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Town Council Minutes 07/11/2013
July 11, 2013

I.         CALL TO ORDER

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall, in the Selectmen’s Chamber by Chairman Zacchio.  Members present: Mrs. Samul and Messrs: May and Evans.  Mr. Pena was absent.  Ann Dearstyne, Town Clerk, was filling in as the Clerk for the meeting.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Zacchio.


12/13-57        Acceptance of Drainage Easement – 20 Guernsey Lane

The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Zacchio.  Chairman Zacchio waived the reading of the following legal notice:
Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Connecticut will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectman’s Chamber, 60 West Main Street, Avon, Connecticut for the following purpose:
        To accept a 20’ Storm Drainage Easement and shown as “Map Showing 20’ Storm Drainage Easement & Unrestricted Right to Drain to be conveyed to the Town of Avon across property of 20 Guernsey Lane Avon, Connecticut, Connecticut Scale 1”=40’ date 6/07/12 Sheet 1 of 1”
Copy of said map is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office and open to the public for inspection during normal business hours.
Dated at Avon, Connecticut this 7th day of June, 2013.
                Brandon L. Robertson
                Town Manager”

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mrs. Samul, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council close the public hearing.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mrs. Samul, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That Town Council accept  a 20’ Storm Drainage Easement and shown as “Map Showing 20’ Storm Drainage Easement & Unrestricted Right to Drain to be conveyed to the Town of Avon across property of 20 Guernsey Lane Avon, Connecticut, Connecticut Scale 1”=40’ date 6/07/12 Sheet 1 of 1.”
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, May, and Evans voted in favor.

12/13-58        Acceptance of Easements in Weatherstone Subdivision (Lofgren Rd., Sheffield Ln. & Northington Dr.)

The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Zacchio.  Chairman Zacchio waived the reading of the following legal notice:
Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Connecticut will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectman’s Chamber, 60 West Main Street, Avon, Connecticut for the following purpose:
1.  To accept Conservation Easements shown and designated as “Conservation Easement” on maps entitled “WEATHERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN PREPARED FOR WEATHERSTONE OF AVON LLC, Lofgren Road, Sheffield Lane and Northington Drive, Avon, Connecticut Date: May 14, 2007 last revised 7/31/08 Scale: 1 IN.=40 FT. Sheets 4,7,8 and 9”.  Parcels One, Two, Three and Four.
2.  To accept Drainage Easement shown and designated as “Sanitary Sewer and Flowage and Drainage Easement to the Town of Avon” on a map entitled “WEATHERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN PREPARED FOR WEATHERSTONE OF AVON LLC, Lofgren Road, Sheffield Lane and Northington Drive, Avon, Connecticut Date: May 14, 2007 last revised 7/31/08 Scale: 1 IN.=40 FT. Sheet 4”
3.  To accept Sanitary Sewer shown and designated as “Sanitary Sewer and Flowage and Drainage Easement to the Town of Avon” on a map entitled ‘WEATHERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN PREPARED FOR WEATHERSTONE OF AVON LLC, Lofgren Road, Sheffield Lane and Northington Drive, Avon, Connecticut Scale Date: May 14, 2007 last revised 7/31/08 Scale 1 In.=40 FT. Sheet 7”
4.  To accept “Sanitary Sewer Easement to the Town of Avon” on a map entitled ‘WEATHERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN PREPARED FOR WEATHERSTONE OF AVON LLC, Lofgren Road, Sheffield Lane and Northington Drive, Avon, Connecticut Scale Date: May 14, 2007 last revised 7/31/08 Scale 1 In.=40 FT. Sheets 7,8,9 and 10”
Copy of said maps is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office and open to the public for inspection during normal business hours.
Dated at Avon, Connecticut this 7th day of June, 2013.
                Brandon L. Robertson
                Town Manager”

On a motion made by Mrs. Samul, seconded by Mr. May, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council close the public hearing.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mrs. Samul, seconded by Mr. May, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That Town Council accepts the following items described below:
1.  To accept Conservation Easements shown and designated as “Conservation Easement” on maps entitled “WEATHERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN PREPARED FOR WEATHERSTONE OF AVON LLC, Lofgren Road, Sheffield Lane and Northington Drive, Avon, Connecticut Date: May 14, 2007 last revised 7/31/08 Scale: 1 IN.=40 FT. Sheets 4,7,8 and 9”.  Parcels One, Two, Three and Four.
2.  To accept Drainage Easement shown and designated as “Sanitary Sewer and Flowage and Drainage Easement to the Town of Avon” on a map entitled “WEATHERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN PREPARED FOR WEATHERSTONE OF AVON LLC, Lofgren Road, Sheffield Lane and Northington Drive, Avon, Connecticut Date: May 14, 2007 last revised 7/31/08 Scale: 1 IN.=40 FT. Sheet 4”
3.  To accept Sanitary Sewer shown and designated as “Sanitary Sewer and Flowage and Drainage Easement to the Town of Avon” on a map entitled ‘WEATHERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN PREPARED FOR WEATHERSTONE OF AVON LLC, Lofgren Road, Sheffield Lane and Northington Drive, Avon, Connecticut Scale Date: May 14, 2007 last revised 7/31/08 Scale 1 In.=40 FT. Sheet 7”
4.  To accept “Sanitary Sewer Easement to the Town of Avon” on a map entitled ‘WEATHERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN PREPARED FOR WEATHERSTONE OF AVON LLC, Lofgren Road, Sheffield Lane and Northington Drive, Avon, Connecticut Scale Date: May 14, 2007 last revised 7/31/08 Scale 1 In.=40 FT. Sheets 7,8,9 and 10”
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, May, and Evans voted in favor.

IV.             MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETING:  June 6, 2013 Regular Meeting

Mr. Evans recommended that the wording for the motion under the item regarding the Neighborhood Assistance Act be changed from “approve the following requests” to “accept the applications as requested.”

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. May, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Town Council accept the minutes of the June 6, 2013 Regular Meeting as amended.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, May, and Evans voted in favor.



Chairman Zacchio welcomed Ann Dearstyne to the meeting tonight.  He reported that Caroline LaMonica had retired from the Town at the end of 2006 and had wanted to continue on as the Clerk to the Town Council for an undetermined period of time once she retired.  He noted that she was a great resource for Council to have because of her history and her knowledge of the Town, the Charter, and the Council’s meeting procedure.  He reported that it was fifty-one years that she has been working in a capacity for the Town of Avon.  He noted that they will miss her greatly as she has finally decided to rest and enjoy her retirement and we wish her well.  He thanked Ann Dearstyne for being here tonight while they decide how to move forward.

Mrs. Samul reported that she attended a round table discussion on veterans’ affairs sponsored by Representative Elizabeth Esty that took place in Simsbury a few weeks ago.  She noted that there was a cross section of veterans’ age wise, in addition to Mary Glassman, Simsbury First Selectwoman and Farmington Town Council Member Jeff Hogan.  She reported that they were talking about whether when people come into our Social Services Department and are looking for fuel assistance or using the food bank if there is an underlying employment issue and in addition to meeting their immediate need maybe we can also address some of the long term needs because there were a number of people there who were involved with jobs.  She suggested that Alan Rosenberg, Director of Social Services, contact his peers in the other Farmington Valley towns and invite some of these people to inform us of what programs are available so that we have another arrow in our quiver should the situation arise.  The Town Manager responded that he will raise the topic at the next Farmington Valley Collaborative Meeting and in the meantime will mention it to Mr. Rosenberg and recommend that he get in touch with the other Social Services Directors accordingly.  He noted that there are a lot of good resources out there for veterans and we should be using them.


12/13-55        Review, Discussion & Approval: Avon Clean Energy Commission: Amended Charge

Chairman Zacchio reported that the draft revised charge was on the agenda last month and there were some late changes to it and was tabled so the Town Manager could go back to the Clean Energy Commission, work with them on their suggestions and put together a new draft revised charge.

The Town Manager noted that Bob Bullis who is sitting in the audience was instrumental in working to revise the charge.  He reported that he and a group of Avon Clean Energy Commission members met at the end of June to talk about the revised charge and receive a presentation from CCM Energy about some exciting projects on the horizon with respect to solar panels.  He commented that with regards to their charge they incorporated some additional language that comes directly out of the Clean Energy Plan that the Council adopted in October 2012 and specifically mentioned a couple of the goals that are out there on the horizon – 15% by 2015 and 20% by 2020.  He commented that the vehicle for achieving those goals is the idea of establishing and formalizing the Energy Management function within the Town.  He noted that there is an Energy Management function within the Town Manager’s Office, the Board of Education, and Public Works.  He commented this is a good approach and makes us think about it as a consolidated entity and the only way that we have any chance of meeting these goals is to function on a consolidated basis.  He added that being very consistent with the Energy Plan we talk about the goals in term of continuing to make resources available to residents so they can better understand the various clean energy options that are available to them and strategies that are available at home to conserve energy.  He noted that we have a lunch and learn being scheduled where CL&P is coming out to talk about some of these ideas for homeowners.  He reported that some Avon Clean Energy Commission members would like to meet more often than bi-monthly but for now will go on a bi-monthly basis and otherwise meet as needed and it may be that the members break out into sub-committees to get this work done.  He commented that it is a good charge, meets the needs of the Commission, and recommends adoption of it.

Bob Bullis, Avon Clean Energy Commission member, commented that the Commission has a lot to do in the next two months.

Mrs. Samul commented that she has been hearing on the news lately about grant money available from the State level for charging stations for electric cars.  She asked if the Avon Clean Energy Commission could research the grant money available and find out whether it is public or private, if a charging station would be appropriate here in Town, and if so, where it might be appropriate, how they work, and if it has to be private how the Town might make the information available to those parties.  Mr. Bullis responded that he would bring this information back to the Commission.  He added that it is not clear which way to go regarding the Governor’s announcement about renewable energy and the Commission has to make proposals to Council that make sound financial sense.  Mrs. Samul commented that has been an ongoing challenge for the Clean Energy Commission and we appreciate you doing that.

Mr. Evans agrees conceptually with all that has been explained as we have talked about it tonight.  He noted that when he first read it he did not understand what it meant by Energy Management function and used a number of different times throughout the charge.  He added that now he understands it based upon the way that the Town Manager explained it.  He suggested that maybe the document needed a little wordsmith but if all other Council members are ok with it he is on board and supports it.  He added that the Clean Energy Commission fulfills a very vital important function to the Town.

Chairman Zacchio commented that he is comfortable with the draft charge.  He added that he viewed the Energy Management function as parts of different departments and a more defined focus in a role that helps pull all of those entities together and give direction and relief to the Commission in terms of single point of contact.  Mr. Evans agreed.

On a motion made by Mrs. Samul, seconded by Mr. May, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council revise the August 4, 2011 CHARGE to the Avon Clean Energy Commission (ACEC), as follows;
WHEREAS:        The ACEC, as established on December 4, 2008, facilitated the development of an Energy Plan (Plan) for the Town and Board of Education (BOE), which was adopted by the Town Council in October 4, 2012; and,
WHEREAS:        The Plan establishes as a goal that the Town/BOE reduce energy usage per square foot in all Town/BOE operations by 15% by 2015; and,
WHEREAS:        The Energy Plan establishes as a goal that the Town/BOE reduce its combined carbon footprint by 20% by 2020; and,
WHEREAS:        There continue to be public and private resources and opportunities available to fund energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town establish an Energy Management function within the Town to address and evaluate the feasibility of future energy opportunities; and,
That the ACEC shall work with the new Energy Management function to inform Avon residents about (a) clean energy options available to them through their current or alternative energy providers, (b) strategies to reduce their energy consumption at home, and (c) the availability of residential or commercial renewable energy opportunities; and,
That the ACEC shall be tasked to assist the newly established Energy Management function in the identification and development of said energy opportunities to meet locally adopted goals; and,
That the ACEC shall meet at least bi-monthly and receive an annual report from appropriate Town/BOE staff on (a) completed, current, or proposed energy efficiency related efforts and projects, as proposed in the Energy Plan or identified by the ACEC and Energy Management function, (b) completed, current, or proposed energy efficiency related projects in the Capital Improvement Plan, and (c) progress toward the achievement of locally adopted energy related goals; and,
That the ACEC in partnership with the Energy Management function shall, upon request, provide periodic reviews and reports to the Town Council; and,
That the ACEC be composed of seven members, including a Chair, to be selected and appointed by the Town Council.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.

12/13-64        Appointment: Natural Resources Commission (R – 12/31/2013)

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. May, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council table agenda item 12/13-64 Appointment: Natural Resources Commission (R – 12/31/2013) to the August 8, 2013 meeting.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.


13/14-01        Approve Proclamation: Roaring Brook School 50th Anniversary

Chairman Zacchio reported that he, Mrs. Samul, and Mr. Pena, along with other Board members attended the Roaring Brook School’s 50th Anniversary Celebration on June 25th.  He added that he formally presented and read a proclamation that was very nicely written for the school.  He noted that it was one of those rare times when the event happens prior to the proclamation being approved at the meeting so the group knows that we will officially approve the proclamation tonight.  He waived the reading of the proclamation.

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mrs. Samul, it was voted:
WHEREAS, Roaring Brook Elementary School, which is nestled in the beautiful Avon community located in the Avon Public School District, is celebrating its 50 year legacy of academic excellence and contribution to the community; and~
WHEREAS, the school opened its doors in September of 1963 and continues to inspire in our 580 students in kindergarten through grade 4 a joy and passion for learning and a commitment to excellence, personal integrity, and social responsibility in a nurturing environment that promotes respect for self and others; and
WHEREAS, our highly talented staff works tirelessly through an exemplary multi-faceted collaboration with parents and the community to ensure that all children are successful learners, utilizing a plethora of educational experiences and character-building activities that will prepare them to become leaders of tomorrow; and
WHEREAS, Blazer’s Trail, a major initiative to promote student achievement, uses our Outdoor Classroom to create interdisciplinary opportunities for students to engage in collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking, and creative expression; and
WHEREAS, the Roaring Brook School student performance continues to far exceed state averages in all areas of the school profile, and the Connecticut Mastery Test Program administered in Grades 3 and 4 reflects strong performances in writing, reading and mathematics; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Avon Town Council on behalf of all residents of Avon, Connecticut, does hereby proclaim June 25, 2013, as Roaring Brook Elementary School Day~in Avon, Connecticut, to commemorate the 50th anniversary celebration of Roaring Brook Elementary School and its legacy of academic excellence and contribution to the community.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.

13/14-02        Supplemental Appropriation: GIS Sewer Database Quality Assurance
                  Project, $30,000

Chairman Zacchio reported that this request out of the Sewer Fund to appropriate $30,000 to complete the GIS Database study.  He added that it brings us up to not only through 2013 but also in a format that will be a little more widely understood and available for use.  He noted that today if we have an issue there is a Superintendent who is on duty twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, who has to go back and troubleshoot where in the system we have issues and how those issues might be resolved.  He added that this project will help pinpoint that and help others be able to handle that duty as well.

Mrs. Samul questioned that this is building on what we did in 2006 and not saying that was not done right and we have to replace it.  Larry Baril, Town Engineer, responded that is correct.

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mrs. Samul, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council favorably recommends to the Board of Finance an appropriation not to exceed $30,000.00 from Sewer Fund, Other Financing Sources, Unassigned Fund Balance, Account #05-0390-43913, to Sewer Fund, Sewage Collection and Disposal, Service and Consultant, Account #05-3205-52184, for the purpose of the development of a geodatabase in which all features are captured, and all desired attributes are collected and match source record plans.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.

13/14-03        Contract Recommendation: Above Ground Fuel Facility: DPW

The Town Manager reported that this is phase three of five as we have been funding the project over the last couple of years to remove the underground fuel tanks because according to DEEP fuel tanks need to be above ground.  He noted that the existing fuel station is operational while at the same time we have put in a platform and preparing, with the approval of this contract, to go ahead and take delivery of the fuel tanks with the gas dispensing systems.  He added that the future appropriations for the project which would be included in the capital improvement plan going forward are for the removal of the underground fuel tanks.  Mr. Evans questioned if the underground tanks have been removed yet.  The Town Manager responded that they have not.  Mr. Evans questioned if we budgeted for that in this year’s budget.  The Town Manager responded not for the removal of the tanks, only for the installation of the new tanks.  Mr. Evans questioned if there will be any soil remediation required.  The Town Manager responded that he was not sure as we never identified any leak from the fuel tanks and the integrity has never been in question.  Chairman Zacchio commented that the tanks have been underground since the facility was built in the early 1970s.  Mr. May asked if the gasoline being pumped out from the old fuel tanks will be re-used in the new tanks.  Chairman Zacchio commented that it should be pumped into the new tanks or we get credit for the difference.  Mrs. Samul commented that right now there is still fuel in the existing tanks and once we install the above ground tanks the old tanks will be emptied and there will not be a potential for environmental issues because they are empty and will proceed to have them removed on our schedule.  The Town Manager responded that is right.  Mrs. Samul commented that the bid amount of $147,311 is less than $171,546 in the capital improvement project funding balance.  She questioned if we are on schedule with what we projected for this phase.  The Town Manager responded that we are on schedule.  He added that the quote came in a little bit lower than we anticipated and DEEP regulations require a canopy over the fueling stations so we will use some of the remaining balance to fund the canopy.  Mrs. Samul commented that the $171,546 was what we budgeted for this phase of the project and not the accumulation of funds from previous projects plus this.  The Town Manager responded no.

On a motion made by Mrs. Samul, seconded by Mr. May, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council awards the Installation of a New Fuel Facility Contract to Lemelin Environmental Services, Inc. of Chicopee, MA, based on their low bid in an amount not to exceed $147,311.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.

13/14-04        Appointment: Town Council Representative for the AVFD (12/31/2013)

The Town Manager reported that Dave Bourgard had been Town Council liaison to the Avon Volunteer Fire Department and has moved to South Carolina.  He commented that we need a new liaison to the Fire Department and after having given this a lot of thought his recommendation is to go with Jamie DiPace.  He noted that Mr. DiPace has a lot of history with the Fire Department, former Chief for many years and has a great knowledge of their operations, the way their Board of Directors works, their administrative guidelines, and their needs.  Chairman Zacchio commented that Mr. DiPace could not have been a better pick; he understands the Fire Department at a depth that very few people do and he also understands this body and how we have operated and how we need to work together and looks forward to working with Mr. DiPace.

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mrs. Samul, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council appoint James DiPace as Town Council Representative to the Avon Volunteer Fire Department with a term to expire on December 31, 2013
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.

13/14-05        Resignation: Zoning Board of Appeals

Chairman Zacchio reported that Suzanne Hard is moving out of town and has been serving on the Zoning Board of Appeals for a few years.  He asked the Town Manager to send a letter on the Council’s behalf for her service.

On a motion made by Mr. Zacchio, seconded by Mr. May, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council accept with regret the resignation of Suzanne Hard from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.


Misc. A:  Purchasing Update:  The Town Manager commented that the Master Contract List is in Council’s packet; a very knowledgeable tool and at a glance gives you an idea of everything that is out there and what activities may be coming up on the purchasing front.  He reported that over the last couple of weeks a lot of activity has been focused on getting a couple of capital projects in process working with the Board of Education, all of the school security projects that were approved for the FY 13/14 budget which include security cameras, classroom locking hardware, audible alarms and the radio replacement project.  He noted that everything is moving forward in accordance with whatever procurement process is necessary.  He added that for the classroom locking hardware it is a sealed bid process, some of the others are simply quotes, and for security cameras we recently went through a procurement process when we put cameras in the Police Department so we are simply continuing on with that same vendor.  Mr. May commented on the audible alarms and the estimate being $41,000 but the actual is $14,000.  The Town Manager responded that in some cases we go with the information that we have when the capital budget is being developed; in this case probably what happened is the scope changed once we got the contractor in to take a look at the project.  He noted that it is a good thing that happened because it is quite possible again because of how the scope changes that some of the other projects may come in slightly over; when you look at them as a total we are really shooting not to exceed $240,000.  Chairman Zacchio commented that depending on where the other items come in if we have capacity within that line item are we talking about what we would use that excess capital for, for example, the next priority for the Board of Education he believes is the fire alarms at Roaring Brook School.  Mrs. Samul commented that it would have to be something like that or to turn the funds back into reserves if it is excess capital.  Chairman Zacchio commented that we know it will be an item for next year on the capital side so it could be one option depending on what funds remain.  Mrs. Samul commented that it would have to be something of like use.  Mr. Evans questioned that an unused capital item goes to a Board of Education reserve account under this circumstance.  The Town Manager responded that it stays in the account.  Chairman Zacchio added that you can use it for capital or leave it in the reserve and use it in forward years or this year.  The Town Manager commented that if there is money left once these projects are complete then basically it stays in the Fund 02 Capital Project account unless we close it to Fund Balance.  The Town Manager commented that we will work with the Superintendent of Schools’ team, get them out to bid, and get them done as quickly as we can.  Mr. May questioned what the anticipated time of completion is.  The Town Manager responded that these projects will likely not be completed by the time school starts but shortly thereafter.

Misc. B:  Construction Update:  The Town Manager reported that we are moving ahead with the Village Center Streetscape Project; we have funds left from the STEAP grant and will be moving forward with the installation of the sidewalks and granite curbing.  He added that we are also doing some site improvements to the Board of Education Annex.  He reported that with the Pavement Management Program things are moving along according to schedule.  He noted that Haynes Road is substantially complete at this point.  He reported that we are moving forward with the Deepwood Drive Drainage Improvements as we continue to have bad wash out conditions there.  Mrs. Samul questioned if this will remediate the entire stretch or is this being done in phases.  The Town Manager responded that this is the section that runs from Deepwood Drive to New Road.

Misc C:  Sharrow Demonstration Project:  The Town Manager reported that VHB agreed to go out on a pro bono basis and look at a couple of roads that staff had suggested for sharrows.  He noted that they put on a helmet camera and rode Scoville Road, Country Club Road, and Burnham Road.  Chairman Zacchio questioned how that loop was chosen.  The Town Manager responded that came out of a series of staff meetings that involved Planning, Engineering, Police, and Public Works and if we were to do a pilot project for sharrows what makes sense.  He added that they knew they wanted to have one side including the Greenway Crossing.  He noted that the summary is very detailed and concludes that Country Club Road does not meet the design standards for location of these sharrows; it does indicate that Scoville Road and Burnham Road do meet the design standards and it makes various recommendations regarding the existing signage at the Greenway Crossing at those locations.  He suggested that we move ahead and follow the recommendations with the respect to the Greenway Crossing.  He added that with respect to the sharrows on Burnham Road and Scoville Road, he would like to point the section in the report that talks about existing traffic conditions and he thinks we need to reference another memo from the Chief of Police regarding a project we have been talking about to acquire speed indicators/radar trailers.  He commented that we would like to go ahead and get supplemental appropriations from the Police Special Services Fund to deploy these devices before we move any further with the sharrows and the summary recommends as such.

Mr. May commented that the Burnham Road section by Cheltenham Way is inherently dangerous and a poor idea.  Mrs. Samul commented that the summary substantiates Mr. May’s comments.  Chairman Zacchio agreed.  Mr. May commented that sharrows implies that it is safe for bike riding and if there is accident there he wonders what liability the Town takes upon itself because we said the sharrows were acceptable.  He added that whatever the engineer says, he has almost been hit trying to pull out onto that road several times, it is a very dangerous place and he does not like it all but if you are going to do it, maximum signage, put an officer with a radar station at 5:00 p.m. every day while people are coming home.  Chairman Zacchio commented that is the reason he asked if the loop was for some specific reason and not just because it happened to be a loop.  He noted that we are not bound to the loop; we are not bound to any one of those roads and agree that Burnham side concerns him with the narrowness of the road and the line of sight.  He commented that the Scoville Road piece after some consideration around what the speed abatement might be we might want to consider that because it connects to the schools and sidewalks that meet the Greenways.  He noted that he likes the idea of better signage around the Greenways.  He commented that this month he asked the Town Manager to look into a pedestrian crossing light at Country Club Road.  He noted that Simsbury did it at Hopmeadow Street, obviously a much heavier traveled road but it has an opportunity for bicyclists or walkers to hit the button.  He commented that Country Club Road is one of the more busy Greenway Crossings in Avon and because of the egress down the hill and when you are coming up your line of sight gets skewered there.  Mr. May commented that it is done well there in Simsbury and also done well in Canton on Dowd Avenue.  Chairman Zacchio commented that he does not understand how Country Club Road where he personally sees a lot of bicycle traffic, we are not stopping it but to Mr. May’s point may be inviting it more.  He questioned why Country Club Road, even from an awareness standpoint would not be a place that we would want to put the sharrows.  The Town Manager responded that it is probably in reference to the Municipal Uniform Code of Traffic Control (MUCTC).  Chairman Zacchio asked what about Hollister Drive, it is a connector of major roads and you see a lot of bicycle traffic there.  He likes the sharrows idea, they bring minimum awareness, we have some budget to do it, it is important to seek that we do that but he would agree to let us look at Scoville Road a little more closely especially around the speed abatement and consider that in the future but Burnham Road he would agree that he is uncomfortable with it.  Mr. Evans commented that Burnham Road is too narrow.

Mrs. Samul commented that we are talking about two different things: one is the signage at the Crossings of Scoville Road and Country Club Road for the Rails to Trails.  She asked if it is a recommendation that the Town Manager supports.  The Town Manager responded yes.  She added that the second item is something else that we were doing as far as pursuing the equipment to monitor traffic and the Town Manager is suggesting that we use that equipment on Scoville Road and Burnham Road whether or not we go forward with the sharrows.  The Town Manager responded that equipment would be a nice thing to have aside from the sharrows.  Chairman Zacchio commented that at last month’s meeting there was discussion about the trailer which is about worn out and the newer devices give the Police Department an opportunity to move them around to more targeted areas a lot more easily than hooking up a trailer and collects different data at this point.  The Town Manager commented that he has the Chief of Police and Police Captain looking at different equipment we can purchase.  He would like to come back to Council for a supplemental appropriation from Fund 7, Police - Special Services Fund at the next Council meeting.

The Town Manager reported that yesterday he attended a meeting in Canton with the other Farmington Valley towns and also Bloomfield to talk about river safety.  He added that the Farmington River Watershed Association was in attendance as well.  He noted that we recently had a couple of very tragic events in the Farmington River.  He commented that they had a chance to compare notes and talk about different steps that could be taken to raise awareness.  He does not think it is going to result in any kind of broad campaign but it was concluded that there are some things that we can do, like putting notices on the town web sites and encouraging people to think before they go tubing or swimming.

X.       EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Claim Pending before CHRO

On a motion made by Mrs. Samul, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council go into Executive Session at 8:15 p.m.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.

The Town Manager, Town Clerk, and Dwight Johnson, Town Attorney (via speakerphone), attended the session.

On a motion made by Mrs. Samul, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council come out of Executive Session at 8:40 p.m.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Zacchio, Evans, and May voted in favor.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.


Ann L. Dearstyne, Town Clerk