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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 05/02/2012

                        AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
MAY 2, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Bernard Zahren in the Avon Room, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Bernard Zahren, Martin Kaplan, Mitch Kennedy, Richard Kretz, Brian Glenn, Robert Bullis and Lisa Levin. Members absent: none. Advisory member present: Jonathan Craig. Advisory members absent: Giorgina Paiella and Diane Zhao.  Also in attendance were staff members Assistant Town Manager Steve Bartha and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne.

Mr. Kaplan questioned Dr. Kennedy’s statement regarding contractors building to code. Dr. Kennedy clarified that contractors will build to code unless there’s a mandate or a customer’s request to do otherwise in addition to building to code.

VOTE: Mr. Kaplan motioned, Mr. Glenn seconded and all agreed to accept the April 4th minutes as presented. None opposed.

Mr. Zahren introduced newest member Robert Bullis. Mr. Bullis moved to Avon 40 years ago and was employed by United Technologies in product development before he retired. He has a Masters and Doctorate in Physics and a BS in Mechanical Engineering.

Mr. Zahren intends to acknowledge at the Town Council meeting the enormous service the two student advisors have given to the Commission in addition to presenting the draft energy plan.



V. OLD BUSINESS: a. Final Energy Plan – Discussions, b. Update on status of solar PV for the schools
Members discussed preparations for the draft energy plan to be presented to the Town Council at tomorrow night’s meeting. Mr. Zahren met yesterday with Mr. Weisman and Mr. Bartha to go over the last minute details and that he especially wanted to thank Ms. Levin, Dr. Kennedy and Mr. Craig for doing the drafts and re-drafts. Mr. Zahren distributed a handout showing the proposed slides that will be included in the presentation. Mr. Bartha commented that it was important to show the savings along with the costs. Mr. Zahren referred to slide 8 showing the 2008 baseline and the percentage saved by 2011 – having reached almost half of our goals already. He added that the carbon goals will be more difficult to reach however.

Mr. Craig questioned slides 9 and 10 and whether these referred to the whole community or just the Town, fleet and BOE. Ms. Levin clarified that the metric goals were for the Town operations. Mr. Bartha offered to replace “local” with “Town” for clarity. Mr. Kaplan questioned slide 9 asking if the 20% by 2020 included efficiency or renewables. Dr. Kennedy responded that it’s emissions of carbon from anything in the town, fleet and buildings. He further explained that the program we’re signing up with doesn’t have a metric so we really can’t impose our own. Dr. Kennedy offered that ideally you’d want a carbon intensity- pounds of carbon per square feet and vehicle miles travelled. Mr. Zahren added that it’s a broad concept to begin with.  

Mr. Bartha asked that everyone check the spelling of their name on the last page. Ms. Levin questioned what the Town Council expects in terms of cost savings, not those in terms of environmental. Mr. Zahren referred to page 7 where Peregrine figured the cost to implement all of the initiatives to be $2,792,000.00. Mr. Zahren figured savings of $139,000.00 per year would take 20 years to re-coup and doing any of these things would wait until we had a way to finance them. Mr. Bartha suggested a way to present it would be through performance contracting which would do it all at once or do it as Avon typically does, which is done at the time of equipment replacement to look for cost and energy efficiencies.

Mr. Zahren questioned why the town budget did not show line items for receiving grants that were used towards garage door replacements, for example. Mr. Bartha suggested scheduling a separate meeting to look at the budget for these issues. Mr. Zahren hoped to tout the monies the Commission has received.

Ms. Levin suggested adding a tag line to the slide bullets to refer the Council members to specific information in the energy plan. She clarified that the former numbers did not include the combination of the BOE and Town savings so the real total is $156,000.00 to the town. Mr. Bartha offered to correct this before the presentation.

Mr. Zahren questioned the relationship with the BOE as the Commission was selected by the Town Council. He added that 72% of the energy used comes from the BOE buildings yet he doesn’t see where there is someone on the BOE who is waiting to get this plan. Mr. Glenn offered that chronologically the Town Council would have to accept the plan and then it would be brought to the BOE. He said too that the solar panels were formally presented to the BOE at their last meeting but they were very careful with the verbiage they were willing to accept. Mr. Glenn read part of the request:

“Request from Avon Clean Energy Commission – Avon Clean Energy Commission is looking for BOE interest in seeing proposals for power purchase technology in solar technology at the middle school. This is not a commitment to expend funds. Steve Bartha reaffirmed they are looking for the board to explore potential alternatives and look at options. In previous research, the cost payback was 38 years for solar panel roof with a 20 years life. Motion by Brian Glenn and seconded by Houston Putnam Lowry to explore various options and suggestions from the Avon Clean Energy Commission and look at what they present…"

Mr. Glenn felt that this was met with a bit of resistance and is open to suggestion as how to move it forward. Mr. Zahren offered that it was probably due to confusion over how to pay for this, say through a power purchase agreement, whereby a third party pays for the whole thing. Mr. Craig added too that your energy costs would stay the same. Mr. Bartha noted that there is a process whereby items are handled, that elected bodies have to consider these things. He reminded that the role of the Commission is to research and advise and not to put an RFP out first but to get buy-in from the boards. Mr. Bartha didn’t know if the BOE had to officially adopt the plan because ACEC is appointed by the Town Council. Mr. Bullis surmised that the selling problem lies with payback. Mr. Craig said the power purchase agreement wouldn’t have one. Mr. Bullis suggested putting the gimmicks aside as price would come down as more players got into it. He added that you are making an investment and deciding long term if it makes sense. He said the best thing to do would be to make a plan that shows what makes sense and what does not. As a side, Mr. Bullis suggested the Town look into natural gas for the buildings and fleet which he said could easily be converted. Mr. Bullis summed that while it is nice to think about these things that we must be very careful too.

Mr. Zahren continued to try to understand why the BOE had resistance. He questioned if they felt renewable energy was a pile of bunk or was it an economic issue or even bigger, could it be the disbelief in global warming. Ms. Levin suggested that it was economic and autonomy. She said the BOE had enough challenges just delivering education. Mr. Bartha agreed with Ms. Levin that the BOE could view the solar panel installation as a project jumping over another one and could be sold better as a project that could put solar panels on the schools for zero dollars, paying less for electricity as well thus impacting the budget. Mr. Zahren concurred that it could be an educational one as to what a third party power purchase agreement really means – not one penny spent by the BOE for anything and free panels put on the roof. Mr. Bullis hoped that the issue of global warming was not the reason for reluctance on the part of the BOE but admitted that the issue of climate change is still open. He’d sell it as it costs us less to do what we’re doing.

Mr. Kaplan reminded the members about the anti-idling law in Connecticut and feels the community should observe it. He also feels that the lifetime cost issue was not very well explained. Mr. Zahren referred him to page 31 in the draft where the term is defined in a text box and added that his concerns were not ignored. Mr. Bartha noted that it would be asked the next time we go out for bid for a piece of equipment.

Dr. Kennedy questioned the term “comprehensive” in the title. He cautioned that when he looks at the work he thinks that the residents, commuting patterns and the whole picture have been looked at and other towns or the media may make objection to it when it’s not wholly true. Ms. Levin responded that we do have the long term goals to reach to the residents through community education. Mr. Zahren added too that the Town Council has a large “draft” stamped across the plan. Mr. Bullis suggested including in the beginning what isn’t in the plan. He said that he recognized that a lot of work has gone into the document.

Ms. Dearstyne relayed the State’s plans to offer more grants to the towns. Points would be earned through what the towns have done to promote energy and where they have achieved energy savings. She said that Avon was listed as having 100 points already and noted that towns could continue to earn points towards other grants. Ms. Dearstyne also relayed that the town representatives she sat with were still very reluctant to sign with companies that offered power purchase contracts as they were skeptical that they’d be able to save what they offered. Ms. Dearstyne did say that the town of New Haven has used a lot of this type of funding. Mr. Craig offered that Yale was very supportive there as well as in addition to the State monies given because of their disadvantaged status. Mr. Bullis questioned who responds to proposals that come through to the town. Ms. Dearstyne said there is a process that includes Steve Bartha, Bruce Williams –Director of Public Works and Peter Gaski from the BOE and every once in a while the State will offer grants for shovel ready projects. Mr. Bullis suggested the need for a small group of people who could go after and respond to these things. Ms. Levin queried if the town could partner with some members of the Commission to go through potential items that come through the town for feasibility and action. Mr. Zahren mentioned Mr. Justin Haaheim of the Clean Water Group as being a good resource. Dr. Kennedy suggested contacting the DEEP for possible committees that look for energy grants.

Mr. Zahren discussed the proposed new development in the town’s center as a great opportunity for the Commission to promote green energy. Mr. Bullis concurred and added that this would be a good point in the timeline of the project to approach the Town and Ensign Bickford. Ms. Dearstyne reminded that the Town can only work within current zoning regulations. Suggestions can be made to promote green energy however it is not a requirement.

VI. NEW BUSINESS: a. Select a Vice-Chairperson
Mr. Zahren requested that the members think about applying for the vice-chairperson position that would essentially fill in for the Chairman and run the meetings in his absence. Ms. Levin will consider the position but feels that she needs to learn more first. Ms. Dearstyne suggested the vote be tabled for another meeting.

Ms. Dearstyne questioned the Commission’s role in Avon Day to be held September 29th with a rain date of the 30th. Mr. Zahren suggested the theme this year would be to promote the comprehensive energy plan for the Town of Avon. Members agreed to participate again in this year’s Avon Day.

Mr. Craig noted that CL & P has moved their use of his center to September instead of May. His contact proposed the third week in September, either a Tuesday or Wednesday evening. Mr. Craig said too that she’d like the Commission to present the energy plan at their upcoming Stafford meeting. Mr. Zahren suggested getting them to use the center after Avon Day as a way to promote their event. Mr. Craig said that he will try for the first week in October.

Mr. Zahren suggested the Commission skip the July and/or August meeting. Ms. Dearstyne said many Boards take off during the summer unless there is business that needs to be acted upon. Ms. Dearstyne can cancel a regularly scheduled meeting. Members agreed to cancel August and decide about July depending on any action they’d need to take.

Mr. Zahren welcomed the members to attend the Town Council meeting. Ms. Levin would like to develop a communication plan for the BOE. Mr. Zahren said developing the energy plan has been a process that is hopefully worthwhile. He extended thanks to all and especially to the draft committee.


VOTE: Ms. Levin motioned, Mr. Glenn seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM. None opposed.

                                                        Respectfully submitted:
                                                        Chairman Bernard Zahren

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk