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Board of Finance Minutes 02-28-05
FEBRUARY 28, 2005

        I.      CALL TO ORDER – The Regular meeting of the Board of Finance was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Tom Harrison in the Selectmen’s Chamber, Town Hall.  Present were members Catherine Durdan, Tom Gugliotti, Mike Monts, Jim Speich and Mark Zacchio.  Bill Hooper was absent.

        II.     PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Ms. Durdan led the Pledge.


        IV.     MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETING:  January 24, 2005
On a motion made by Mr. Monts, Seconded by Mr. Zacchio, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the Board of Finance accept the minutes of the January 24, 2005 meeting, as submitted.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Monts, Speich, Zacchio and Ms. Durdan voted in favor.

04/05/-01 FY 05/06-Budget Process:  Review and Discussion
Mr. Monts reported on discussions held with Ms. Durdan and Mr. Speich regarding how to address the budget process and the questions and comments the Board of Finance had submitted to the Town Council and Board of Education.  He reported the Board of Ed has been complying with our requests indicating that all the requested information is in the budget presentation.  One concern of the Board of Ed was if they really work to attain the limits requested by the Board of Finance, will the budget as presented be cut further by the Board.  The Chairman assured her that the response and comments from the Public Hearing could possibly have some bearing on this Board’s final decision.  However, consolidating the information may make it easier for the voters to understand how the process works.  The Town Manager reported he had no problem getting the information together.  The Council felt answers to some of the questions were already in the budget documents.  Mr. Harrison reported he would respond to Mr. Hines, explaining our position, since Mr. Hines will be the one to respond to comments from the audience at the Public Hearing he should know we feel it is important to get this information before the voters prior to the Town Meeting.  The Town Manager reported on prior year’s information on the Public Hearing.  Staff needs to know whether or not the Board of Finance will make a presentation, who will be doing that.  Also, the budget workshop schedule should be adopted and do you want to present the Board of Finance comments with overviews.  Will you have a power point presentation, who will handle that?  

Mr. Harrison responded he would like to see a slide presentation and he would be willing to work with the Town, but he cannot prepare the presentation himself.  He was advised that the Town staff will take care of updating the information.  He will email with the Board Members and get back to the Town Manager by the end of the week with any decisions or requests made by the Board.

It was decided to have all three presentations made consecutively; the Town Council, the Board of Education and then the Board of Finance.  Mr. Harrison will announce that we will allow one hour each for questions on the Town Council Budget, the Board of Ed Budget and then the Board of Finance budget.  We will then open to comments on any of the budgets and will stay until everyone who wishes to talk has an opportunity to do so.  We do not need to use the entire hour for discussion but at the discretion of the Chair, comments will be closed when there are no more questions.  It was also decided to ask the Board of Ed to make their information available prior to the Town Meeting; publish it on the Website, in the Newspaper, Library, Senior Center, etc.  The Town Manager will discuss this with Mr. Hines and Mr. Harrison will confer with Ms. Roell.

It was the consensus of the Board to approve the schedule of workshops as follows:
                Public Hearing – April 4, 2005 at the Senior Center
                Workshops on April 6 with both boards, Avon Room
                April 11 for the Board of Finance to adopt the budget, Avon Room
                April 13, if needed at the Avon Room.  Meetings will start at 7:00 p.m. and public comment will be also be allowed at the April 6th meeting,  These meetings would be followed by the Annual Town and Budget Meeting on May 2nd and a Referendum on May 11, 2002.

                04/05-04 FY 04/05 Auditor Selection:  Status Report
Ms. Colligan reported that as stated in her memo, the deadline for accepting RFPs for Auditing firms was today at 4:30 p.m.  We received two proposals – knowing that, she asked if the Board would like to interview both firms – last time we had six proposals which the Board narrowed to two, who were interviewed to make a selection.  In response to a question from Mr. Gugliotti, Ms. Colligan responded both firms are well qualified to do the Audit.  She reported the two firms were Blum Shapiro, who we had before Kostin, and Scully and Wolfe, both of whom have extensive work in municipal auditing.  She reported the RFPs will be opened tomorrow, put into packages and sent out to the members.  Because of the busy schedule for the Board, it may be possible to make a decision before the end of the month as indicated in the schedule.  The Chairman thanked Ms. Colligan for her report.

04/05-12 – Status Report – Connecticut Municipal Consortium for Fiscal  Responsibility.
The Chairman reported that at a meeting last Thursday, eight State Legislators and Boards of Finance Chairs representing about 14 towns attended, along with several members of Town Councils.  The three Representatives, Herlihy, Farr and Witkos indicated there is very strong grass roots support for the items we are considering asking for changes, mainly asking that towns have the same rights the State has on the arbitration awards.  They were receptive on the issue of  disqualifying the use of a  Town’s General Fund Balances when considering issues under binding arbitration.  Mr. Gugliotti reported that the legislators were impressed that we had not asked for more money, and that we had narrowed our initial requests to three items to stress, realizing that we cannot make sweeping changes, but perhaps changing one area that adversely affects all Town budgets.  
VI.             NEW BUSINESS
                04/05-14        Acceptance FY03/04 Audit Report
Ms. Colligan, Director of  Finance introduced Jim Lyons, Auditor from Kostin & Ruffkess.  He reported the audit went like it did before GASB, we got back to a normal time frame by submitting our report in December rather than in winter or spring.
Not much has changed; we have included comparative information on infrastructure.  The Unqualified Opinion states the auditor had no problems and no limitations on the audit.  The management discussion includes no new items.  The important “fund” reports were reviewed individually and commented upon.  Mr. Lyons responded to questions from the Board.  Ms. Colligan thanked Mr. Lyons for his participation in helping the Town with GASB training sessions of which two were attended by Ms. Colligan and her staff.  She felt it was a very big help to the Town.   The Town Manager commented on how this audit will affect our future financing with regard to bonding and reporting more clearly, the actual financial situation of the Town.  Ms. Colligan thanked Mr. Lyons for his help and for attending this meeting.  Mr. Lyons left the meeting.

On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the Board of Finance accept and approve the Audit Report submitted by Kostin, Ruffkess & Company, as presented.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Monts, Speich, Zacchio and Ms. Durdan voted in favor.

                04/05-15 – Sign Notice for Public Hearing
The Board discussed the wording of the Public Hearing Notice “any person wishing to speak…”  The pros and cons of having “anyone” speak to the budget brought out several opinions on what kind of pressure such comments make.  The Town Manager
advised that “In accordance with Section 9.4.1 of the Avon Town Charter, any voter or taxpayer wishing to speak…”
On a motion made by Mr. Zacchio, seconded by Mr. Gugliotti, it was voted:  
RESOLVED:               That the Board of Finance authorize the Chairman to sign the Call  for the Public Hearing as amended to replace the word “person” with voter or taxpayer as indicated in Section 9.4.1 of the Town Charter.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Monts, Speich, Zacchio and Ms. Durdan voted in favor.



 IX.           ADJOURN
On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, it was voted:
RESOLVED;               That the Board of Finance adjourn at 8:50 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Monts, Speich, Zacchio and Ms. Durdan voted in favor..

                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                        Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary
Attest:  Elinor Burns, Clerk