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Board of Finance 03/22/2010 Minutes
March 22, 2010


Chairman Harrison called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Chamber at the Avon Town Hall.  Members present:  Margaret Bratton, James Spiech, Catherine Durdan, Thomas Gugliotti, William Hooper and Brett Eisenlohr.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Spiech.


There were none.

IV.     MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETINGS:  February 22, 2010       

There were several edits to the minutes.

On a motion by Ms. Bratton, seconded by Mr. Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the minutes of February 22, 2010 as amended.
Messrs. Harrison, Spiech, Hooper, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  


09/10-12        Review and Discussion:  FY 10/11 Budget:  Amend Date for Backup Workshop to April 14th

Chairman Harrison stated that the Board of Finance members need to formally change the date of the backup workshop to April 14th.  

On a motion by Mr. Hooper, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the change in date of the backup workshop to April 14, 2010.
Messrs. Harrison, Spiech, Hooper, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

Chairman Harrison stated that he will be meeting with Ms. Roell and the chief custodian at Avon High School regarding how the public hearing will be set up regarding tables and microphones.  He questioned how the Board members felt about hand held microphones.  He also questioned where the students would be sitting who would be holding up the timing signs.

Mr. Gugliotti stated that the timers could sit in front and hold up the cards.  If the Chairman needed to tell someone to stop talking, he could also do that.  The Board members agreed.

Ms. Durdan questioned if the audience members would have a lectern to put their notes on.  The Board members discussed how the microphones could be set up or handed around.  Mr. Gugliotti felt that it would take longer to get a hand held microphone around to the next speaker.  Ms. Durdan stated that most people opted to stay seated when a microphone was passed to them.  Several microphones would make this easier and less time consuming.  Chairman Harrison stated that he will also be looking into a hand held microphone for the Board’s table.

Mr. Hooper encouraged them to see what equipment is available at the auditorium prior to making any decisions.  Chairman Harrison stated that he will send an email to the Board members to let them know what equipment they have available to them in the auditorium.

Mr. Robertson, Town Manager, stated that two students have been identified to hold up the time cards.  Mr. Gugliotti stated that these students should be on the stage.  He also stated that the cards should be big enough to see from the back of the auditorium.  Chairman Harrison stated that the cards will also possibly need to be raised during the three Board’s presentations if they go over their time limit.

Mr. Eisenlohr stated his concerns regarding the students passing the microphones; they might feel intimidated by people wanting to speak out of turn.  Chairman Harrison asked that Mr. Robertson find several more high school student to pass the microphones around.  Mr. Gugliotti suggested that the Chairman identify two speakers at a time, so the next speaker can get ready, in order to save time.

Ms. Bratton stated that she has received several calls from elderly people concerned about the long walk to the auditorium.  


09/10-20        Supplemental Appropriation for Appraisal Services and Possible Environmental Assessment, up to $8,500.00

Chairman Harrison stated that this was discussed in Executive Session last month.  Mr. Robertson stated that this is the resolution that the Town Council adopted.  

Mr. Gugliotti stated that he will be voting against this because he is not in favor of purchasing this property and also to signify that this is not a done deal.

Mr. Spiech stated that this is a rather large amount of money for an appraisal.  Mr. Robertson stated that this is a fairly complicated appraisal.  Money is also being made available for a possible environmental assessment, which is being included in this.

On a motion by Mr. Spiech, seconded by Mr. Hooper it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby appropriates a sum not to exceed $8,500 from General Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance, Account #01-0390-43913 to General Fund, Town Council, Service & Consultant, Account #01-1101-52184 for the purpose of conducting an appraisal and possible environmental assessment on the Severni property
This is to certify that there are sufficient Undesignated Fund Balance resources to finance the following appropriation.
The sum of $8,500 from the Town’s Undesignated Fund Balance from Account #01-0390-43913 General Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance.
Messrs. Harrison, Spiech, Hooper and Ms. Bratton voted in favor.  Messrs. Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Ms. Durdan voted in opposition.  The motion passed 4-3.  

Ms. Colligan showed the Board members the interactive form that they will be using at the upcoming workshop.  She demonstrated this for the members by inserting different numbers in order to calculate the change by mill rate percentage and the change by dollar reduction.

Chairman Harrison stated that what Ms. Colligan is showing the Board members is a working model.  

The Board discussed where to set up the screen at the workshop.  Mr. Gugliotti stated that this model is for the board members; they need to make sure it is in a location where they all can see it.  He stated that if this workshop was held at the Senior Center, this could be set up on the big screen there.  Ms. Bratton stated that there is supposed to be a big turnout for the workshop.  Mr. Robertson stated that he would look into if the Senior Center was available for the Workshop dates.

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Hooper, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance move the workshops to the Avon Senior Center only if arrangements can be made.  
Messrs. Harrison, Speich, Hooper, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

Chairman Harrison questioned if the Board members thought they were more likely to look at the dollar amounts or mill rates when calculating new numbers.  Ms. Bratton suggested having both.  Mr. Gugliotti also suggested making any changes in both charts at the same time in order to see it both ways.  Ms. Colligan stated that she would be able to do this.

Chairman Harrison thanked Ms. Colligan for all of her hard work with these interactive forms.  Ms. Colligan stated that she and her staff worked on this.  She stated that she would email this out to the Board members so they can get more familiar with it prior to the Workshop.  

Mr. Robertson stated that the Bond Commission held a meeting, although the Library project was not on their agenda.  He stated that he will be meeting with Governor Rell and others to see if they can get some idea of what will happen going forward.  He stated that the next Bond Commission meeting will be held in April.  

Regarding the administrative study, Chairman Harrison suggested that the Board of Finance add a slide to their presentation regarding this.  He asked Mr. Gugliotti to draft a slide for the presentation.  Anything that has been already adopted could be on the slide.   Mr. Gugliotti stated that this report projects over a period of years; a lot of the recommendations show spending in order to save.  


There was no need to go into Executive Session.


On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Eisenlohr, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn at 8:50 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Spiech, Hooper, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Alison Sturgeon, Clerk