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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 09/01/2010
                                      AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chairman Bernard Zahren in the Selectmen’s Chamber, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Vice Chairman Bernard Zahren, Robert Martin, Brett Eisenlohr and Martin Kaplan.  Members absent: Linda Meyers, Jamie DiPace and Chairman Olivier Gressier.  Advisory member present: Giorgina Paiella. Advisory members absent: Diane Zhao and Jonathan Craig.  Also in attendance were staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne and Director of Public Works Bruce Williams.
Mr. Kaplan motioned, Mr. Eisenlohr seconded and all agreed to accept the June 24th minutes as presented. None opposed.
Ms. Dearstyne introduced Mr. Williams to the members. Mr. Williams attended the meeting to help explain his and Mr. David Paul’s concerns with the energy plan proposal.
IV. OLD BUSINESS: a. Block Grant, b. Energy Consultant, c. Wintergreen Contest
Mr. Zahren began the discussion with the Commission’s selection of Steven Winter Associates for the development of an energy plan and the recently awarded regional energy related service grant. Ms. Dearstyne included with the agenda a memo written to Mr. Robertson from Mr. Bartha and a memo written from Mr. Williams to Mr. Robertson detailing concerns and the status of the two grants. She prefaced the discussion with saying that Mr. Robertson had not officially granted a contract to Steven Winters Associates as news was awaited regarding the awarding of the larger regional block grant. Mr. Williams added that SWA requested of him and Mr. Paul of the Board of Education Buildings and Grounds, an extensive survey of building information to which Mr. Paul and he agreed did not have sufficient personnel to devote to the project without sacrificing service provision elsewhere. He and Mr. Paul would embrace such a building survey and would have done so already had they the staff to prepare one.
Mr. Kaplan reminded the members that it was during the interviews that SWA’s methodologies were discussed concerning participation from the Town and that their lowering of the fee reflected more reliance on the Town staff to provide base information. He said that they would provide a computer template to input our information gathered. Mr. Williams also said that we’d really need experts in building materials to provide accurate information for them. Ms. Dearstyne added that we had not been accepted for the regional grant while this process for the formula grant was occurring. She said that Mr. Robertson suggested we take the $20,000 from the smaller energy grant and use it for some energy efficiencies in the Town and then take the larger grant and use it for the energy plan and implementation of said. Mr. Zahren clarified that each town would receive $50,000 from the larger grant and was free to spend it as they saw fit as long as it met the parameters.  He felt SWA veered more to the implementation of a plan and not the development of the energy plan. Mr. Zahren said that it was not the purpose of this Commission to purchase garage doors or insulation but to develop a comprehensive energy plan for the Town. Mr. Williams explained that he felt Mr. Robertson and Mr. Bartha were looking to use hard money for quick returns. Mr. Kaplan and Mr. Zahren agreed that this money was not to be used by the Town for a supplement to the budget but for the development of a plan for energy savings that could provide continued savings into the future. He recommends that we combine the two monies, find out what we can do per OPM’s requirements, develop a comprehensive plan for the Town of Avon and implement it over the two years. He was reminded of Mr. Gressier’s vision to realize savings from the plan’s implementation reinvested into continued energy savings. Mr. Williams acknowledged the value of a cohesive energy plan that combines and communicates with each of the Town’s entities to achieve optimum energy savings.
Mr. Eisenlohr questioned whether the Commission could contact Steven Winter Associates to redirect their emphasis on establishing goals and at least get them working on it. He feels that too much time has gone by already. Mr. Zahren reiterated that it was a function of the Commission to gather information and make recommendations to the Town Council and it was up to them to decide a course of action going forward. Mr. Martin strongly suggested the Commission speak with Mr. Robertson and Mr. Bartha to hear their perspective. Ms. Dearstyne offered to coordinate.  (She added that if four or more members are to meet then this is subject to an open meeting with minutes taken.) Mr. Zahren repeated that there have been changes in the Town’s administrators and that it would certainly benefit all to sit down and exchange ideas. Ms. Dearstyne also added that meeting earlier rather than later would help to determine the Town’s position in selecting the vendor for the regional grant as this meeting is to be held September 9th. She hopes to schedule the joint meeting prior to that date.
Mr. Kaplan updated the members on the status of the anti-idling signage. He contacted the EPA store and was told that they don’t have any signs currently nor do they know when they will receive more. Mr. Kaplan said he had the template for the signs to which Mr. Williams offered to fabricate some in-house as Public Works has its own sign shop. Ms. Dearstyne suggested holding off on the sign making as the meeting with Mr. Robertson may determine the ultimate use for those monies earmarked for the signs.
Ms. Dearstyne requested that the discussion regarding Avon Day should be added to the agenda. It is scheduled for September 25, 2010 which is only weeks away. Ms. Paiella said that the Energy Club has not yet met at the High School but she hopes to discuss a theme for the event when they do. Mr. Zahren suggested a joint booth with the school and Commission. Mr. Zahren felt the members didn’t have something special we could promote and had really hoped we’d have an energy plan by now. Ms. Dearstyne said we have a booth reserved already and offered it to Ms. Paiella to use. Mr. Martin volunteered to man the booth. Mr. Zahren suggested coordinating with Mr. Marella at the school to come up with a theme and a plan for manning the booth on Avon Day.
Mr. Martin shared information he received from a school custodian regarding stats from the Wintergreen Contest. He received all the meter readings from all the schools and forwarded them to Mr. Gressier and is still waiting to hear from him. Ms. Paiella asked when the competition would be held this year. Mr. Zahren responded hopefully in the winter after the school holidays, earlier than last year.
Mr. Zahren discussed the status of the green energy sign-ups whereby the Town earns points towards the installation of solar panels. He feels websites and flyers are ineffective. He said that if we want to get serious about this we need to coordinate with the schools and get one-on-one sign ups. He mentioned the Town of Cornwall’s success in its efforts to contact residents by phone or in person. The $25 bonus of a sign up could be turned back to the schools. He asked Mr. Eisenlohr to check to see if the contest was still available. Ms. Dearstyne said we have not received any monies as of yet.  Mr. Zahren suggested that we get serious or abandon the idea all together. Mr. Eisenlohr also mentioned that there were grants available to energy task forces such as ours and are worth pursuing as well.

The Commission members discussed attendance at the meetings. Mr. Eisenlohr reminded the members to address any personnel issues with the Chairman of the Commission. Mr. Zahren asked that the minutes reflect that the members need to discuss governance with their Chairman: attendance, communication and how we govern ourselves.

Mr. Zahren motioned, Mr. Eisenlohr seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. None opposed.
                                                                                    Respectfully submitted:
                                                                                    Vice Chairman Bernard Zahren
Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk