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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes - 12/04/2013
                                         AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
DECEMBER 4, 2013


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Bernard Zahren in the Avon Room, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Bernard Zahren, Mitch Kennedy, Robert Bullis, Martin Kaplan, Richard Kretz and Lisa Levin. Member absent: Brian Glenn. Advisory member absent: Jonathan Craig. Also in attendance were Town Manager Brandon Robertson, Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne and representing Murtha Cullina, Paul Michaud.  Residents Jeffrey Macel and Ralph Jefferson were also in attendance.

Mr. Zahren requested a wording clarification in paragraph 3, section V New Business. With no other changes the members voted.

VOTE: Mr. Kaplan motioned, Dr. Kennedy seconded and all agreed to accept the minutes as presented with the change. Ms. Levin abstained as she was absent from the meeting.

Audience communication will be a part of the body of these minutes.

IV. OLD BUSINESS: a. Chairman to sign 2014 meeting schedule
Mr. Zahren signed the meeting schedule for 2014 and requested the schedule be included with these minutes. The schedule is as follows: third Wednesday every other month beginning with February 2014, same time and location, 7:00 PM in the Avon Room, Town Hall Bldg. 1. The dates are: February 19th, April 16th, June 18th, August 20th, October 15th, December 17th 2014 and February 18th 2015.

Mr. Zahren noted that he and Mr. Robertson had attended a meeting at the State Capitol this morning where people had gathered to receive plaques. Avon was acknowledged for having the energy plan, participating in the grant process and community outreach (with a 16% participation in various programs). He’d like to see more than just participation but a real reduction in consumption of energy and more use of renewables to the goal of 20% by 2018. He continued that he’d like to see real reduction and not just the purchase of cheap RECs from other states.

V. NEW BUSINESS: a. Solar RFP Presentation from Paul Michaud – Murtha Cullina
Mr. Michaud introduced himself. He said he is currently working with Mr. Bartha to craft an RFP for solar energy for the Town. Mr. Michaud referred to a timeline which showed dates starting with this meeting and the RFP release date through the ZREC/LREC auction in March/April of 2014. He continued that the methodology his firm uses is to allow the bidders do the “heavy lifting.” Respondents are provided with the figures and addresses so that they can do an actual Google Earth search to see the layout and orientation to the sun of these buildings to determine which would be the most suitable for a  solar array or fuel cell system. He continued that mostly these agreements are done through Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) where the Town doesn’t put out any money. Mr. Michaud added that the lowest price isn’t always the best but had to be weighted with the cost of electricity and the RECs. Mr. Michaud feels confident that he knows the market well. He recommended that the Town have a little higher price but fix it for 15 to 20 years or index it to the utility rate so you’ll always be 15 – 20% below the rate. Mr. Michaud would arrange for a site visit. Mr. Kaplan questioned if these providers were on the approved list (CEFIA) to which Mr. Michaud said no there technically wasn’t a list. Ms. Levin clarified with Mr. Michaud that there was a broader list these RFPs are sent to. Mr. Kaplan asked if the firms will look at the condition of the roofs. Mr. Zahren noted that there are ways to extend warranties so a solar application can be made. Mr. Michaud said there are companies who will even offer a new roof as part of their packages and that this is not uncommon.

Dr. Kennedy questioned the added burden on town staff to field calls and questions from potential bidders. Mr. Michaud responded that he is the go-to-guy for questions and information. Mr. Macel questioned if the town would make land available for the new systems. Mr. Zahren offered that large areas would be better for a virtual net metering site but ones such as the landfill have been ruled out and added that he was glad that we were again looking for solar panels especially for the schools as was originally planned.

Mr. Macel questioned if the Land Trust would be interested or private land could be leased as possibilities to be part of this RFP. He noted that he is involved with a project in Massachusetts that is putting a 4.5 megawatt system on a brown field close to Otis AFB. Mr. Jefferson introduced himself as a resident and that he worked for a firm that is an advisory for renewable energy projects.

Mr. Michaud explained the ZREC auction. The utilities select the projects at lowest price first until they spend all the money. After that’s completed they take the average weighted price of all the RECs that were bid in the medium auction and add 10% to it and that will be the price for small projects. This is thrown into a pool of random projects where not every one will be selected because there are more projects than there is money. Mr. Zahren noted that there was approximately $8 million to fund all the projects, large and small. Mr. Michaud also suggested the Town consider agricultural virtual net metering which is available anywhere in CL & P service territory, not just within the Town of Avon. The Town would pay the bills as usual but would get a credit from the solar farm. Mr. Zahren asked if the Town would be a sponsor for the bid. Mr. Michaud said no that it would come from the developer and the owner of the farm where the system is located. Mr. Michaud offered that this type could also be included in the RFP. Mr. Michaud continued that you’d get the tariff rate plus portions of the transmission charges waived. Ms. Levin asked how this would be different from solar panels on the roofs. Mr. Kaplan said it would be megawatts for the whole town and not just the schools. He added that there was a lot of that going on the West Coast but cautioned that utilities there are now beginning to charge for the distribution as well.

