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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 05/06/2009
                                                           AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
                                                        AVON ROOM - BUILDING #1 TOWN HALL
                                                                  WEDNESDAY MAY 6, 2009

I. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER - Communication from Chairman
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM by Chairman Olivier Gressier in the Avon Room, Building 1, Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Olivier Gressier, Bernard Zahren, Brett Eisenlohr, Robert Martin and Marty Kaplan.  Members absent: James DiPace and Linda Meyers.  Advisory members present: John Craig, Diane Zhao and Giorgina Paiella.  Also in attendance was staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne.

Chairman Gressier began with some suggestions for future meeting protocol, such as limiting communications from members to five minutes each and focusing on agenda items, in an effort to keep the meetings under 1-1/2 hours.  He also told the members to send item requests to Ms. Dearstyne for inclusion on the agenda.

Chairman Gressier pointed out an error on page two that should read "say/do" instead of "save/you" ratio.  He then motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to accept the minutes with the correction.  None opposed.


Mr. Kaplan reiterated that there is a CT statute that applies to any vehicle idling more than three minutes, subjecting the driver to ticketing by police.  Efforts at "behavior modification" could include signs with slogans such as "Idling is Fuelish" or ones placed around schools saying "Idling Minds Are Fuelish," etc.  Mr. Kaplan asked that the committee suggest the signage to the Town Council. Mr. Zahren questioned where the group could get free signs or flyers to hand out.  Mr. Kaplan suggested the DEP. Chairman Gressier suggested Mr. Kaplan write to the BOE for guidance for signs placed around schools. He also suggested Ms. Zhao and Ms. Paiella write something for the publication Avon Life or the school newspaper that spreads the word about excessive idling and police ticketing.  Talcott Mountain Science Center Director Mr. Craig has the drivers turn off the buses at the school.  Mr. Martin suggested using the transfer station bulletin boards as a means to spread the word about excessive idling as many people read the board.  Mr. Kaplan also mentioned the use of a small battery monitoring box inside the vehicle's engine that enables the emergency response vehicles to  still use the lights without the engine idling.

Mr. Zahren said PACE (People's Action for Clean Energy) was sponsoring tours of three energy efficient houses in the northwest corner of the state May 16th.  Tickets are available at Garden of Light. He thinks it's time to educate the people of Avon to stop wasting energy and find more efficient ways of producing it through geothermal, wind, or solar.  Mr. Craig told of a building at Yale that uses only 24% of what a building that size would normally use for energy, by utilizing energy efficiencies such as a heat pump well system, passive ventilation, and solar energy.  He added that it's also important to look at the institutional buildings in town as areas to improve energy use.  Chairman Gressier added that he hoped local building or zoning codes would not impede citizen's efforts to be more energy efficient.

Mr. Eisenlohr and the student members had nothing new to report.  Mr. DiPace and Ms. Meyers were absent to present their updated reports.

Mr. Zahren felt that the continuing decline in the cost of solar energy and the state and federal support of these energy sources would bring more of it to the Town.  Mr. Craig agreed that the efficiencies are improving.  He is seeing a 43% efficiency in solar panels versus a 10-18% at similar costs.  Change in product has also brought down the price substantially from $6 per watt to $3-4 per watt.  

V. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Tour of Talcott Mountain Science Center, 2. Energy Resolution - distribution list, 3. Mission Statement, 4. Application for Avon Day - Sept. 26, 2009
Mr. Martin extended thanks from himself and the other members who attended the Talcott Mountain Science Center tour.  All agreed it to be informative and very helpful.  

Ms. Dearstyne said the Energy Resolution was signed at the last Town Council meeting and said it was up to the committee to select the recipients of the letter.  Mr. Zahren suggested starting with the politicians. He also cautioned, that at the time, the letter was written to implore the Conservation and Clean Energy funds not to give up the money for the State deficit, and that we should be more aggressive and perhaps aim for the European version of 20, 20, 20 (20% use of renewable energy resources, 20% reduction in electricity usage, 20% less greenhouse gas emissions by 2020). Chairman Gressier suggested sending it to anyone who will impact the funding and legislation.  He also suggested Mr. Zahren write a cover letter thanking the recipients for their hard work in keeping the funding in place.  Ms. Dearstyne added that it will show that Avon is committed to clean energy initiatives. Mr. Kaplan also suggested contacting surrounding town's commissions on clean energy. Mr. Martin volunteered to find out West Hartford's next meeting and try to attend it.  

Mr. Eisenlohr handed out the updated Mission Statement for discussion.  Mr. Zahren hoped it could read 20 - 20 - 20 - by 2020 vs. the 20% by 2010.  Mr. Eisenlohr said that it followed the charge for the commission and that perhaps a future modification could be made by what comes out of this commission.  Mr. Kaplan said to add the word "education" to "community outreach" at the bottom of the goals and objectives section.  Ms. Dearstyne agreed to type the discussed changes and send a copy to the Town Council.

A vote took place to accept the Mission Statement with the new changes.  Mr. Kaplan motioned, Mr. Zahren seconded and all agreed to accept the Mission Statement.

Ms. Dearstyne agreed to be the contact for Avon Day and will send in the form. Mr. Craig offered to provide a solar panel.  Mr. Martin suggested a banner to draw attention to the booth. Chairman Gressier suggested asking the schools to do a project where the best one would be selected and displayed.  He asked the members to come with ideas to the next meeting.

VI. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Recommendations to the Canton Hydro Advisory Board, 2. Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grants - project deck
Chairman Gressier said that the Town Council had selected Adam Lazinsk from the Police Department and asked the commission to nominate another.  He nominated James DiPace to be on the Advisory Board. Mr. Eisenlohr nominated Marty Kaplan. Mr. Zahren spoke for Mr. Craig and Mr. Kaplan in expressing his doubts about rejuvenating the existing turbines and felt the board was on the wrong track.  Mr. Kaplan spoke of the tax liability to the towns the state leasing of the dams could create.  Mr. Craig mentioned the environmental issues surrounding the project and said the dams can hold back heavy metals in silt deposits which could entail very expensive dredging.  There is also the issue of upsetting the water flow rights from downstream recipients. Chairman Gressier said the nominee need not be technical as that would be hired out.  Mr. Martin felt it important that the nominee be from the committee to keep close to the committee's interests.  

Town Council Member David Pena clarified that the selection of the member the committee chose to serve on the Canton Hydro Advisory Board need not be limited to the commission members themselves but could extend to others.  

A vote was taken.  Mr. Eisenlohr motioned to select Marty Kaplan to be Avon's advisory member to the Canton Hydro Advisory Board.  Mr. Zahren seconded the motion.  Chairman Gressier motioned to select James Dipace.  Mr. Martin seconded the motion.  Mr. Kaplan, Mr. Zahren and Mr. Eisenlohr voted for Marty Kaplan.  Chairman Gressier and Mr. Martin voted for Mr. DiPace.  The commission majority voted to select Marty Kaplan to be Avon's advisory member to the Canton Hydro Advisory Board.

Chairman Gressier asked the committee members to bring, to the next meeting, two projects they'd like to be presented to the Town Council to use monies set to be given by Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block grants from federal green stimulus funds. Ms. Dearstyne will arrange a meeting with Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson and Chairman Gressier and Brett Eisenlohr to go over ideas. Ms. Robinson had attended a recent seminar that would be helpful in discussing potential projects.  


Chairman Gressier motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 PM. None opposed.

                                                        Respectfully submitted:
                                                        Chairman Olivier Gressier

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk