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AHS Building Committee Minutes 01/13/2009
7:30 AM

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frey at 7:30 a.m.  Members present were Messrs: Brighenti, Evans, Usich and Frey.  Absent were Messrs: Eacott, Papa and Miller.

II.     MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETING –   September 9, 2008                                                                                                                          September 23, 2008

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:     That the Building Committee accepts the minutes of the September 9, 2008  meeting as read.

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Building Committee accept the minutes of the September 23, 2008                                                                    
                       meeting as read.
Messrs, Frey, Brighenti, Evans and Usich voted in favor.




Construction Manager- None

Architect Report -None

VI.     OLD BUSINESS – None.

a.      Outstanding Repair/Completion Issues
Ms. Robinson reported there is a copy of the letter sent by Dr. Kisiel outlining the outstanding issues with the building project as well as copies of the emails from KBA in response to these issues.  With KBA and FIP present at this meeting it is anticipated that we can resolve these once and for all and plan the final project close out.  Also required is receipt from FIP of all State Change Orders.  Progress has been made, some are outstanding or need further processing and this too must be resolved before final payment is made on the project, she will continue to work on them.  FIP reported we are working on the Change Orders, and will get them to you.   

The concerns expressed by Dr. Kisiel are as follows:

1.      The new gymnasium rooftop units 10B and 11B are still working together properly.  One unit cools while the other overheats.  We have received multiple complaints regarding the variations of heat and cooling at the same time in the gymnasium.  The heat recovery fly wheel of unit 11B does not appear to be working.  The Trane repair representatives found construction debris in the unit which is likely to have caused the failure.  

Chairman Frey reported since they are new units, 10B and 11B should be covered under warranty even when it comes to repairs, such as parts for the compressor where construction debris was found, should not be the responsibility of the Town.  That may be resolved.    

Mr. Shugrue reported the two units are fighting each other due to a programming issue. The Trane mechanic was there yesterday and found seized bearings and shaft. The parts are under warranty.  Chairman Frey questioned if the parts were under warranty and said FIP and Trane should work together and determine who pays for that. The work may need to wait to be done when the gym is not in use, either in April or over the summer.

2.      Unit 6B has to be constantly reset and the diagnostic reads: “exhaust fan failure” and “Manual reset required”.
FIP reported the technician is scheduled to look at that unit this week.

3.      The cooling system in the athletic director’s office has still not been repaired.  
FIP reported that is possibly a bad sensor that is being looked into.

4.      Overall, we are having difficulty regulating temperatures between the systems of the existing and the new additions/renovations to the building.
                 FIP reported we determined that this has been covered in the first three questions.

    1. An electrical closet in the back of room C108, which houses a Trane unit heater hanging from the ceiling, has exposed wiring.
    Although this is not in the part of the school that was renovated it has been fixed.     

2.      An electrical socket in the distance learning lab continues to spark.  It should be checked.
     FIP reported it is probably a bad socket; it will be replaced if the school can identify the exact  location.   

     1.        The fencing between the school and the firehouse has still not been corrected.
Chairman Frey reported it is not the fencing, it is the cable fence between the wood fence, the cables are just hanging.  FIP reported the sub, Eagle Fence, will take care of it.   

     1. The furniture in the library workroom has still not arrived.
     Elizabeth Berman, KBA - The furniture referred to were shelf units used in the old Library, they were put into storage, and now are missing.  They must be somewhere, and need to be located.    
    2. The counter in the library workroom needs to be corrected.  The counter top is two feet         off the floor, which makes it unusable.
      Mr. Shugrue reported the counter was raised up to the appropriate height, it was resolved.  

3.      The tops to the study carrels have still not arrived.           

Ms. Berman - They are using the present ones instead.  They are 30 x 60 tables, they were in bubble wrap.  The Librarian changed them to another location to the back of the media center, and they work well.  

4.      The display racks in the library have not arrived.  
              Chairman Frey reported we should find them, they should have been stored during the renovation, or replace them. The Committee discussed it and authorized the replacement of three racks to cost about $600.     
5.      The desk in the athletic director’s office has not been corrected.  
                Ms. Berman – This should be resolved this week.    

6.      The damaged cloth chair in the library was removed for repair but has not been returned.
Ms. Berman - We will check into this with the manufacturer, although the chair was accepted when it was delivered.   

7.      The School has not received a status report of two round tables for the library in the entrance and main reading room of the library.
              Ms. Robinson reported they were not in the proposal. Mr. Evans reported, then that  should be done at a cost to the district, not the project.

8.      One section of the refurbished surface on the short book shelves has completely lifted causing 1.5” wave across the entire top of the shelf
        Ms. Berman - CMS redid the surface, it has again lifted, and they have been informed and           were told to do it again.  Mr. Paul needs to follow up.

1.      The finished surface of the new gymnasium floor is beginning to “flake”.  As you recall, this was the same condition that occurred with the first finish.
FIP reported the flaking occurs about 20 - 25% of the time, especially with a new floor that is drying out, we will continue to keep an eye on it, and then it will be redone by sanding off the polyurethane and refinishing it over the summer, at not cost to the Town.   

2.      One section of the new gym floor, not in the playing area is “soft” and moves with foot pressure. We suspect that the sub floor has failed in some way.
FIP reported the floor is having a natural response, that is what they are supposed to do, but the manufacturer’s rep will be checking it to make sure there are no abnormalities.  Ms. Robinson asked if we might have trouble with the finish on this floor as well.  Mr. Shugrue said it was possible, and it should be checked in the fall after it has been in use about six months.

3.      Mr. Sunblade reports a problem with the line painting in the old gymnasium.  It is uncertain whether it can be corrected.  At the very least, we should get some credit for the mistake.
               FIP reported it is not a problem, a non cost issue, it has been resolved.
4.      FIP is aware that the curtain in the old gym needs to be reinstalled.  
 FIP - The curtain has already been reinstalled.  

b.      Project Budget Update
        Ms. Robinson reported a copy of the budget is attached.  The budget remains in good shape, with two accounts that are overspent by a small amount.  We will wait until the end of the project and all expenditures are made to make final adjustments from contingency to resolve these.  

        She further stated the major outstanding expenses are final payments and retainage to FIP for construction, AT&T for the VBrick system, and expenses that will be associated with the long-term bond issue in October 2009.    
c.      Approval of Bills
                      The following bills are presented for payment:

                        1.      KBA Invoice #5   Architectural Services                    $320.00

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Building Committee approves the payment to KBA, Invoice #5, in the amount of $320. for Architectural Services.
Messrs: Brighenti, Evans, Frey and Usich voted in favor.

                        2.      AT&T   Invoice # 363-015355 Technology Equipment      $19,842.80

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Building Committee approve the payment to AT&T, invoice # 363-015355 in the amount of $19,842.80 for Technology Equipment.
Messrs: Brighenti, Evans, Frey and Usich voted in favor.

Mr. Frey asked about the FIP’s final payment.  Mr. Shugrue responded that they did not request payment in November or December, and they would send a final bill in a few weeks.  Mr. Frey noted that some retainage should be held until these final issues are resolved.

Ms. Robinson reported this will be the last meeting needed for the Committee. She said that the Town Council will ask them to come in at some point to dissolve the Committee and thank them for their service.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 a.m.  

Respectfully submitted:                                                 
Blythe Robinson, Assistant Town Manager
Staff Person

Attest:  Betty J. Marsh