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Town Council Minutes 06/09/2008 - Special Meeting
June 9, 2008


The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall, in the Avon Room by Chairman Carlson.  Members present: Mrs. Samul, Messrs. Pena, Zacchio and Shea.  


a.      Board of Finance Workshop; Set Budget Goals and Objectives
This portion of the meeting was conducted by the Board of Finance with input from the Town Council and Board of Education.  The Board of Finance presented to the Town Council a reduction of $95,494.

b.      Town Council: Review and Discussion of the FY 08/09 Budget
A general discussion was had regarding the budget and the possible items to be cut to make up the $95,494 that needed to be cut to meet the recommendation set by the Board of Finance.  The Assistant to the Town Manager reviewed several scenarios of possible options with the Council.  Chairman Carlson stated that all items listed in the scenarios were possibilities and all items were on the table for discussion.   The Assistant to the Town Manager recommended that $85,000 be cut from the Chidsey Road drainage project and $10,500 be cut from Maintenance Equipment. She further explained that this equipment is a replacement mower that could be held off buying until the next fiscal year due to the fact that the grounds maintenance was bid out and is being maintained by several landscaping companies.  

Further discussion pursued concerning the possible cut of Chidsey Road drainage project. The Town Manager reported due to the construction up the mountain the drainage is creating a "lake" at the bottom of the mountain and the overflow is draining onto Chidsey Road. The strong overflow damaged some properties and is an issue.  This project would be to formalize the drainage system along the easterly side of Chidsey Road.  A covered ditch culvert could be installed to help alleviate some of the problems.  

On a motion made by Mr. Zacchio, seconded by Mr. Pena, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council authorizes the Town Manager to make the necessary reductions
                      to the Operating Budget in the amount of $10,500 and the Capital Budget in the amount
                      of $84,994, for a total of $95,494.

Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Zacchio, Shea and Pena voted in favor.


07/08-108       Review, Discussion and Approval: "Non- Emergency Interagency Agreement"

The Town Manager reported the Non-Emergency Interagency Agreement is a regional Police Plan.  It would create flexibility to have officers respond to an emergency or situation without having to be sworn in to the particular town.  It would allow off duty officers to respond to an emergency so it would be a Mutual Aid Program. The Towns of Granby and Windsor have already approved and signed the agreement and would recommend that we do as well.

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Pena, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council authorizes the Town Manager to sign of behalf of the Town of
                     Avon the Non-Emergency Interagency Agreement.

Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Zacchio, Shea and Pena voted in favor.


Chairman Carlson advised the Council if this proposed budget fails for the third time the decision regarding setting the mill rate will be the responsibility of the Town Council. He further reported this Council has to give the Town Manger a starting point.  The Council made it clear that Public Safety, Social Services and roads are not to be reduced.

Mr. Zacchio reported it is now necessary to take last year's budget and add the "hard rock" and add the necessary utilities and go from there.

Mrs. Samul reported she has heard a great deal regarding the need for the Town and the Board of Education to begin sharing services.

Mr. Zacchio reported this would be called "Sharing Services" which does not always save money, however, gives more control and compliance and permits sharing initiatives. It may not help in passing budgets but it is good public relations.  Also, part of this model is outsourcing. There are portions of the Town and Board of Education services that may be outsourced; however, it is important that you not give up control and identity. Everything that is not important would fall into outsourcing.

Members of the Town Council felt it was the right thing to do.  However, it will be necessary for the Board of Education to buy into this in the way of shared services and employees - - - this type of cooperation will be necessary to implement a plan to move forward with shared services.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.


Caroline B. LaMonica