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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 02/03/2010

                                  AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
                                AVON ROOM - BUILDING #1 TOWN HALL
                                               FEBRUARY 3, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Olivier Gressier in the Avon Room, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Olivier Gressier, Robert Martin, Bernard Zahren, James DiPace, Brett Eisenlohr and Martin Kaplan.  Member absent: Linda Meyers.  Advisory member present: Giorgina Paiella, Diane Zhao and John Craig.  Advisory members absent: none. Also in attendance were staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne and resident David Cappello of 81 Craigemore Circle.

Mr. Eisenlohr asked to better clarify the types of green building certifications used for cost comparisons on page 1 under section IV. Mr. Zahren pointed out that the word LEED did not need "'s." Mr. Eisenlohr motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to accept the January 6, 2010 minutes with the changes. None opposed.

Mr. Cappello questioned the members on progress they have made in several areas. He asked how many households had signed up for the 20% clean energy to acquire solar panels for the schools. Ms. Dearstyne replied that 180 had signed up so far and the panels were slated for the Middle School. Mr. Cappello hoped that this could be incorporated as a learning tool for the kids. Mr. Craig corrected that the contest supplied 1 kW array of solar energy panels for each 100 points attained and not one solar panel as perceived. Mr. Cappello asked where to recycle compact fluorescent bulbs which contain trace amounts of mercury. Mr. Martin mentioned that the recent town wide newsletter has his article in it explaining how to dispose of the bulbs. Mr. Cappello asked if whether or not the Town had signed up for the 20% by 2010 program and if the Library Renovation Committee will use a geothermal system for its heating and cooling. The Commission confirmed both questions. Mr. Martin added that the Commission would be developing an energy plan for the town in the next year utilizing some grant money. He thanked Mr. Cappello for coming and asked him to bring friends to future meetings. 

Chairman Gressier began the discussion with his concerns about spending too much time with member communications during the meetings, leaving less time for other items on the agenda, saying items that need more time can be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

Mr. Kaplan said CT residential facilities can now be "white tagged" similar to the industrial, commercial or municipal "green tag" to save energy. The company Earth Works will be presenting their business plan explaining how these white tags (credits) can be sold to power companies February 10, 2010, 5:00 PM in New Haven at the University (sponsored by the MIT Enterprise Forum) if anyone would like to attend. Mr. Craig explained that they are basically conservation measures to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Mr. Zahren compared it to 20% by 2010 where we buy clean energy; we (Town of Avon) get a green tag. Mr. Kaplan suggested getting more information from the internet by searching Earth Markets Inc.

Mr. Zahren told of his attendance at the Library Renovation committee meetings. He was pleased that the committee chose a geothermal system for heating and cooling. The cost was comparable to the original plan of a natural gas air to air system and did not include available rebates: $2,000/ton on an 80 ton system will save $160,000.00. He was disappointed that the committee would still not take action on the LEED certification. He'd still like to find the $150,000.00 to fund the certification pending the State's decision to demand it anyway. Mr. Zahren added that decisions had not been made yet on lighting or a hot water system and the Commission could still be helpful in these areas. He told of a 60¢/square foot tax credit for efficient lighting that could be assigned to the architect, engineer or contractor. Mr. Gressier explained that you'd need to have certain wattage per square foot to get the credit. Mr. Zahren added that there were other programs out there that the Library committee could take advantage of.

Mr. Martin told of his recent webinar showing the "School Dude" software, which is basically a work order program. Modules could be added that include utility tracking. This could be used to track energy use, cost, or degree days for each building in town which he said would certainly help with the development of the energy plan.

V. OLD BUSINESS: a. School Energy Competition, b. Evaluate Committee Direction, c. Discuss Responsibilities of the Energy Manager
Mr. Gressier said he had given the schools the document detailing the energy contest he provided to the members. Ms. Dearstyne inquired about the prize for the winners. She mentioned that if there was any sort of donation being made for the prize that it would first have to go through the Board of Education before we accept it. She said the Board of Education is able to receive a donation; however, they must give its approval to the Commission prior to acceptance. Ms. Dearstyne relayed that Ms. Meyers has met with Larry Sparks and has set up a meeting with the Green Team there. Mr. Eisenlohr suggested speaking to the schools to get an idea for a prize. Mr. Gressier said Rebecca Myers of CL & P would be a good source to get information about school competitions.

Mr. Martin, Mr. Zahren and Ms. Paiella recently met with Mr. Marella and Mr. Ratchford at the high school. The Vice Principal suggested utilizing the PTO organizations who could possibly provide parties or prizes. Mr. Zahren added that the students at the high school were very enthused about energy savings and they were doing a lot already. Ms. Paiella and Ms. Zhao would like to meet with the teachers to find more ways to save because they see that computers and projectors are still being left on in some areas. Mr. DiPace added that most of the schools were already fairly energy efficient, for example, light bulbs have been removed in classrooms. Mr. Kaplan suggested looking to very mundane behaviors such as leaving doors open. Mr. Gressier said to look at small appliances being left plugged in. Mr. Craig realized at his school that having vendor machines plugged in all the time cost an average of $500/year to run. He found putting the machines on timers helped. Mr. Gressier also suggested looking at natural gas usage for savings such as heating ovens in the cafeteria too early in the day. He reminded that the Middle and Pine Grove schools still needed to be contacted for the contest.

Chairman Gressier then discussed the direction the Commission would take for this year. Mr. Zahren said we now have some projects to work on and could reconfigure the members' area of responsibility and focus. After some discussion among the members the categories were determined as follows:

                                   1. Schools - Mr. Martin and Mr. Gressier
                                   2. Energy Plan - Mr. Gressier, All Members
                                   3. Outreach/Education - Ms. Meyers, Mr. DiPace, Mr. Craig
                                   4. Energy Liaison - Mr. Zahren
                                   5. 20% by 2010 - Mr. Eisenlohr

Mr. Martin said the Commission would always have a spot in the town newsletter and we should always have an article in it. Mr. Craig suggested having a forum to educate the group and invite the public to it. Mr. Kaplan would like to invite Mr. Roger Smith to speak to the members.

Mr. Eisenlohr briefly discussed the 20% by 2010 program. He questioned the direction as we were already in the year 2010 and maybe the goals would change. Mr. Craig said the program was a result of the northeast governors' meeting with the Canadian governors at an accord and didn't think anything would change until they met again at another accord. Mr. Kaplan mentioned the current administration under President Obama is planning to mandate a clean energy percentage goal for the year 2020.

Mr. Gressier wished to discuss what the Town could expect from an Energy Manager made available one day a week through a grant award. Mr. Martin felt it too early to discuss as we couldn't be assured of the grant and added that West Hartford would be spearheading the RFP if awarded. Mr. Craig felt the one thing an energy manager could do is identify sources of revenue available for the Commission and the ways to attain them. Mr. Gressier suggested the members think about this for the future.

VI. NEW BUSINESS: a. Renewable Energy Sign-ups - Brett Eisenlohr, b. Discuss the items from ACEC to address at the March Town Council meeting
Mr. Eisenlohr would like to combine the clean energy sign-ups with the Keep CT Cool contest and is waiting to hear from Mr. Marella for more information to do so. Ms. Dearstyne said that the Town has not yet qualified for the $25.00 per sign-up and that a better tracking system is in place now. Moving forward Mr. Eisenlohr thinks the tracking will be better. Mr. Zahren wants to emphasize that people can save money and spend it on green energy too.

Mr. Gressier would like the Commission members to provide a short report for each of their areas of responsibilities and goals so he can present this to the Town Council at their next meeting in March. 

Mr. Martin motioned, Mr. Eisenlohr seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM. None opposed.

                                                          Respectfully submitted:
                                                                                     Chairman Olivier Gressier

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk