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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 04/01/2009
                                                                    AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
                                                                 AVON ROOM - BUILDING #1 TOWN HALL
                                                                       WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Chairman Olivier Gressier in the Avon Room, Building I Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Olivier Gressier, Bernie Zahren, Brett Eisenlohr, Marty Kaplan, Linda Meyers and new member Robert Martin.  Members absent: Jamie DiPace.  Also in attendance was staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne.

Chairman Gressier motioned, Ms. Meyers seconded and all agreed to accept the February 25, 2009 minutes as written.  None abstained.

Chairman Gressier introduced two student representatives of the High School's Clean Energy Club invited as student advisory members, Diane Zhao and Giorgina Paiella. The group has about twenty members and focuses on signing up residents for clean energy.  The Commission's newest member, Robert Martin, spoke about his interest in learning more about clean energy and volunteering for the community.  He started working for the town in 1987 and is currently Superintendent of Solid Wastes.

Maxwell Warren, of 4 Sprucewood Lane in Farmington Woods, spoke of his interest in promoting energy conservation and learning more about what the Commission is doing.  He currently writes about clean energy for the Farmington Woods' publication, "In The Woods," which is also available on line.  His next article tells of the federal credit available which will match 30% of dollar for dollar energy improvements up to $1,500.00 per year.  Chairman Gressier suggested the committee would also be interested in seeing his past articles.

Mr. Kaplan told of some current projects in Farmington Woods.  Plans have begun to save energy costs on the Clubhouse and Farmington Woods Master Association using programmable thermostats and shading for example.  Funds are needed now to produce architectural drawings.  Miss Paiella told of people's reluctance to pay the extra $8-$10 per month for purchasing clean energy.  Mr. Martin added that he saw only an extra $8 a month in his energy bill for purchasing the clean energy.  Mr. Kaplan spoke of the need for "behavior modification" to prompt people to select clean energy.  Mr. Eisenlohr had suggested some years ago that a contest could be helpful to encourage people's awareness of energy conservation.  Mr. Kaplan said that schools and colleges were very much into competitions to see which could save the most in energy costs.  He spoke of groups that would come in and provide charettes and behavior modification techniques and is currently working with the University of Hartford.  Mr. Zahren added that people like clean energy but are reluctant to pay for it.

V. OLD BUSINESS 1. Review and discuss Mission Statement, 2. Schedule a date to visit Talcott Mountain Science Center, 3. Discuss a proposed letter to be drafted by Bernie Zahren in regards to Clean Energy Funding
The committee then discussed the Mission Statement draft presented by Mr. Eisenlohr.  Mr. Zahren was concerned that Avon continues with projects promoting clean energy and conservation beyond the 20% by 2010 campaign.  He said the Europeans have a 20-20-20 program which is 20% renewable energy resources, 20% reduction in electricity usage, and a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020.  Chairman Gressier spoke of the need to establish a baseline for the town and then measure the progress the town has made towards achieving the goals.  Mr. Martin urged the committee to look at West Hartford's energy plan, saying that it was very comprehensive, easy to understand and could aid us in establishing Avon's plan.  He also urged cooperation with the surrounding towns in pursuing these goals.  An "Energy Manager" would be something to think about for down the road when budgets looked better.  Chairman Gressier spoke to Mr. Schenck about the possibility of self funding leading to better prospects for town funding. He called it the "say/do ratio," which could be presented as we saved this much in energy costs so the town can fund this effort.  Mr. Zahren reminded that it usually costs money to create energy savings.  

Mr. Eisenlohr suggested starting the process for grant monies by getting applications in now so that at least we'd get on the list.  Awarding the maximum amount of the grant depends upon many factors such as position of the building or exposure to the sun etc. Ms. Dearstyne suggested he speak with Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson as she has experience with Town grants.  She also said a grant, once approved, would need to go before the Town Council for their approval.

Mr. Eisenlohr will rewrite the Mission Statement per committee changes and then re-present.  Mr. Kaplan motioned, Mr. Martin seconded and all agreed to accept the revisions to the Mission Statement.  

Ms. Dearstyne will include the final copy of the Mission Statement to be presented to the Town Council for the May meeting.

The next item on the agenda was to schedule a visit to the Talcott Mountain Science Center.  The committee agreed to visit on Thursday, April 23rd at 3:30PM.  Mr. Eisenlohr asked the students to invite their fellow club members for the visit which Mr. Craig said was fine.  Ms. Meyers asked if she could create a little publicity for the visit as she knew a reporter and photographer for Avon Life.  Mr. Craig welcomed good press.  

Mr. Zahren then discussed the letter he was drafting to ask the Governor to not take the monies, levied to electric ratepayers to fund current clean energy programs, as a means to offset the current budget deficit.  The state has since then reversed this decision, making the original intent of the letter irrelevant.  Stipulations of the stimulus money require systems be in place before funding is granted, therefore monies for the Clean Energy Fund were put back in place. Rather, Mr. Zahren presented a draft of a letter expressing Avon's support for renewable energy and energy conservation and commending the state's actions to preserve funding of the CCEF and Load Management/Conservation Fund in the budget. Ms. Dearstyne asked Mr. Zahren to send her a copy of his revised letter and she will include it with the packet for the Town Council meeting in May.

Ms. Dearstyne suggested the committee vote on the revised letter.  Mr. Kaplan motioned, Mr. Eisenlohr seconded and all agreed to send Mr. Zahren's revised letter to the Town Council for the May meeting.

Ms. Dearstyne mentioned a recent letter sent to Mr. Schenck and the Town Council regarding Canton's First Selectman's desire to form a Canton Hydro Project Advisory Committee and is looking for members specializing in engineering, project management or financing.  The Town Council may appoint members or look to the Commission for recommendations.  Ms. Dearstyne will forward a copy to the members.

VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Elect Student Advisory Members, 2. Reports from subcommittees, 3. Avon Day - Sept. 26, 2009, 4. Quarterly Newsletter
Mr. Eisenlohr motioned, Mr. Martin seconded and all agreed to accept the two students, Diane Zhao and Giorgina Paiella, as advisory members (non-voting) to the Commission.  

Mr. Zahren motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to accept Mr. Jonathan Craig, director of Talcott Mountain Science Center, as an advisory (non-voting) member to the Commission.  

Chairman Gressier then asked for reports from the subcommittees. He invited the students to join in on any of the subcommittees they'd be interested in. He suggested working with Ms. Meyers in outreach through Avon Day, the website or a newsletter.   Ms. Meyers had nothing to add at this time but would like to get involved with Farmington Woods' projects. She suggested the students plan for a booth for Avon Day. Ms. Dearstyne reminded them to make sure to use the town website for sign ups for Clean Energy so the Town of Avon would benefit.

Mr. Eisenlohr began his report on finance by simply saying there is "no funding."  He said we were still waiting on information on the stimulus package.  He contacted CL & P's Load Management/ Conservation Fund and found them offering mostly low interest loans where certain requirements had to first be met. He said the Town doesn't have funds right now for any projects and asked the members to keep looking and keep him posted. Mr. Kaplan mentioned looking into Northeast Utilities Foundation for information and that several seminars were coming up soon that could provide some insight.  

Mr. Kaplan presented his report on energy savings with regard to transportation.  He presented several pages of information on fuel usage by town departments for the prior fiscal year, and part of the current one, and also suggestions for transportation alternatives such as bus service, car pooling, bike lanes and walking paths.  He spoke of the wastefulness of car and bus idling, the current laws surrounding it and the new technologies that can be added to an engine to prevent excessive idling. Mr. Warren added that diesel idling was the worst offender of emission particles. Alex Trujillo, Superintendent of Operations for the Town, provided Mr. Kaplan with figures such as police department fuel use for 2007/2008 at 30,943 gallons. He said the average miles per gallon of the police fleet were 7.7, attributable mostly to excessive idling. The DPW used a total of 27,832 gallons of diesel or gasoline fuel in 2007/2008.

Ms. Meyers questioned the near empty school buses and excessive amount of cars dropping off students for school.  She'd like to see fuller buses. Ms. Dearstyne said the Board of Education indicated that there are not enough buses if all the eligible students decided to take the bus. Mr. Eisenlohr questioned whether buses could be fitted for biodiesel fuel use. Ms. Zhao spoke of student difficulty in finding the right bus routes for after school activities so most get rides.  Mr. Gressier suggested to the student members to look into organizing carpooling with parents and children at the schools.  

Mr. Martin said he has seen electricity costs cut in half at the landfill by shutting off the compactor between uses. Mr. Martin volunteered to join any committee as he was the newest member.

Mr. Gressier thanked the members for their hard work and to continue to search for solutions to our energy use and raise awareness. He distributed a spreadsheet showing the various Town buildings and energy costs for the past fiscal year and part of the current one in an effort to create a baseline to measure energy use. He reminded the committee and newest members that we meet the first Wednesday of the month - next meeting Wednesday, May 6th at 7:00PM.  


Chairman Gressier motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 9:20PM.

                                                       Respectfully submitted:
                                                      Chairman Olivier Gressier

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk