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Recreation Committee Meeting Agenda 03/23/2011


Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Avon Town Hall, Building #7
I.      Call to Order - 6:11 p.m. – By Peggy Roell
A.              Attendance
        1.      Members & Staff Present

Glenn Marston, Director, Sharon VanDeusen, Admin. Coordinator, Peter Ponziani, Peggy Roell, Paul Marioni, Kathy Thompson, David Jadovich.

2.      Members & Staff Absent
        Donald Droppo, Michael Trick

II.     Minutes – October 27, 2010  

After reviewing the minutes from October 27, 2010, David Jadovich motioned to accept the minutes as presented and Kathy Thompson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
III.    Public Comment –  None

IV.     Director’s Report
Director reported to the committee that questions have come up regarding the Tennis Associations using town courts and not paying anything towards the tennis court reconstruction project. Glenn said if we use the criteria that 75% of the group has to be Avon residents, then 3 of the 4 groups would not meet that criteria. The “Grandma’s group” has 71% residents, the Avon Men’s Tennis Association has 69% residents, the Avon Women’s Tennis Association has 78% residents and the Summer Valley Tennis Association has 74% residents. Mr. Marston said he currently charges each person in the group $5 per player for a facility maintenance fee. After some discussion, David Jadovich motioned that each group would have to meet the 75% residency criteria, with no exceptions, with proof that the group meets that criteria, a  facility reservation would have to be done, and residents would be charged $5 per player and any non-residents would be charged $10 per person. Kathy Thompson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
IV.     Correspondence - None

VI.     Committee Communication – None

VII.    Old Business

A.      Fisher Meadows Field Project Update

        1.  Glenn informed committee members that the Fisher Meadows field project is moving along and there is $95,000.00 left in the account.
B.      Vending Permits in Town Parks

Glenn informed committee members that a number of ice cream/food vendors have contacted him seeking permits to sell their items in town parks. Glenn has contacted other recreation departments to see if any of them have a policy in place regarding vendors selling food in their parks. Mr. Marston said he would like to charge each of the vendors $100 for the year to get a permit to sell. Glenn said he will put some information together and send it out to committee members for their review and input. Once the information comes back to him he will send out a proposal to the 7 vendors and see what the response will be.

VIII.   New Business

A.      General Fund Budget – Glenn reported that the General Fund budget has been turned in with a 0% increase.

B.      Pool Painting Bids – Glenn said pool painting bids have come in ranging from $18,000 - $30,000 and the bid was awarded to Century Pools. Glenn said the pool is in good shape and the goal is to keep it this way so it will be less expensive to repaint it when the time comes. Century Pools will paint the large pool and the town will paint the tot pool. Painting will be completed before the pool is filled for the season.

C.      Certificates of Insurance – TULIP Program

Glenn informed committee members that PTO’s, and Booster Clubs are required to submit a certificate of insurance for any events held at town facilities because these events are not covered by Board of Education insurance. Glenn said when a function is an approved Board of Education program, it is covered by the Board of Education. Mr. Marston said when he was at a CIRMA meeting a few weeks ago, he was informed of a new program called TULIP which can provide private residents and non-residents with certificates of insurance to cover them when they rent town facilities. The fee for the certificate is $77.00. The purpose of this program is to transfer any risk from the town to the individual and this is called Risk Transfer.  The question Glenn is asking of the committee is whether or not to extend this insurance requirement to private residents/individuals. Peggy Roell thought it should be required by private residents/individuals only if there will be alcohol at the event. Glenn said he will talk to Peter Ponziani and email it to Dwight Johnson to get their input and then he will get back to the committee.

D.      Cancellation of Special Needs contract

Glenn told committee members that he has cancelled the Special Needs contract with FAVARH. He explained that the contract was a life saver in terms of special needs evaluations, but over time, the services listed in the old contract were no longer needed. The contract was then reconfigured and then again over time the department was no longer using $4,800.00 worth of services. Glenn said if a need arises for services from FAVARH, it is cheaper to pay on an as needed basis as opposed to spending the $4,800.00 each year and then not needing it.  

E.      Set Next Meeting Dates

The committee discussed changing the meeting times from early evening to early morning. Sharon will send an email out to committee members asking them which of the times would work better. Once the committee members respond, Sharon will send out the date for the next meeting.

1.      IX.     Adjournment

        A.      David Jadovich motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 pm. Kathy Thompson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  

                Respectfully Submitted by
                Sharon VanDeusen

N:\Recreation\Rec. & Park Committee\Minutes\Minutes March 23, 2011.doc