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Town Council Special Meeting Minutes 04/06/2011
APRIL 6, 2011

A joint meeting of the Board of Finance, Town Council and the Board of education was held April 6, 2011 at the Avon Senior Center Community Room.

Finance Board Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  There were approximately 125 people in the audience.  The Chairman reported there would not be any audience participation, because this is a Board of Finance workshop.

        a.  Board of Finance Workshop: Set Budget Goals and Objectives
        b.  Adopt Final Recommended Budget
        c.  Sign Call of the May 2, 2011 Town and Budget Meeting

After much deliberation among the members of the Board of Finance it was voted that there be a 2.45% mill increase and the reductions needed to reach that mill rate would be a reduction of $1,058,666 of which the Town Council would have to reduce their budget by $211,733 and the Board of Education would have to reduce their budget by $846,933.

The Town Council Chairman called the Town Council meeting to order at 8:40 p.m. Members present:  Mrs. Samul, Messrs: Evans, Pena and Shea.

Chairman Zacchio reported the Chairman of the Board of Education requested that the $362,500. for the replacement of the Avon High School boiler in the Council’s Capital Budget  be removed and that amount used against   the $846,933 reduction requested of the Board of Education.  Chairman Zacchio reported the removal of that item would raise a serious creditability issue regarding the boiler if it were to fail in the next fiscal year.

Mr. Shea reported he recognizes the ramifications if the boiler becomes a problem.  The Board of Education brought the issue of the boiler problem to the Town Council in their presentation of their Capital Projects.  It was pointed out that there was a problem and if the Council does remove this item and something happens we would stand to be seriously criticized.  It is too much of a risk not to include it in the next year’s budget.  

The Town Manager reported the best information we have; it is in danger of premature failure – the boiler is undersized. There is a division in the interruption by the professionals of the code, however, our Consultant has stated that according to their initial calculations it is undersized and it could fail tomorrow or it could fail in 15 years.  His comments are that it needs to be done.

Mr. Pena stated it is a creditability issue.  He would find it difficult to say it is no longer needed.  We do not know – it is a high risk.

Mrs. Samul stated that in no way would she favor the removal of that item from the Capital Budget.

Mr. Evans stated that presently we know that the boiler has to be replaced and the only question is when.    We should include the funds in the budget.

The Council agreed upon a reduction of $150,000 (Fire Truck) from the Capital Budget which will require a one year delay in purchase.  The Council requested the Town Manager reduce the Operating Budget by $62,000 – reductions based on what he feels can be delayed or reduced - for a total reduction by the Town Council of $211,733.

II.     NEW BUSINESS  - None


IV.     ADJOURN – The Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.


Caroline B. LaMonica, Clerk