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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 10/03/2012
                                         AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
OCTOBER 3, 2012


The meeting was called to order at 7:25 PM by Chairman Bernard Zahren in the Avon Room, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Bernard Zahren, Mitch Kennedy, Richard Kretz, and Lisa Levin. Members absent: Robert Bullis, Martin Kaplan and Brian Glenn. Advisory members present: none. Also in attendance were staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne, Assistant Town Manager Steve Bartha and BOE Budget Director John Spang.

VOTE: Dr. Kennedy motioned, Ms. Levin and all agreed to accept the September 5th minutes as presented. None opposed.

Mr. Zahren noted that Mr. Spang was active in the preparations for the meeting with the School Board. He added that the meeting went okay.

IV. OLD BUSINESS: a. Avon Day, b. Discuss specific ideas for the Town Council presentation
Mr. Zahren referred to the handout given out on Avon Day. Mr. Zahren and Mr. Glenn did the morning shift with Dr. Kennedy doing the later one. Mr. Zahren and Mr. Craig stayed until the end. Mr. Zahren lamented that Avon Day was just not worth it unless there was something available for the children to play with while conducting discussions with the parents. He added that some of the attendees were interested in the availability of state and federal rebate and credit programs. Mr. Kretz said some were still available but that was not always the case year to year. Ms. Levin asked how Ms. McCarty’s booth fared. Dr. Kennedy said that she sent a replacement because she was double booked, only to see her leave by 1:30. The booth had plenty of literature but no one stopped because it was unmanned. Ms. Levin noted that she was to receive an energy audit this week. She thinks the audit should be better publicized because not enough people know about it and would be more apt to sign up over switching to an electrical provider. Dr. Kennedy surmised that if the money is not spent in that budget year it most likely won’t be included in it the following year. Mr. Zahren requested that the minutes reflect that the Energy Efficiency Fund representative did not stay for the entire day for Avon Day. Ms. Dearstyne noted too that they paid the full fare for the booth.

Mr. Zahren reported that he will be discussing PACE (property assessed clean energy) and the State’s bill to attempt to clean it up to make it more compatible to the mortgage lenders. He said the problem has been the mortgage lenders objecting to raising the property taxes to pay for clean energy, placing more burden on the homeowner to pay his taxes and not the mortgage. Mr. Zahren continued that it was unfortunate that is wasn’t available to the towns because they don’t pay property taxes but would benefit residents and business owners as a means to finance energy improvements. Mr. Zahren is trying to get more information about this.

V. NEW BUSINESS: a. Approve 2013 Meeting Schedule
Mr. Bartha asked Ms. Dearstyne to prepare a bi-monthly meeting schedule for consideration in addition to the monthly one. Mr. Bartha suggested the shorter schedule because the energy plan was complete and many of the meetings had only one or two agenda items. He found that this schedule had worked well with other committees. He offered that if it did not work that he could always schedule special meetings.

VOTE: Ms. Levin motioned, Dr. Kennedy seconded and all agreed to accept the shorter meeting schedule for 2013 beginning February 6th, 2013, meeting April, June, August, October, December and again in February 2014, the first Wednesday of the month at Town Hall, Avon Room – Building #1. None opposed.

Mr. Bartha referred to the memo that was addressed to Mr. Robertson regarding ACEC’s presentation to the Town Council for review and adoption of the energy plan. Mr. Bartha felt confident that the plan would be adopted. Mr. Zahren remarked that the BOE was able to realize a savings of $300,000 through behavior modifications alone. He felt that we had reached the goal of reducing energy used in operations by 15% and spoke of the more difficult task of reducing our carbon footprint 20% by 2020. He continued that the buses aren’t owned by the town but add to the carbon which makes it tough to control. Mr. Zahren continued that the town could shift to less polluting fuels like natural gas or run our fleet on electricity. He spoke of Dr. Kennedy’s plan for a micro generating facility to provide for our energy needs which he has been investigating. Mr. Zahren referred to the new town center project as being a good opportunity to build a green community. He said developers shudder at the mention of green building but fail to look at the facts of long term savings. Mr. Zahren feels you need a hedge against future energy costs.