Mr. Jefferson asked how Mr. Michaud would score the returned RFP information in order to make a recommendation to the Town. Mr. Michaud said that they look at the developer’s criteria: technical and financial capabilities, history of other projects and recommendations but that it really would be up to the Town. Mr. Bullis asked if he could share an example of the RFP he uses. Mr. Zahren suggested that Mr. Bartha share the RFP when it’s available for the Commission’s review. Mr. Michaud added that he did not expect that many responses as the scope of the project is on the smaller side. Ms. Levin reminded that the school stats were missing and could affect that size. Dr. Kennedy offered that a rough calculation of the schools would accommodate approximately a 500kW system as not all the schools are suitable. Mr. Jefferson asked if there were alternatives for the schools if they could not all accommodate panels such as a bloom energy fuel cell for example. Mr. Zahren responded that we really haven’t looked at those. Mr. Zahren mentioned too the exploration of battery storage for its potential benefits. Mr. Macel noted that it is expensive and not here yet.

Mr. Zahren asked Mr. Michaud to continue the discussion regarding micro grids. Mr. Kaplan reported that there was $15 million grant money available. Mr. Zahren said the monies would go to the infrastructure but that you’d still have to pay for the generating facility itself such as a solar array or small gas turbine and how do we place this or finance it. Mr. Michaud said the trend is still through PPA’s. Mr. Zahren reminded that the hope was to affect the Ensign Bickford development project to build green or incorporate a generating facility into the landscape before all the buildings are built. The Commission thanked Mr. Michaud for his presentation.

Mr. Zahren discussed a conversation he had recently with Mr. Steve Kushner regarding the possibility of revisiting modifying the building code to favor more green initiatives. He said that Mr. Kushner was very interested and would look to the spring for a date for discussion. Dr. Kennedy offered that Massachusetts has been successful with stretch codes for the residential market.

Mr. Zahren asked for updates from the working groups. Mr. Kaplan reported that the software Portfolio Manager would be the selection of CEFIA to evaluate. The BOE has the program School Dude which has an interface module with the Portfolio Manager but that it is currently experiencing problems with updating. He added that the University of New Haven is providing help to implement the software and that it is free. The contact is Diane McCarthy. Mr. Kretz and Ms. Levin had nothing to report. Mr. Zahren reported that Mr. Craig is working on a replacement HVAC system through a PPA process. He’d like to see these sorts of projects brought to the attention of residents and get further exposure to the CPACE program as well. Dr. Kennedy noted that he is working with CEFIA to provide a program in February for the Chamber of Commerce. He added that he’s had a $5 million project here in Avon. Ms. Dearstyne remarked that the Town does the work to collect the additional assessment through this program.

Mr. Zahren is working with Mr. Bartha to secure a small grant that would contribute to the outreach to the community. The grant will pick 8 towns and provide thermal imagery – an infrared picture of your house showing where the energy is being lost. The hope is to incentivize homeowners to view the pictures and act to either get an energy audit or take some other action to mediate the loss. It will require volunteers to commit to help with this process. Mr. Zahren volunteered to be a part of that group and suggested getting a group together from the community to do this. Mr. Kretz volunteered as well. Ms. Levin did not think that this would be a great way to achieve community outreach. She’d rather have another community session at the library to discuss home energy audits or the like. Mr. Kaplan agreed that the home energy audit would be a much better way to reach residents and for little cost. Dr. Kennedy felt that a visual picture would be a great way to convince people to take action. He added that the energy audit has been out there for years yet has failed to reach many with a success rate of merely 5 – 10%. Mr. Zahren countered too that people don’t understand this stuff and providing a “competitive urge” would be a successful motivator for people where one neighbor could save more than another thus creating a sense of competition. Mr. Bullis cautioned that there had been litigation brought against this type of thing finding that it was a type of invasion of privacy. Ms. Levin said it felt “slick” and maybe there’d be a better way to find a portal into community education, suggesting working with Mr. Craig. Mr. Bullis suggested getting with other groups in town to talk and seek their help. Mr. Zahren asked to take a straw vote to see if the grant would still be worth pursuing with the caveat that we would want the State to assure us that if there is a privacy issue the program will be suspended, withdrawn or removed from the public domain. Mr. Kaplan, Mr. Kretz, Ms. Levin and Mr. Bullis voted NO. Mr. Zahren and Dr. Kennedy voted YES to pursue the grant. Ms. Levin agreed to pursue other ways to expand into the community with public outreach and education. She added that we owe it to the community.


VOTE: Ms. Levin motioned, Mr. Kretz seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. None opposed.

                                                                                    Respectfully submitted:
                                                                                    Chairman Bernard Zahren

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk