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Board of Finance Minutes 04/15/03
APRIL 15, 2003

        I.      CALL TO ORDER
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Avon Room, Town Hall, by Chairman Harrison.  Present were Messrs. Gugliotti, Hooper, McGuff, Monts, Speich and Zacchio.

        II.     OLD BUSINESS
Once the Board of Finance has fulfilled it’s requirements under the Charter regarding the proposal of an Annual Budge,  it goes to a Town Meeting on Monday, May 5th.  That Meeting will then adjourn to a Referendum on Wednesday, May 14th.  The budget we recommend tonight will be the subject of the Referendum.  If the voters do not approve the recommendation, we will have to begin the process again.  After tonight, there’s no more discussion about reductions.

Mr. Harrison asked each member to express his feelings on what figure we should recommend.  The recommendations ranged from increases of 1.2 mills to 1.45 mills.  

After further discussion, a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Monts was lost – that the Board of Finance recommend a budget increase of 1.4 mills.  Messrs. Gugliotti, Speich and Zacchio voted in favor, Messrs. Harrison, Hooper, McGuff and Speich voted nay.

After further discussion, it was recommended that the Town Council reduce the Capital and Operating Budgets by another $100,853 and the Board of Education reduce their budget by $803,000.

On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. McGuff, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Board of  Finance recommend to the Town Meeting a 2003/2004 Budget in the amount of $54,430,481   
        Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, McGuff, Monts, Speich and Zacchio voted in favor; Mr. Hooper voted nay.

        III.    NEW BUSINESS
                02/03-22 – Supplemental Appropriation $4,000; Law Enforcement Grant
The Town Manager reported we have already received a grant of $4,000 which the Police Chief recommended be used to purchase a laptop computer compatible to our Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management System.

On a motion made by Mr. Zacchio, seconded by Mr. McGuff, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY02/03 Budget by increasing REVENUES General Fund, State & Federal Grants, Law Enforcement Block Grant, Account #01-0330-43373 in the amount of $4,000 and increasing APPROPRIATIONS General Fund, Patrol Services, Other Equipment, Account #01-2107-53319 in the amount of $4,000 for the purpose of upgrading and replacement of mobile laptops in the police vehicles.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Hooper, McGuff, Monts, Speich and Zacchio voted in favor.

                               REVENUE FUND
The Town Manager reported on the Fisher Meadow and Fisher Old Farms deeds that require any money the Town receives for the use of that property regarding crops, gravel mining, etc. has to be used for some specific purposes which are outlined in the deeds, basically covering maintenance of the property and/or the acquisition of additional adjacent pieces of open space.  The agreement between the Town and Avon Water Company, which allows the water company to build up to three wells at the site, requires that the water company provides us with a $5,000 per year stipend as well as a cubic foot charge.  We also included in here the balance of the appraised value for the property that the federal government requires since the Fisher Meadows property was purchased with a grant.  Any other use of that property requires us to go back to the Department of Interior of the Federal Government to get approval and what they do is say “yes, you can use it but you have to substitute another parcel of property.”  In this case, the property that was substituted was a 12-acre piece that is adjacent to Fisher Meadows, northerly and immediately east or behind the Sconset Point development.  The price of that property was $77,500.  What the Town has received is $10,000, for two years stipend from the water company and a check for $22,500 which is the balance of the difference between the $77,500 and the $100,000 that the Federal Government required.  These funds have to be put in a special revenue fund for those purposes which are outlined.  Seven documents are referenced which are available for review.

On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Board of Finance approve the creation of a special revenue fund for the purpose of  Fisher Meadows/Fisher Old Farms for conservation, farming, recreation, open space and uses incidental to Fisher Meadows and the Fisher Old Farms properties.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Hooper, McGuff, Monts, Speich and Zacchio voted in favor.

        IV.     OTHER BUSINESS – None.

        V.      ADJOURN

On a motion made by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Hooper, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Board of Finance adjourn at 8:50 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Hooper, McGuff, Monts, Speich and Zacchio voted in favor.

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Elinor S. Burns,