Dr. Kennedy discussed the micro grid: 1) you create your own power for all or part of your needs, all of your buildings, fire and police and 2) you would create an “island” that maintains power when the others’ goes out. These systems could be leased too without the capital outlay. He added too that you could control your energy costs better thus bucking the trend of price increases from utilities. Dr. Kennedy noted that the town of East Windsor is already investigating a similar project. Mr. Bartha questioned if you could possibly power the schools even though they are far apart. Dr. Kennedy said yes and other businesses such as gas stations or nursing homes could cost share to join the micro grid. Dr. Kennedy described it as a new way of thinking. Generators can be fired by gas culled from waste treatment plants for example.

Ms. Levin questioned if there were any other communities in Connecticut that were using the micro grid. Mr. Zahren said the utilities were opposing this as it would steal some of their business. Dr. Kennedy will distribute information about East Windsor’s plans when he gets them.

Mr. Zahren reminded Mr. Bartha that Mr. Haaheim was available for special projects such as this one. Mr. Bartha cautioned that Mr. Haaheim could alienate one of Avon’s largest taxpayers by using his suggested methods of rallying the residents to send letters or hold weekly meetings to persuade the company into action they may not embrace. Mr. Bartha added that he personally felt the Town Council may support these proposals. Dr. Kennedy clarified that you’d have to define the grid as part of the design phase and then work with the utility companies to install transfer switches. He continued that savings would be substantial with heating water and space.

Ms. Levin discussed the $10,000 (Big Ideas) grant we’d be getting from the CT Clean Energy Communities Program. Mr. Bartha is currently looking through the particulars of the grant for information and to hopefully sign the pledge in November. Ms. Levin continued that one item to target would be to purchase programmable thermostats in town buildings (with a cost of $5,800) with a payback of 1-1/2 years. She’s like to make sure too that there’d be a project ACEC could work on to continue to show accomplishment. Mr. Zahren asked Mr. Spang how they were able to achieve savings at the schools. Mr. Spang said they assigned people to walk the areas to make sure everything was turned off, handing out reminder stickers. Mr. Bartha took a moment to commend the BOE for the work they’ve done for energy conservation and mentioned that the Public Works and Engineering departments have received advanced copies of the energy plan’s recommendations as well.

Mr. Zahren asked Mr. Kretz to research for suggestion to the Town Council means to finance the various projects, through private or public funding. Dr. Kennedy mentioned that Ms. McCarty knew of funding for businesses that do energy efficiency projects, who earn points that could be given to the town to use towards grants. He continued that there may be businesses in town that would support the town this way. Mr. Zahren would like to reiterate to the Town Council that efforts be made to get the whole town engaged. Mr. Kretz suggested too that you’d get good participation from the business community given the greater savings they could achieve compared to residents.

Ms. Levin feels the Commission should be doing more to promote Clean Energy Efficiency Fund programs to our residents and businesses, calling it a win/win. She suggested that maybe the schools could get more involved and that kind of sign-up would work vs. a switch of electricity providers. Ms. Levin will relate the findings of her own energy audit. Mr. Bartha suggested space in the town’s newsletter could be used to promote these programs. Dr. Kennedy suggested a pilot program with residents receiving “nest” thermostats that track homeowner’s behavior that teach them how to save energy.

Mr. Zahren reminded that Farmington Woods got enough of the residents to sign up for the energy audit (80%) that they didn’t have to pay the $75 fee. Ms. Levin suggested this be a good project for the high school to get sign-ups for the energy audits. Mr. Bartha suggested that Mr. Kaplan report on the Farmington Woods energy audits to get more information.

Mr. Zahren invited members to attend the Thursday night Town Council meeting.


VOTE: Ms. Levin motioned, Dr. Kennedy seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. None opposed.


                                                                                                Respectfully submitted:
                                                                                                Chairman Bernard Zahren


Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk