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Board of Finance Minutes 04/07/04 Workshop

APRIL 7, 2004

        I.      CALL TO ORDER – Chairman Tom Harrison called the workshop to order at 7:00 p.m.  Present were members Tom Gugliotti, Bill Hooper, Steve McGuff, Mike Monts, Jim Speich and Mark Zacchio.

        II.     OLD BUSINESS    
03-04-03        FY 04-05 Budget – Set goals and objectives.

                The Chairman reported tonight’s workshop is being held in accordance with the directions as set down in the Town Charter Sec.9.4.1 (b).  “After the Board of Finance Public Hearing, and after consultation with the Town Council and the Board of Education, the Board of Finance shall make those revisions in the budget as the Board of Finance deems desirable and shall recommend the budget, so revised, to the Annual Meeting.  It is not phase two of the Public Hearing, although public comment will be heard at the end of our deliberations.  

                Chairman Harrison opened the meeting by reading from several email messages he had received since the Public Hearing.  Some were complimentary, some were confused and some were in direct criticism.  He advised that these kind of messages are in some way very helpful and in some ways make our jobs more difficult.  He stated that the people who live in Town love the Town of Avon, he thinks it is very well run due in no small part to the people we have working for the Town.  Everybody cares about Avon and wants to do what’s right.  His opinion is that the budget we recommend will have spending levels and from that people can deduct what level of mill rate will be necessary to support those spending levels.  He thinks the proposed budget requests are a little higher than the voters are willing to accept.  He feels it will be necessary to make some reductions.  He reported on the Undesignated Surplus of 3.4 million and change; the Board of  Finance has indicated that it would be willing to use funds from this Surplus when necessary and he feels using some part of this Surplus tonight.  He is not sure what the final figure will be, but it will not be using the entire 3.4 million.  He asked for opinions from the members.

Mr. Zacchio indicated that he knew both the Town Council and the Board of Education have worked very hard to submit a responsible budget and feels it will be necessary to use some surplus funds.  His opinion is keeping the 5% threshold would be fiscally the best thing to do.
This means there is $500,000 to $550,000 that could be used.  However, going over his notes from the Public Hearing and listening to the Boards deliberations, he feels that even if we use $500,000 from the Surplus, he is not sure this will be accepted; it certainly will not be a landslide.  Although he is not in favor of going with the full requests, he is willing to look at something slightly less than that.

Mr. McGuff is looking to subsequent years, what will happen next year if we do take money from Surplus?  He supports that it may be necessary this year, but he would prefer to see more creative means to pare expenditures.

He feels that $500,000 this year is a band-aid solution.  He suggested looking at long-term commitments in the Capital area, he would stop multi-year commitments this year.  He would rather see fewer projects fully funded versus more project half or third funded.  Overall he feels we do need to look at some reductions in the operating budgets.  

Mr. Speich agrees with everything that has been said.  He reported he has had three children in the Avon school system and he is very happy with the education they have gotten.  He fully supports education and he is very happy with the system.  The whole Town is growing, Town Services as well as the school system.  He thinks it’s appropriate to bring on another patrolman.  He does not agree with the buy now, pay later approach.  We feel we have to be responsible with our increases.  He is in favor of using some of the Surplus, but he does not know what the figure should be.  Sending the budget to Referendum as presented is not what he intends to do.

Mr. Gugliotti feels the Town is growing and necessarily the budgets will grow even though we don’t especially like to pay more in taxes.  He truly believes we have to tap into the Surplus this year – nobody feels it should go below 5.5% but it’s been a tough revaluation and we need to tap into that.  He doesn’t feel the Town budget should be cut a nickel; he doesn’t think the education budget needs to be cut.  He doesn’t think that will happen tonight, but this is how he feels.  He feels we all get a tremendous value in this Town for a reasonable increase in taxes.

Mr. Hooper referred to other emails he has received.  He agrees with what his fellow members have addressed.  However, if we take money from Surplus funds this year, next year that means an automatic tax increase.  He’s not against using Surplus, but if the budget doesn’t increase at all next year, there will be a tax increase from any surplus we use this year.  He does not appreciate the animosity he sees growing year by year as illustrated by some of the emails.  He apologized for scolding, but these are his feelings and it really should stop.  He agrees with  leaving Surplus at about 5.5%.  

Mr. Monts appreciated the comments at the Public Hearing, the email he has received and the quality of the comments has gotten better over time.  He feels the Town and the Board of Education did an excellent job in responding to comments to improve the quantity and quality of  information disseminated.  He feels we need to look to the future and would like to see more long-term planning.  He feels the budgets have been well prepared, but we should look to trimming the budgets as well as using some funds from surplus with caution.

The Chairman opened the meeting to public comments.  Several people attending asked questions and made comments in an effort to sway our deliberations.  

        III.    OTHER BUSINESS – None.

        IV.     ADJOURN – There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Elinor Burns, Clerk