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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 12/02/2009
                       AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Olivier Gressier in the Avon Room, Building 1, Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Olivier Gressier, Robert Martin, Bernard Zahren, Jamie DiPace, Linda Meyers, Brett Eisenlohr and Marty Kaplan.  Members absent: none.  Advisory member present: Giorgina Paiella.  Advisory members absent: Diane Zhao and John Craig. Also in attendance were staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne and Director of Buildings and Grounds David Paul.

Mr. Martin motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to accept the November 4th, 2009 minutes as written. Mr. Eisenlohr abstained as he was absent from the previous meeting. Ms. Meyers and Mr. DiPace were excluded as they came late after the vote was taken.

Mr. Paul spoke of the energy savings the new boiler installation has achieved at the Roaring Brook School. He said they are probably saving in excess of 25% of their gas fuel consumption based on a 2008/2009 January to February comparison. He added that they are trying to look for similar savings in the search for new equipment for the Middle School which has an even less efficient system. He lamented that reimbursement percentages only ranged 27-28% for Avon for new systems and towns like Plainville or New Britain could have reimbursements in the range of 80% for photovoltaic installations for example. He also said incentives varied for equipment type or potential energy savings or where the money came from. The Tracer Summit system has saved quite a sum by being able to adjust heating and cooling. Mr. Paul said the electric costs were the biggest energy expense at $1-$1.3 million, subject to high peak time usage. He did add that there are software systems that can help to control usage during these times.   Mr. Paul added that most of the energy usage came from the compressors, especially at the High School. Mr. Gressier said that the key to energy savings was in how to shed usage at the peak times.

(Included in old and new business)

V. OLD BUSINESS: a. 2010/2011 Budget proposal, b. Superintendent of Schools - Energy Competition & Other
Chairman Gressier presented the budget material put together by Blythe Robinson and himself. The budget included monies for clerical, mileage reimbursement for travel to training or meetings, registration fees for training, webpage development and miscellaneous mailings for a total of $4,000.00. He added that unlike grant funds, these monies could be moved from one category to another if need be. The budget will go to the Town Council for approval.

Ms. Paiella's clean energy club has had two meetings discussing a Keep CT Cool Challenge competition to help reduce the town's schools' carbon footprint. Mr. Gressier suggested tracking the school's power generation to monitor potential reduction. Mr. Gressier, Mr. Martin and Ms. Meyers told of their recent meeting with Superintendent Erwin regarding the Commission's contest. Mr. Gressier received a warm reception and got the go-ahead to proceed with the competition. The contest itself will involve reducing energy consumption at the schools. The discussion with Mr. Erwin soon evolved into saving energy in the community and showed the enthusiasm of the participants which confirms what the Commission has been trying to do all along. Ms. Meyers added that Mr. Erwin was very concerned that the actual dollars saved stay in the schools. Ms. Dearstyne said it was hoped that money saved could be used by the Commission to further energy reduction projects but that could not be guaranteed. She said the Board of Finance would make those decisions. Mr. Eisenlohr hoped that schools were trying to save energy anyway regardless of the group's energy contest. Mr. Gressier added that the Board of Education had the lion's share of the budget. Ms. Meyers felt the Superintendent has legitimate concerns in that they are the ones doing the work and should benefit from the effort. Mr. Martin said that ultimately we are going to have to re-think the way we do things and the competition is a means to show we are trying to make it better and find savings.

Mr. Eisenlohr suggested the $25 earned from each sign up for 20% by 2010 go to that school. Mr. Zahren felt that it was not the charge of the Commission to decide where the benefits of these efforts should go. He added that the schools were targeted already to receive the solar panels. Mr. Kaplan reminded that our goal is 1000 points.

Mr. Kaplan suggested talking to West Hartford as they had already been through the contest process. Mr. Paul suggested attendance at their weekly staff meetings which are every Thursday at 10:00AM. Mr. Gressier emphasized that the contest be as simple as possible - each school achieve the highest percentage reduction in energy usage between January 15th and March 15th, using their own ideas to do so. Ms. Meyers added that this methodology empowers teachers and students to come up with ways to reduce consumption. Mr. Gressier said this was a good way for the kids to learn as well. Schools to contact with contest information were assigned as follows:

                1) Avon High School - Bob Martin
                2) Roaring Brook Elementary School - Linda Meyers
                3) Thompson Brook School - Jamie DiPace
                4) Avon Middle School - Marty Kaplan and Chairman Gressier
                5) Pine Grove School - Brett Eisenlohr

Mr. Zahren offered himself and John Craig to act as a team to attend where needed. Mr. Zahren added that Mr. Craig does this type of promotion everyday - energy reduction. The members discussed a prize but no consensus was reached.

VI. NEW BUSINESS: a. Roger Smith - 20% by 2010, b. RFP-Garage Doors-Robert, c. RFP-Energy Plan thoughts, d. Regional CCEF Meeting - Brett, e. Library - Bernie, f. Harwinton Clean Energy Meeting 11/30/09-Robert
Mr. Martin is working on updating the specs for the garage doors. He contacted Public Works Director Bruce Williams to spec information so we'd be ready to go out to bid for the garage doors when the grant money was available. Mr. Williams would make the contacts and keep Mr. Martin informed. The members were scheduled to see the new induction lighting in operation at the salt shed but were unable to attend.

Mr. Eisenlohr spoke of the Regional CCEF workshop meeting coming up December 14th, 6-9:30 PM, at the Valley Baptist Church on West Avon Road. He explained that Valley Baptist wanted to work with the Town as a kind of give back for allowing people to park at the Senior Center. Mr. Roger Smith, Chairman of Connecticut Clean Water, and Robert Wall, Connecticut Clean Energy Fund Director of Energy Market Initiatives, will be presenting information open to all clean energy task forces from around the State. Primarily, they will talk about outreach strategies, energy efficiencies, goal setting and planning, getting more sign-ups for 20% by 2010, followed by a question and answer period.  Brett added that these meetings will be held throughout the State and can be attended elsewhere if one is missed. Mr. Kaplan questioned whether the members could invite others such as members of the Town Council. Mr. Gressier cautioned to invite those interested task force or volunteer persons in energy efficiency, such as school green committees or Board of Education members, and not the general public.

Chairman Gressier told of attending the Library Renovations/Addition Committee meeting earlier this month. He said it was a good time to get in there as they are just about to go into the design phase of the project. They have not chosen a mechanical/engineering person as yet and trusted the architects' recommendations in an effort to avoid micromanaging the project.  Mr. Gressier chose Mr. Zahren to represent the Commission's interests for the renovation, to be the eyes and ears for the group.  Mr. Gressier and Mr. Zahren shared their concerns that the renovation be properly LEED's certified, as this classification led to grants, rebates, state aid or stimulus monies available, in lieu of only meeting the LEED'S standards. Mr. Paul added that you could work with the architect to get the proper certification. Mr. Eisenlohr added that as of January, 2009, state law requires any municipal building renovations over $2 million meet LEED'S standards. He will e-mail the information to the other members.

Mr. Gressier shared information about the recent Harwinton Clean Energy Meeting of November 30th featuring Rebecca Myer of NE Utilities. She shared information to the residents regarding where they could get monies back for home energy efficiency investments, insulation, working with schools and home energy audits. He suggested inviting her to attend a meeting to learn about all the different programs out there available such as building metering to determine load. Mr. Martin suggested finding information about programs for help with outdoor lighting. He added that four out of five outdoor lighting fixtures were on Board of Education property and that is where the Town could save money. Mr. Gressier cautioned that retrofitting programs sometimes provided a "feel good" but really didn't save when considering the variables of labor, equipment, fixture replacement or the need to replace ballasts as well as bulbs. Mr. Martin hopes to work with Mr. Paul on this issue.

Mr. Gressier will discuss the energy plan at the next meeting.  He asked the members to e-mail their ideas to Ms. Dearstyne. He also will try to meet with Roger Smith at the upcoming Energy meeting, December 14th.

Mr. Zahren motioned, seconded by Mr. Eisenlohr, and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. None opposed.

                                                Respectfully submitted:
                                                Chairman Olivier Gressier

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk