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03-11-10 Administrative Services Study Committee Minutes

MARCH 11, 2010


The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Chairman Mark Zacchio in the Avon Town Hall Selectmen’s Chamber Building I.  Members present: Chairman Mark Zacchio, Board of Education member William Stokesbury, Board of Finance member Thomas Gugliotti and Town Manager Brandon Robertson.  Member absent: Superintendent of Schools David Erwin. Also in attendance were Assistant Town Manager and staff member Blythe Robinson, Board of Education Director of Finance Gary Franzi, Board of Education Director of Facilities David Paul and resident Flo Stahl.


Mr. Paul hoped to explain that the scope of the duties of outside maintainers extended well beyond just what was printed on the member's spreadsheet that is attached to their agendas. The two maintainers not only take care of the ball fields (45 acres in total) but maintain their own equipment as well. Ms. Robinson added that it was important to note that both the Town and BOE maintainers do more tasks than what was included in the report.


Chairman Zacchio expressed his congratulations to Ms. Robinson on her appointment to Town Manager of Upton, MA and thanked her for all of her hard work for the Town of Avon. He appreciated that Mr. Franzi attended this meeting as the BOE was experiencing personnel changes there as well.


Mr. Franzi pointed out a typo in paragraph two on page two and also requested further clarification of the tasks the purchasing agent and accounts payable person do in paragraph five of the same page. On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti and seconded by Mr. Stokesbury, the members approved the December 9, 2009 minutes with the changes. Town Manager Robertson abstained. Superintendent of Schools David Erwin was absent.

V. OLD BUSINESS 09/10-01 Review & Discussion - Implementation of Consultant's Recommendations

Ms. Robinson updated the committee with the progress made since the last meeting on various tasks recommended for implementation. Attached to the members' agenda was an updated spreadsheet of the report's (Matrix) findings and the staff committee's (Organizational Services Review Committee) actions to date. Implementation of the upgrade to the ADMINS software is estimated to be completed by June, 2011. Electronic purchase orders are slated to be used by December, 2010 depending if IT and the Finance Dept. determine if the current programming is sufficient to meet this need or maybe wait for the upgrade to the ADMINS Windows version. The Town is moving forward with implementing the NOVA system (time and attendance software to enable entry of payroll data at the department level) starting first with Public Works. The School Dude program is being evaluated by the Public Works Director for potential purchase at potentially a cost of less than $5,000. Mr. Paul added that the School Dude program had been a great tool for his team in processing work orders. It is also useful in tracking energy management as well. Mr. Paul said that it is also useful in breaking out the FTE (full time equivalent) of employees. The work order will come in and be broken down by how much time and money it will take to complete the task which helps to create a "history" for that task for the future. Ms. Robinson also pointed out that there were tasks that would have to wait for the new Town Manager and Superintendent of Schools to address.

Mr. Franzi said that he and Ms. Colligan were working on sharing the ADMINS system and were just waiting on passwords to access their systems. A longer term issue is to share purchasing by the BOE and the Town. The Town and the BOE are 100% using electronic paychecks for all employees. Electronic vendor payments will be an ongoing process. Mr. Zacchio asked if there was reluctance on the part of the vendors to which Ms. Robinson replied that many didn't want to go on an electronic system. She added that the more we could do the easier it made bank reconciliations, for example, and that number is increasing. Mr. Gugliotti cautioned against requiring that a firm furnish electronic payments as this could potentially add a burden to smaller firms.

Mr. Franzi discussed the need to hire an HR coordinator for centralization of BOE human resource functions with reporting relationship to the Town's HR Director. He said that over the years the hiring of certified and non-certified personnel had always been the responsibility of the School Superintendent or Finance Director. Mr. Franzi said they needed a person who could handle the transactions - set up teacher's contracts and interface these with payroll. He feels this could provide a good balance and control with the Superintendent’s and business office and new hires, terminations and turnover; something they had not had before. Ms. Robinson said this could be discussed between him and Mr. Vernile in terms of what is needed. Mr. Zacchio added that this would be in line with what the Town and BOE were trying to accomplish in the spirit of sharing resources to avoid risks and keep head count down. Mr. Robertson said that there was a separate person to handle this function in the Town of Simsbury where he had come from and that he understood the need. Mr. Gugliotti questioned whether there was someone in the system that could move up a step and take over the responsibility. Mr. Franzi answered that the personnel were already worked to their capacity. He said also there were many changes in the laws in the medical plans and benefits that have to be kept up with, and that having their own hire could prevent the cost of going out for counsel. Mr. Zacchio suggested Mr. Vernile and Mr. Robertson get together with Mr. Franzi to discuss further for recommendation.

Ms. Robinson discussed item 3.2g - joint planning relative to collective bargaining provisions to develop consistency where practical in benefits and leave provisions, etc. She had a spreadsheet that Mr. Vernile's office had prepared detailing all the contract provisions across all nine contracts of the Town and BOE. She said it would be a good tool for the Town Manager and Superintendent to use. Mr. Zacchio requested that Ms. Robinson send the members a copy. Mr. Stokesbury reminded that the teachers and smaller groups were coming up soon for contract negotiations.  

Ms. Robinson included a spreadsheet detailing the BOE and Town athletic fields use by season, game played and maintenance requirements. In order to come to any conclusion  about how to change the way the BOE and the Town use staff, she first needed to develop a clear picture of sports played, the season, location of all fields and type, length of time played at each location and the work performed by each organization to maintain them. Private or non-Town or BOE sponsored leagues (Little League at Sperry Park) that use the fields also have to be considered. The spreadsheet confirmed that the fields are well utilized throughout the year. The Town has four full time staff assigned to buildings and grounds as compared to two for the BOE. Both use part time summer help. The list of equipment and fertilizer cost is more for the Town which is related to the fact that the Town maintains more acreage than the BOE. Ms. Robinson added that it was too soon to make a recommendation to change the scheduling or maintenance at this point and that staff would continue to gather and analyze data in order to prepare a final report by the end of June, 2010.

Mr. Paul made the point that the rules regarding fertilizer could change too, for example, banning the use of herbicides or pesticides for educational facilities in the next year. He said too that there would be a significant increase with the use of organics. Mr. Paul told of other challenges they are facing including the increase in programs such as Babe Ruth baseball. The Middle School needs $3,000 - $4,000 to get it up to par to be a nice playing surface. He is receiving complaints from people even suggesting they maintain the fields themselves. Mr. Franzi added that over the years they have tried to purchase multi-use vehicles – plow, sand or mow in an effort to contain costs as well as capable of storing parts so as to save on running to the hardware store.  

Mr. Zacchio surmised that going forward the BOE may just concentrate on building maintenance and the Town the fields, in order to look for cost savings and utilizing skill sets better. Mr. Stokesbury asked if there were any proposals in the capital budget this year. Ms. Robinson replied that upgrading the financial part of the ADMINS system would cost approximately $56,400. Ms. Robinson said that they were moving forward with the time and attendance piece at a cost of approximately $27,000 vs. $40,000. Mr. Zacchio added that the wish was to have more but that revenue shortfalls this year would curtail it.  Mr. Gugliotti asked if there was any equipment on the list that was in critical need of replacement. Ms. Robinson answered that a paint machine was to be replaced and funded by the general and special funds and was not included in the capital budget. Mr. Stokesbury suggested including a purchase and replacement date with the list of athletic program equipment to best anticipate replacement for budgeting purposes.

Mr. Zacchio questioned whether meeting four times per year was adequate to accomplish these goals. Mr. Gugliotti cautioned risking micro managing if the members met more often. He added that the reports have been great to this point. Mr. Zacchio suggested perhaps a monthly progress report in an e-mail or once between meetings. Mr. Stokesbury added that both sides were feeling the budget pressure and that cautioned that adding more money to save money might be burdensome at this point. Mr. Robertson said that he was very impressed with the level of detail the members have presented. He told of the successes he found in the Town of Simsbury with the buildings and grounds and the IT personnel with just this type of committee gathering. Either side felt at first that they were giving up too much but that differences were reconciled over 4-5 years by seeing mutual benefits in combining strengths on both sides.


The date of the next meeting will be Thursday, June 10th, 2010, to be held in the Selectmen's Chamber, Town Hall Building 1 at 7:00 PM.


Mr. Gugliotti motioned, Mr. Stokesbury seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM. None opposed.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted:

                                                                                    Chairman Mark Zacchio


Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk