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Town Council Minutes 10/04/2007
OCTOBER 4, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Library, in the Alsop Community Room by Chairman Carlson.  Members present: Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Shea, Woodford and Zacchio.  


On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mr. Zacchio, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council approve the September 4, 2007 minutes as read.
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.  

David Goldsholl– Old Kings Road reported he was part of a focus group that the Board of Education had put together with a couple of consultants with regards to how they could perform their jobs more responsibly with participation from the population.  He stated that he was impressed with how knowledgeable the town residents were and the questions they asked, relevant to the town government, how things work, due process, and where the difficulties were.  He reported he was surprised the average length of residence in Avon averaged 47 years.  The perception was that the three boards should work together a little better.  He reported the feeling is that people would like to know things sooner and not wait.  He reported most of the important things that come out early on at the meetings, people just do not hear about it until later.  He suggested that maybe the Board of Education could let people know sooner what was going on.  Perhaps more volunteers and resources could help solve the problems.        

Chairman Carlson reported we want to compliment the volunteer organizations and the town employees that contributed to a very successful Avon Day.  It was a very nice event and we thank all of them for their participation.  
Mr. Shea suggested that a letter be sent to UNICO from the Town Manager and the Town Council thanking them for their tenth year of hard work.       

06/07-04        Review and Acceptance: Recreation Facilities Master Plan
The Director of Parks & Recreation reported over the last 14 months the Committee has been working with an architect on designing a Master Plan.  One of the Park & Recreation Committee charges was to develop a Master Plan for all facilities, including educational properties and the town properties.  The document we are presenting tonight is the final recommendation.  Every individual project has to go through a process, and will have to stand on its own. The recommendations are to serve as a guide-it is not a directive to anyone that these things are going to be done.   The whole series of projects such as Sperry Park, where we are looking to increase the parking, have to go through the entire process that everybody else goes through.  We are also saying that each of these projects have to be discussed individually, and they will be judged on their individual merits.  Some of the projects may actually be pushed out of the plan, as we go through the process, because they are unfeasible, wrong location, etc.  They can also be changed at the Town’s discretion, as to whether these will be done or not.  It is also somewhat of a liquid document because, while it is a guide for us over the next 10 – 15 years, some of those priorities may change. Some of the figures and statistics that we used to go with this may change.  There may not be funding for some of these projects that tend to be expensive.  It is the Committee’s hope that this plan would be adopted, if not, individual projects move forward.  The individual projects will have to stand on their own.  Beyond the one or two topics that are controversial, there are alot that do not appear to be, and without the documentation, we cannot move forward.  He reported we would like to be able to move forward with the plan and tackle the individual projects separately, each on their own merit.  We have a Capital Improvement Program coming up, which is pretty much where this department gets its funding.  There are projects that are being looked at with public money that we need to begin to move on.   Basically, these are the recommendations of the Committee that was appointed by the Town Council.  It is not an endorsement of every project; it is an endorsement of the recommendations that the Committee made.  

Chairman Carlson questioned if we endorsed the plan as presented, what would be your next step?  The Director of Parks & Recreation reported there is a stand-alone project that will be addressed in the not too distant future, which is the field and lighting at the High School.  There are also other things that we need to move on, and while the Committee recommends that the High School be a site, we really do not want that to hold up the rest of this plan.  It is their recommendation that site be considered.  

Jeff Sunblade reported this is a book of ideas for the Town, a road map for the facilities that we have in Town today, how they can be utilized, expanded or other facilities can be built, but all these ideas will have to come before the Town Council for approval through the normal process first.         

Mr. Shea questioned if we did not accept the plan, would you still continue to work on the field and lighting project at the High School?  He reported what he does not want to see is this one or two controversial projects bog down the entire Plan.  Those will be pulled out and discussed on their own merit, whether there is or is not value to it.  

Chairman Carlson reported this Committee has gone through and given us ideas on how to maximize our facilities, which may have to be changed in the future depending on what our needs are at that time.        

Mr. Woodford questioned in the drawings why are most of the fields labeled lacrosse?  The Director of Parks & Recreation reported lacrosse has yet to change the size of their fields, based on the size of the kids and, according to the lacrosse people, they said, “that will never happen.”  So the fields at Fisher Meadows will be changed to “All Purpose” fields because we do not know what is coming down the line.  

Mrs. Hornaday stated, acceptance of a plan indicates when we asked these people to do research and come up with the findings of their research, that we accept what they have done.  It does not endorse it, but it does say that you do not have to continue to research it.  Non-acceptance of the plan would mean there are things that we asked for but do not see in the plan.  If you feel that everything we have asked for is included in this plan, acceptance of this plan allows them to at least close this book on what Parks & Recreation is doing.  

Mrs. Hornaday reported there are people in town that have interest in specific items, but would the Parks & Recreation Committee now anticipate, based on their knowledge of the recreational needs of the town, would they now be prioritizing a list, based on some of these recommendations and recommending that to the residents as to the approach we should take.  The Director of Parks & Recreation reported the consultant has done that and we have asked him to cascade it over a ten-year period.  The priorities pretty much set, with the first priority being public funding. As far as the list of things to be done, even though they are top priority, we will have to wait until we have the funds to complete them.  Mrs. Hornaday reported this report is very thorough and very well done.    

Mr. Zacchio stated he believes this document is a guide and a menu of the possibilities of the 23.5 square miles that Avon offers us for recreation in the future.  

Mr. Shea reported a large amount of pressure is on in the community, when you look at the Library package, potential firehouse and potential purchase of open space.  If you look at some of the larger projects that are here, clearly this body or the Board of Education or the Board of Finance also has to sit down and say we are looking at the best interest of the community as a whole and these things are important for future planning, but we should not over react because a lot of these things may not happen for 10 years, if at all.  

Mr. Renul – Sudbury questioned why the all- purpose fields, lighted with artificial turf are listed when they have been deferred on page seven as a result of a significant amount of money the community recently committed to the expansion of the high school facilities?  The second question is we have $150,000 for the construction of lights in the coming Fiscal Year, with $350,000 in FY 09/10 and $1,000,000 for the synthetic turf field in FY 10/11.  He reported the Town Planner has said it needs another $1,000,000 to pay the cost for water drainage, and where is the item line on this one?  Chairman Carlson reported when they come before us and request to do something, those are the questions that have to be answered at that time.  There may be a missing item here, but frankly, that may be a missing item in any number of the projects, in terms of additional engineering, water remediation or other issues.    Mr. Renul reported his concern is if people go by the cost mentioned and it turns out to be much more, what happens to the prioritization of that project.  
The Director of Parks and Recreation reported some of the figures are in question because the person working on that part was not able to attend the meeting tonight.  None of these projects can move forward until the Town Council and the Board of Finance have approved it.  The dollar amount would have to be plugged into the Capital Plan.  The Master Plan is to give us a look at the conceptual part.  The dollar amount will be worked on for the next 20 years.       

Chairman Carlson reported three years ago the Director of Parks & Recreation was asked to come with a Facilities Master Plan, with prioritization based on need, not just upon cost.  Purposely so, because the costs are going to change from day to day. They will come back before the Town Council and we hope that whatever you come in with your first item it will be your highest priority, as identified in the plan.  At that point, we will have to make the determination as to whether we can afford it and whether it is something we will want to put into the budget, versus the other priorities.  Whether they used the figure of $20,000,000 or $2,000,000 for a project, it is not critical because some of these projects are 10 years out.  

Mr. Renul reported the figures should be the best you have at this time in order to give the best representation, and knowing the expertise that the town has, I would think you would want the most accurate figures available at this time.  He reported the document take on a life of it’s own once it has been accepted by the Town Council and I am sure you would want that number to be as accurate as possible.  

