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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 06/22/2011

                        AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
JUNE 22, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Acting Chairman Bernard Zahren in the Avon Room, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Acting Chairman Bernard Zahren, Martin Kaplan, Jeffrey Bernetich, Brian Glenn and Linda Meyers. Members absent: Lisa Levin and Brian Preleski. Advisory members present: Giorgina Paiella and Jonathan Craig. Advisory member absent: Diane Zhao. Also in attendance were staff members Steve Bartha, Assistant to the Town Manager and Ann Dearstyne, Town Clerk.

VOTE: Mr. Kaplan motioned, Mr. Bernetich seconded and all agreed to accept the May 4th minutes as presented. None opposed. Ms. Meyers abstained as she was absent from the meeting.


IV. OLD BUSINESS: a. Energy Plan, i. Discuss and develop Commission Values, Objectives, and Goals, b. Solar Panel program update
Mr. Zahren asked Ms. Paiella to tell of current events at the schools. She said they’ve had a difficult time meeting lately because of finals. She added that she’d like to know what is going on with the energy plan and how they can possibly contribute to it. Mr. Kaplan asked if she knew of any preliminary green energy courses that were being offered. Ms. Paiella said they touch on alternate energy sources in freshman Environmental Science, which is taught by Mr. Marella, but knew of no others. Mr. Craig said that it very much follows the State standard which isn’t much. Mr. Kaplan felt that this is unfortunate.  

Mr. Bartha led the discussion about Avon’s energy plan’s goals, objectives and values which are scheduled to be discussed with the energy consultant Peregrine at the next meeting. Mr. Zahren brought a copy of the new State energy bill which he’s tried to find out as much information about as he can. He recently attended a meeting with the new Commissioner of the DEEP. He said the bill doesn’t say much other than the new Clean Energy Fund will really become a financing vs. a grant awarding entity and that nothing’s happened yet. Mr. Zahren did say there were new provisions for renewable energy credits whereby the Town could sell these credits to the electricity providers in the State if it installed a renewable facility. The renewable energy credits will be capped at $350, or basically .035 cents per kW. He said, though not a bonanza, it does make some sense. The bill also has a provision where the towns could adopt “PACE”, property assessed clean energy, meaning a resident could get the costs of solar panels financed through a bonding process which would add to the assessment of his house and the town would collect tax on this in addition to the property tax. He said it wouldn’t help with the town buildings as there is no tax collected on them but could be looked at in the bigger picture as we prepare the goals for the town. Mr. Bernetich questioned the feasibility of placing solar panels at the dump or on recreational fields in town. Mr. Craig said the best thing would be to place them where you’d get the best direct net metering in order to get the offset and the distribution taken off your bill.

Mr. Bartha used a laptop computer and projector to capture the member’s ideas. Mr. Zahren said the number one goal is to conserve our energy resources and educate residents to get them used to conserving energy. After much discussion, staff, commission and advisory members generated a list as follows:

  • Minimize energy bills for the community
  • Conserve energy 
  • Management of resources (aggregate purchasing) or explore alternative sources (oil vs. natural gas vs. electricity vs. renewable)
  • Increase efforts to educate constituents (residents, business community, students, Town/BOE staff, etc.) via newsletters, social media, forums, etc. about:
  • Sustainability
  • Choices
  • Events / Opportunities
  • Behavior
  • Citizenship, stewardship, responsibility for local / state / global environment
  • Reach out to Avon Public Schools (student led with support of ACEC) to expand offerings related to clean energy, sustainability, etc. (semester courses, extracurricular, etc.):
  • Choices
  • Events / Opportunities
  • Behavior
  • Citizenship, stewardship, responsibility for local / state / global environment
  • Use ENERGY STAR (or comparable) ratings as a benchmark to guide procurement of appliances, office equipment, heating and cooling systems, lighting, etc, when cost effective.
  • Use LEED Certification (Silver?) equivalent (or comparable standard) as a benchmark to achieve maximum efficiency and sustainability on new construction and major renovation projects, when cost effective.  (modified and paraphrased from Mansfield, CT)
  •      Strive to increase fleet (vehicles, graders, mowers, etc.) efficiency (e.g. MPG, alternative fuels, total fuel usage, idling policy, etc.) by __% by the year 20__.
  •     Give preference to Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP) in the procurement process – consider price preference of up to _% for EPP products.
  •     ACEC to recommend that the Town / BOE commit to 30% by 2015
  •     Explore all avenues to finance ongoing energy goals
  • Grants
  • Operating budget funds
  • On bill financing
  • Bonds
  • Cooperative purchases
  • Private capital
  • CCEF loans, grants, leveraging
  • CL&P / NU
  • Other?
  • Research energy tracking / metering / benchmarking software – consider functionality, cost, etc.
  • Continue to monitor the impact of legislation on the Avon Energy Plan
Mr. Craig said the price of solar panels have gone from $8 per watt to $1.50. The energy costs have gone way up and the purchase price of the panels have gone way down thus making it more attractive to invest.

Mr. Kaplan asked where we were with the 20% by 2010 program. Mr. Bartha said the two kW of solar panels are ours. Mr. Zahren posed if the Commission would recommend to the Town to purchase REC’s as opposed to what we did before as there’d be a cost to it. Mr. Bartha said the town had a contract to purchase RECs from Sterling Planet through the end of 2010. Mr. Bartha will get more information to clarify the difference of continuing to sign up residents with or without earning points towards the awarding of more solar arrays.

V. NEW BUSINESS a. Connecticut Clean Energy Fund’s 30% by 2015 Campaign, b. Avon Day – brainstorm possible activities
Ms. Meyers questioned the status of the award of re-lamping the schools with the leftover grant monies. Mr. Bartha said it had been approved by OPM with the next step to be taken by the Board of Education. Ms. Meyers also questioned whether the Board of Education was even aware of the award as she had several people e-mail her with questions. Mr. Bartha reminded that outlets like the Avon Patch would be notified when the program would start. Ms. Meyers was disappointed with the lack of communication and would like to find a better way to notify the residents. Mr. Bartha offered that ACEC activities have been publicized in the town newsletter and will have an article in the October issue showcasing the geothermal system at the library.

Mr. Craig suggested monies saved through energy savings could be pooled and reinvested. Ms. Meyers feared monies for the Commission would disappear. Mr. Bartha reminded that the Commission was formed to play an advisory role and that the charge is still the same.  Ms. Meyers said realistically the Commission was not going to get the money back from the savings, that it would go into the general fund to reduce or contain the town budget. Mr. Craig offered too that monies do come along such as through grants, bonds, or private capital etc.

Mr. Zahren would like to tell the BOE that we are officially sponsoring an energy contest at the schools for this fall. Mr. Bartha suggested that Mr. Zahren speak to Mr. Gary Mala of the BOE as he’s been working with him.  Mr. Bartha feels there will be a commitment on the part of the town to purchase RECs and budget for it to continue to earn solar panel arrays. Mr. Zahren asked Mr. Bernetich to be the point person on this with the BOE. Ms. Meyers said the plaque is ready to be picked up announcing the winner of the last year’s energy contest. Mr. Bernetich suggested awarding the plaque at the first gathering at Thompson Brook when all the children are there. He feels it an excellent opportunity for them to go home and tell their parents of the event. Ms. Dearstyne has submitted the paperwork for ACEC’s participation in Avon Day. Mr. Bartha said the next meeting will be held July 6th. Peregrine will be there to discuss these ideas and the schools and town buildings trip reports. Mr. Gaski and Mr. Trujillo looked over the two reports to confirm the accuracy of the square footage and costs.


VOTE: Mr. Kaplan motioned, Mr. Glen seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. None opposed.

                                                Respectfully submitted:
                                                Acting Chairman Bernard Zahren

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk