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Board of Finance Minutes 02/23/04
FEBRUARY 23, 2004

        I.              CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Tom Harrison.  Members present were Tom Gugliotti, Bill Hooper, Steve McGuff, Jim Speich and Mark Zacchio.  Michael Monts was absent.

        II.             PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Led by member Jim Speich.

The Chairman indicated that before we proceed, because we had an election in November and new terms are starting, it will be necessary to elect a chairman and a secretary for the coming year.  He asked for nominations from the floor.

A nomination was made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Zacchio to nominate Tom Harrison as Chair.
Mr. Gugliotti moved and Mr. Hooper seconded a motion to close nominations.  The motion was then unanimously adopted with Mr. Harrison abstaining.

A nomination was made by Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Speich, to nominate Tom Gugliotti as Secretary/Vice-chairman.
Mr. McGuff moved and Mr. Speich seconded a motion to close nominations.  The motion was then unanimously adopted with Mr. Gugliotti abstaining.

        III.    COMMUNICATIONS FROM AUDIENCE – Linda Merlin attended and reported she was present to observe and had nothing to say at this time.

        IV.             MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETINGS:  December 15, 2003 and
                                                                            December 22, 2003.
On a motion made by Mr. Zacchio, seconded by Mr. Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:         That the minutes of  the December 15th  meeting be accepted as read, and that the minutes of the December 22nd meeting be accepted as amended.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Hooper, McGuff, Speich and Zacchio voted in favor.

Mr. Harrison wanted to report that he and Tom Gugliotti attended a meeting with the Chairs of
the Boards of Finance from Granby, Simsbury and East Granby to get to know each other and
exchange views on how the different Boards operate.  He reported they all face the same
challenges of more demands than there are dollars to meet them but he thinks they will continue
these informal meetings.  Mr. Gugliotti agreed it was a very good idea to do something like this.
He reported it was encouraging to hear that everyone has similar challenges.  Everybody is trying
to stretch dollars as far as possible.

Mr. Harrison reported last Thursday, he met with Council Chair Dick Hines and Board of
Education Chair Peggy Roell to discuss the upcoming budget deliberations; it appears all three
Boards are in agreement that we have to work together on behalf of the Town.  It was a very
good sense that  the Boards, despite conflicting pressures and demands, will strive to work
together towards acceptance of the budget at the May 12th Referendum.

The final item the Chairman wanted to report is that Mr. Hines and Ms. Roell agreed that the
Budget presentations at the Town Meeting should be presented in a format that’s easy for the
voters to understand, especially considering how revaluation will affect our deliberations.  He
recommended the two Chairs sit down with the Town Manager, Dr. Kisiel, Peg Colligan and
Harry derAsadourian to see if they can come up with a concise format for the presentation.  He
recommended board members to consider such a format and make recommendations at the
March 22nd meeting; he feels this will not only be helpful, but will show that the three Boards are
working together to present a viable budget.

        V.      OLD BUSINESS
                        03/04-05 – Review and Discussion and/or Approval FY04/05 Budget.
                                a.      The Town Manager has submitted proposed dates for workshops.  He indicated the Public Hearing is scheduled for April 1st, and recommends that  workshops be scheduled for Wednesday, April 7th; Tuesday, April 13th and Thursday, April 15th  with a back-up date of April 19th if needed.  The Chairman reported that April 19th is the start of school vacation and many people will not be able to attend, so we may want to change that date.  It was the consensus of the Board that four meetings are not necessary; we will schedule April 15th as a final backup workshop, if needed.

Mr. Gugliotti recommended two scheduled workshops, with a third as a backup.  The members concurred that two workshops with a third as a back-up will be sufficient.

On a motion made by Mr. McGuff, seconded by Mr. Zacchio, it was voted:
RESOLVED:    That the Board of Finance approves the following  Workshop Schedule for 7:00
                  p.m. in the Avon Room, Town Hall on April 7 and 13; on April15 the Board will
                  present our recommended budget for Referendum.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Hooper McGuff, Speich and Zacchio voted in favor.

Mr. Harrison reported Dick Hines and Peggy Roell said they both prefer to have combined workshops, not one night for the Council and a separate night for the Board of Ed, on the theory that all three Boards are working to a common goal, rather than giving the impression that the Boards have different agendas.

                                b.      Sign Notice of Public Hearing – The Town Manager reported there is a slight change in the Public Hearing Notice.  The meeting on April 1st will start at 7:00 p.m. at the Avon Senior Center, Community Room.  The Board concurred with this change and authorized the Chairman to sign the Notice.

The Chairman reported he has been advised that everyone seems to be pleased with having all three presentations first and then opening the meeting to general questions.  The Board discussed the timing of the presentations – because of revaluation, the presentations may run a little longer to accommodate an explanation of how revaluation will effect the budget, so perhaps we should set a time limit and have printed material that will explain some facets of our decisions.  At the request of the Board, Steve McGuff indicated he would be willing to make the presentation again this year.  The Town Manager suggested that Mr. McGuff may wish to be at the meeting on Thursday when the Town Assessor will go into detail on the results of the revaluation and how they affect the budget; as revaluation will be part of the Board of Finance’s presentation.  We will finalize our presentation at our meeting on March 22nd.

                                c.      Independent Evaluation and Analysis – Mr. Gugliotti reported when such large amounts of money are being asked from the tax payers, it may be wise to get some independent ideas of how this money is being spent.  He is not sure such a resource is available, but he wonders if it would be wise to consider.  After discussion, it was decided it is too late to apply this to the current budget, but perhaps we can consider it for next year.  The Town Manager reported if the Board feels this is advisable, there will be money involved; you will need to recruit a consultant with an RFP and follow that procedure.  He also reported on several possible problems with bringing in an outside consultant, as well as some of the advantages.  However, if this procedure is recommended, now would be the time to incorporate some figures into the  2004/2005 budget for analysis of the 2005/2006 budget.

        VI.             NEW BUSINESS
                            03/04-12    Supplemental Appropriation: $7,300 Neighborhood
                                        Assistance Act Donation.

On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. McGuff, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 03/04 Budget by increasing                          
                        REVENUES General Fund, Other Local Revenues, Donations from Private                      
        Sources, Account #01-0360-43651 in the amount of $7,300 and increasing APPROPRIATIONS General Fund, Patrol Services, Other Equipment, Account #01-2107-53319 in the amount of $7,300 for the purpose of recording Neighborhood Assistance Act donations to purchase eyewitness in-car video system and the “Are you O.K.?” program, which is a pc generated phone call to home-bound elderly and/or handicapped for daily monitoring, alerting communications when phone call is unanswered.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Hooper, McGuff, Speich, and Zacchio voted in favor.

        VII.            MISCELLANEOUS – None.

        VIII.           OTHER BUSINESS – None.

        IX.             ADJOURN
On a motion made by Mr. Zacchio, seconded by Mr. Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the Board of Finance adjourn at 8:35 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Hooper, McGuff, Speich and Zacchio voted in favor.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary
Attest:  Elinor Burns, Clerk

BOF- 02-23-04 Minutes