 for the purpose of Board of Education funding for the PGS Playground.
This is to certify that there are sufficient Undesignated Fund Balance resources to finance the following appropriation.
The sum of $6,000 from the Town’s Undesignated Fund Balance Account #15-0390-43913 Use of School Facilities Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Speich and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 10/11 Budget by increasing:
Capital Projects Fund (Facility and Equipment), Other Local Revenues, Donations from Private Sources, Account #02-0360-43651 in the amount of $143,310
And increasing
Capital Projects Fund (Facility and Equipment), BOE  CIP-Facilities, PGS Playground Replacement, Account #02-4859-53069, in the amount of $143,310, for the purpose of recording the donations from the PGS “Playing for Keeps” Playground Fundraising Committee in the amount of $140,810 and from the Avon Education Foundation in the amount of $2,500 to be used for the construction of the PGS Playground.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Speich and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

        10/11-02        Supplemental Appropriation Building and Fire Protection
                        Divisions, Secretarial Services, $10,000

Mr. Robertson stated that the issue with this request is, that beginning in FY 09/10, they reduced the hours of secretarial support.  For FY 10/11, they would like to add back 10 of those hours.  He stated that they will be keeping this as a part time, temporary position.  If they see this as a trend going into FY 11/12, they may consider keeping that position.

On a motion by Ms. Bratton, seconded by Ms. Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby appropriates a sum not to exceed $10,000 from General Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance, Account #01-0390-43913 to General Fund, Fire Prevention, Regular Part Time, Account #01-2201-51012 for the purpose of funding part-time secretarial services for the Building and Fire Prevention Divisions.
This is to certify that there are sufficient Undesignated Fund Balance resources to finance the following appropriation.

The sum of $10,000 from the Town’s Undesignated Fund Balance from Account #01-0390-43913 General Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Speich and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  


Monthly Financial Report Summary

Mr. Robertson stated that Ms. Colligan has created the monthly report, which includes the revenue highlights and expenditure highlights.  The Town is still working on the close out for the last fiscal year.  The Town is not forecasting any excessive revenues or expenditures.  He stated that they did have extra expenditures that they were not expecting in legal area, although the Town does have enough to cover those expenditures.  

Mr. Robertson stated that the Town is still trying to finalize everything to prepare for the end of the year report.  

Regarding revenues, Mr. Robertson distributed a report/table on July Tax Collections over a five year period through July 31, 2010.  The collections are at approximately a 54% collection rate, although this does not include sewers.  This collection rate is where the Town was last year at this time.  

Mr. Speich questioned if the Town would still be doing the temporary parking lot for library.  Mr. Robertson stated that the Town Council did discuss this issue, although they did not come to any decisions.  He stated that the funds will go back to fund balance if not used.

Mr. Robertson stated that the library grant was approved, which was $1 million.  The Town Council recently reduced the total project cost to $8.5 million.  The project will go out to bid shortly and the Town will have a meeting tomorrow with the State.  A package will then be presented to the Town Council in October.  

Mr. Robertson stated that towns in Connecticut will be getting Federal funding for education.  These will be direct grants to cities and towns.  The Town of Avon will be getting approximately $77,000.  It will come to the Town Council and the Board of Finance for a supplemental appropriation.  This funding is an Education Jobs Act Grant; it is restricted for personnel costs, although it is somewhat broad.  


There was none.


There was no need to go into Executive Session.

X.      ADJOURN 

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Eisenlohr, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn at 8:15 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Speich and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Alison Sturgeon, Clerk