Mr. Shea reported if an Avon High School project surfaces to the top, that is when we try to get the hard numbers that you are interested in looking at.  That is when we would invest some money and get actual bids to see how much the project would cost.  

Chairman Carlson reported those numbers could very well be higher or lower in 10 years because technologies change and when it goes through the process of a capital improvement project, those dollars that we have to put forth, the Town Council will determine what projects will take priority.           

Dan McDonough – Sudbury Way questioned when someone comes before the Town Council with a project, do they have to do a full presentation like they do when they go before the Board of Education?  

Chairman Carlson reported when they came to us, it was not prioritized.  It was done by site or location, now we are blending the recreation side with the education side, i.e. Fishers Meadows, Avon Middle School, and Avon High School.  

Dan McDonough reported the Town Council received a letter in May giving an estimate of drainage for the high school fields, in the amount of a million dollars.  That was not put in because you think it does not matter, but it does matter.  You are really looking at a cost of 3 million and the other cost is 1.5 million, when it should be 3 million versus 2.5 million.  He reported the Town Council is going to accept that document, knowing there is a discrepancy with the figures and once it is approved and accepted the document does take on a life of its own and does impact on the town.  It is not chipped in stone, but it is what folks in town are going to read and will judge the costs on the accuracy of the information in this report.  

Chairman Carlson reported as you put together this process that got accidentally omitted, what part of the 3 million dollars includes some incurred costs for engineering.  Are you talking about an additional million dollars?  The Director of Park & Recreation reported a million dollar engineering and design build for that type of project would be way beyond the limits of cost, in my experience.  

Chairman Carlson reported we do not have the expertise here, we do not know if it is 1 or 2 million or one hundred thousand, but we would recommend, that letter be incorporated into the body of work with reference to tonight.  When you come in for the Capital Budget project, obviously that letter of recommendation from the Town Engineer has to be part of your report.  

On a motion made by Mrs. Hornaday, seconded by Mr. Shea it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the Report that the Parks & Recreation Committee
submitted; such acceptance does not imply acceptance or endorsement of any specific recommendation therein.
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

07/08-06        Appointment: Inland Wetlands Commission
On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mr. Zacchio it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council table the appointment to the November meeting.
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

07/08-08        Appointments: Avon Free Public Library Renovation/Addition Building Committee, (7 Members).
Mr. Shea recommended that Janet Stokesberry and Scott Boos be appointed to the Avon Library Renovation/Addition Building Committee.  He reported Janet Stokesberry, in her professional life, was a corporate real estate lawyer involved with financing and all the aspects of real estate.  He reported Scott Boos is a general contractor and his experience has been with Tomasso Brothers.  Both are well suited to participate and recognize the balance and all the needs of the project.  

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Woodford it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council appoint Janet Stokesberry and Scott Boos to the Avon Free Library Renovation/Addition Building
Committee. Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

Mrs. Hornaday recommended William Eschert, who has experience in construction, David Goldsholl, who has a very extensive resume, Diane Carney, who has been active in the community in a variety of ways, Theodore Kuziak, who is a member of the Library Board and Barbara Leonard, who is also a member of the Library Board.  

On a motion made by Mrs. Hornaday, seconded by Mr. Zacchio it was voted:
RESOLVED:    That the Town Council appoint William Eschert, David Goldsholl, Diane Carney, Joseph T. Kuziak and Barbara Leonard to the Avon Free Public Library Renovation/Addition Building Committee. Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.
Chairman Carlson reported we are charged to nominate a Chairperson from this group of seven.

On a motion made by Mrs. Hornaday, seconded by Mr. Woodford it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council appoint William Eschert as Chairman to the Avon Free Public Library Renovation/Addition Building Committee.
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

It was the general consensus of the Town Council that this committee could start meeting as soon as they would like and then meet with the Town Council.  Chairman Carlson suggested they meet at their own discretion and be invited to come to the Capital Budget presentation at the November Town Council Meeting.
07/08-15        Appointments: (2) Plainville Area Cable Television Advisory Council   PACTAC)

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mrs. Hornaday, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council appointment Elaine Primeau to the Plainville Area Cable
                Television Advisory Council.
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mrs. Hornaday, seconded by Mr. Zacchio, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council table the second appointment to the Plainville Area Cable Television Advisory Council to the November meeting.
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.


07/08-16        Review and Discussion: request of Avon Library to Convert Part-time Position to Full-time
The Town Manager reported the library, as part of their renovations, will be requesting additional staff and we have an opportunity to take advantage of a retirement that is coming up at the end of the year.  At that time the library would like to convert the existing part-time position to a full-time position for a Reference Librarian position.  They have also come up with a funding plan on how to make up the difference in revenues that they will need to pay for the position.  It is a doable plan but the fines they are talking about increasing are still low in comparison to other communities.  They may want to reconsider that for next year, or certainly at the time of the completion of the library renovations.   He reported the Library has been requesting this position for sometime and we have not had any full-time position increases for a number of years in the library.  

Mary Sutter reported we need 12 hours in order to change the part-time position to full-time.  The caliber of the person interested in this type of position would want a full-time position rather than part-time and will make an impact on the quality of service.  There may be a couple of part-time assistants that may be interested in full-time but it will not be an easy position to fill.  She also reported the Board of Directors are supportive of increasing the fees and came up with a plan of increasing the fine rate on November 1st, in order to fund the additional cost of a full-time position.  

Mary Sutter reported we presented a program back in 2002, that hiring another full-time person would help with the staffing problem, as far as covering when someone is on leave. It will also help with our long range staffing plans.  We have kept the staff lean for a few years, but with the renovations we will have to increase the staff.          

The Town Manager reported the cost is being driven, not so much by the additional hours.  It is being driven by the fact that this individual would be entitled to full benefits from the Town at the cost of $22,000 per year.  This will have a significant impact on the 2008/09 Library Budget.    

Mrs. Hornaday stated, it seems to be, the rational of taking on some of the expense that we are going to have, once we have the library on line.    

Chairman Carlson reported he is supportive, but we always go back to the taxpayers and tell them what the building project is going to cost.  We also tell them what the anticipated operating cost increases will be.  We need to think about the library addition as well, the operating costs, including lights and heat and staffing.  We need to include the cost of operation in the total package of the Library Project.    

The Librarian stated in the last to five years, reference questions have increased an average of three to five percent every year.  The role of a Reference Librarian is not just to wait around until people come in and ask questions, but also teach people how to do the search.  This position also requires expertise in programming, planning and providing cultural opportunities for the community.  This added position will make transition to a larger building much easier.        

On a motion made by Mrs. Hornaday, seconded by Mr. Shea it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council authorize the part-time Reference Librarian position be converted to a full-time position.  
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

07/08-17   Bid awards
Police Vehicle Purchase/Financing
The Assistant to the Town Manager reported we have financing for five vehicles that the leases are ending and two replacement vehicles.  The cost of the vehicles is a lot to finance for one year, so when the budget was done for this year, the Public Works staff recommended it was done with a plan to enter into a purchase agreement to pay for the cost of the cars over a three year period and own them at the end of that period.  She reported we put out an RFP and received five responses, and the lowest price came from Government Leasing Company in Colorado. This company is well known in the business of offering lease purchase financing to government and companies.  Their annual interest rate of 4. 28 percent was less then what we budgeted for the year.  We are recommending that we enter into payments in advance, at one annual payment per year of $53,705.24 for three years to equal a total of $161,115.72.  She reported that the Town Attorney has reviewed all of the documents and finds they are in good form, with the exception of a few items, which can be resolved.  

BIDDERS                         INTEREST RATE           TOTAL ANNUAL PAYMENT
Simsbury Bank                           4.60%                           $169,253.28
Municipal Asset Management              4.59%                           $161,580.81
Acme Auto Leasing                               6.23% - 6.42%           $164,765.34
Government Leasing Company              4.28%                           $161,115.72
Baystone Financial Group                        4.70%                           $161,745.60

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Zacchio, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council award the bid to the apparent low bidder, Government Leasing Company in the amount of $161.115.72.      Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor

Crack sealing
The Assistant to the Town Manager reported to undertake a program of crack sealing a number of streets this fall as recommended by the consultant we hired to prepare a pavement management program.  The consultant recommended crack sealing the streets that are in fairly good condition, with a rating of 75% out of 100, as a way of maintaining those streets until further work needs to be done.  She reported we put out this bid to four companies as follows:  
BIDDERS                                                         TOTAL COST                      
Costello Industries                                                     $  48,270.61                            
Pavement Management Systems, LLC                                $260,382.00                             
Forbes Asphalt Maintenance                                      $787,807.00                             
A & A Asphalt, LLC                                              $125,335.00                             

The Assistant to the Town Manager reported the base bid was for the “rout” method, which requires all the cracks to be cleaned out to ensure that the crack sealing material can properly adhere to the surface.  The lowest bidder was Costello Industries, Inc. of Newington, CT.  There was quite a spread in the bids but the low bid was exactly in line with what other towns have paid, which is estimated at thirty-four cents per square yard for material and labor.  She reported our consultant thought the other bidders costs were much higher because they normally do not do this type of work.  She further reported other towns that have used Costello Industries were very satisfied with both their pricing and their work.  This work will be done in October, when the weather will be a little cooler and the cracks will open up some to allow the application to penetrate better.  The question was raised regarding the sidewalks in front of the High School to Sudbury Way.  She replied the sidewalks will be concrete, not asphalt.   

On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mr. Shea, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council award the bid to the apparent low bidder, Costello Industries, Inc. from Newington, CT in the amount of $48,270.61.      
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

Sidewalk Reconstruction
The Assistant to the Town Manager reported we put out the bids for this project in August and there were no bidders.  We sent the packets out again and received four bids with the lowest bidder being Clover Construction of Bristol, CT for $86,092.50 to complete work on West Avon Road, starting at the High School and southward toward Sudbury Way.  We will also plan under this project to do smaller repair projects in town that the Public Works staff has planned out of the operating budget.  We plan to do the work on West Avon Road as soon as school is out for the summer.  The vender is in place to do that work.  The bids are as follows:

BIDDERS                                                         TOTAL COST                      
Lombardo Bros. Construction                                     $  99,472.50                            
Clover Construction                                             $  86,095.50                            
T & S Caminito Concrete                                         $126,785.00                             
H.M. Nunes & Sons Const. Co                                     $105,870.00                             
On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mr. Shea, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council award the bid to the apparent low bidder, Clover Construction in the amount of $86,095.50  
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor

        07/08-18        Authorization to Apply for State of CT Office of emergency Medical Services Grant $1,855
The Town Manager reported this is a grant application for grants to provide training for police sergeants and other officers at the EMT level because they are part of our first responder system. All of our Police Sergeants are required to be trained to the EMT level.  They are part of the Emergency Medical System.
We need a grant to help fund some of the expenses incurred.

On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mrs. Hornaday, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council approve the Avon Police Department applying to the State of Connecticut, Office of Emergency Medical Services for a grant of $1,855.  
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor

07/08-19        Resignation:  Natural Resources Commission (R-12/31/09)

On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mr. Zacchio, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council accept with regret, the resignation of Thomas J. Portelance, Jr. from the Natural Resources Commission.  
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor

07/08-20        Appointment:  Natural Resources Commission

On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mr. Zacchio, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council table this appointment to the November meeting.  
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

07/08-21        Approve CIP Budget Schedule
The Town Manager presented the proposed budget schedule for the Capital Improvement Program presentations for review by the Town Council.    
November 5              Regular Town Council Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
                        Library’s Alsop Community Room
                        7:45 p.m.       Police Department
                        8:15 p.m.       General Government

November 15             Special Town Council Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
                        Countryside Park, 335 Huckleberry Hill Road
                        7:00 p.m.         Recreation and Parks
                        7:30 p.m.           Secret Lake Association
                        8:00 p.m.         Engineering
                        8:30 p.m.           Public Works

December 6              Regular Town Council Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
                        Avon Senior Center Community Room
                        7:30 p.m.       Board of Education
                        8:30 p.m.       Fire Department

On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mr. Zacchio, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council approve the CIP Budget Schedule and reschedule the Town Council November 1st meeting to November 5, 2007   
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor

07/08-22        Authorization to Apply for Federal Hazardous Moving Violations Grant ($20,000.)
The Town Manager reported we have the potential of getting up to $20,000 from the State of Connecticut, in grant money, for the Police Department for police overtime work to include salary and benefits in the way of enforcement activity, for hazardous moving violations.

The Chief of Police reported in a memo that the Town of Avon Police Department has been selected to receive support for traffic enforcement in light of recent accidents on Avon Mountain Road.  He also reported these funds allow for 100 percent reimbursement of officers’ salaries including fringe benefits.  The program will run from October 21,2007 to January 11, 2008.

On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mr. Shea, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council authorize the Avon Police Department to apply for Federal Hazardous Moving Violations Grant in the amount of $20,000.  
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

07/08-23        Authorization for Application Emergency Management Performance Grant
The Town Manager reported this is the grant that we can apply for under the Homeland Security Funding Program through the State and it helps fund a portion of a number of people’s time devoted to Homeland Security or Emergency Management Service.  He reported the grant amount would be in the amount of $5,000 to $8,000 depending on how much money the state gives and how it is distributed.    

On a motion made by Mr. Zacchio, seconded by Mr. Shea, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Town Council authorize the Town to apply for an Emergency Management Performance Grant.    
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor

The Town Manager reported we will be giving flu shots to the full-time town employees who are on our Blue Cross/Blue Shield Insurance plan. However, we have obtained a lower rate through the Farmington Valley Nurses Association, so they will be providing this service to us, in lieu of Blue Cross/Blue Shield.   

The Town Manager reported the Wall Street Journal has featured Reflexite Corporation, which is located in Avon, as one of the fifteen best small companies to work for in the United States and we will be writing a letter to them congratulating them on that designation.

The Town Manager reported we had a major information technology failure over the weekend of September 9th due to an electrical storm.  We are applying for insurance coverage because there was over $50,000 worth of damages to the UPS system, which is the backup power system for the town’s servers and routers and other peripheral parts of the hardware, and this caused a major issue for the Police Department.  It has been a tough thing navigating with substitute power supplies and other means.  
He reported it has all been replaced and everything is restored.

Chairman Carlson stated it brings to mind, in light of the recent rash of confidential information on laptops, computers and disks floating around, which are creating issues for both private enterprises as well as some public entities, i.e. the State, he questioned if we could get the Director of Finance to give us a letter from our vendor and our auditor advising us as to how we should secure our data and what policies we should have in place.  The Town Manager reported the Board of Finance is the one responsible for a lot of the town’s data and some of the issues that come up are a continual lists of IT security improvements.

The Town Manager reported we have a citizen who is about to turn 100 years old in November.  Her name is Charlotte Bennett of Lovely Street.  In the past, the Town has passed resolutions honoring those who have reached that milestone in their life, so we plan on putting something together with your approval.        

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Litigation/Negotiation

On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mr. Zacchio it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council go into Executive Session at 9:10 p.m.
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

Present:  Town Manager, Assistant to the Town Manager and Town Council Clerk.

On a motion made by Mr. Woodford, seconded by Mrs. Hornaday, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council come out of Executive Session at 9:50 p.m.
Mrs. Hornaday, Messrs Carlson, Shea, Woodford and Zacchio voted in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.


Caroline B. LaMonica