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AHS Building Committee Minutes 05/13/2008
MAY 13, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Chairman Frey in the Student Activity Room E109 at the High School.  Members Present, Jeff Brighenti, James Eacott, Jed Usich, John Papa and James Miller.  Mr. Evans was absent.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Miller, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Building Committee approve the minutes of April 8, 2008, as read.   
Messrs Brighenti, Eacott and Miller voted in favor, Mr. Frey, Mr. Usich and Mr. Papa abstained since they were absent from the meeting.                                 



Construction Manager’s Report
Mr. Shugrue of FIP reported that the project is essentially complete, except for the final cleaning of classrooms and public areas.  The cost tracker was updated to reflect the cost of asbestos abatement in the existing gym, and thus the project savings is now $675,000.  Mr. Frey asked if further change orders were contemplated. Mr. Shugrue said there was one to add concrete behind the cafeteria outside.  It is estimated to be $49,000 although KBA has revised the sketch to show a smaller area that may cost 30% less.  The band room and existing gym will be done in June and July.      

Architect Report
Mr. Boos noted that the made-to-order sandwich station in the servery has been very popular and the Food Service Manager would like to have a second one installed.  A second area would allow students to be served faster and have time to eat their lunch.  He estimates it would cost in the range of $20,000.  The Committee discussed it briefly and decided to tour the area after the meeting.  Ms. Berman of KBA updated the Committee on the status of the furniture order.  She noted the classroom items are ordered and the media center items will be as well once the color selection is complete.  Soon the technology portion of the project will need to go out to bid.    


a.      Change Orders
Ms. Robinson reported there are four change orders included for consideration, FIP has information on a fifth one for modifications to the to the rear of the school to install concrete instead of grass as discussed at the last meeting.

FIP provided Change Order #46, to purchase 1,822 gallons of diesel fuel for the emergency generator, in amount $6,953.11.   
On a motion made by Mr. Usich, seconded by Mr. Papa, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Building Committee approve Change Order #46, in amount $6,953.11, for 1,822 gallons of diesel fuel at $3.599 per gallon plus tax, as previously agreed upon.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Miller, Usich and Papa voted in favor.

FIP submitted Change Order #47, for HVAC modifications to address the Snack Shop temperature issues, which were unforeseen, in amount $7,679.35.  Dr. Kisiel reported the area is much more popular than expected, which may be contributing to temperature issues.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Papa, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Building Committee approve Change Order #47, in amount $7,679.35, for HVAC modifications to address the Snack Shop temperature issues.  
Messrs Usich, Frey, Papa, Brighenti, Eacott and Miller voted in favor.

FIP submitted Change Order #48, to replace pressure reducing valve at the water main, in amount $3,120.51, requiring an adjustment to construction contingency.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Building Committee approve Change Order #48, in the amount of $3,120.51,    to replace the pressure reducing valve at the water main.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Usich, Miller and Papa voted in favor.

FIP submitted Change Order #49, to apply VandlGuard Five to precast concrete column enclosures outside the new classroom wing, in the amount of $3,057.48.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Miller, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Building Committee approve Change Order #49, in the amount of $3,057.48, to apply VandlGuard Five to precast concrete column enclosures.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Usich, Miller and Papa voted in favor.

FIP reported that they are in the process of putting together Change Order #50, which is to change a grassed area that is outside the cafeteria to concrete and would cost approximately $45,000 - $49,000.  Dr. Kisiel reported he believes it can be done for considerably less, for asphalt to 2/3 of the area is expected to be $30,000.   KBA has developed a revised sketch so an exact price can be determined.


a.      Project Budget Update.
Ms. Robinson reported there is a copy of the budget in the packet along with the services and consultants budget; there are no material changes since last month’s report.

b.      Proposal for Building Commissioning
Ms. Robinson reported that at the request of the Town Council an RFP was advertised for the level three commissioning services for the High School.  She said we received five proposals which she handed out to the Committee and asked them to review and rank.  Mr. Frey reported our recommendations should be provided to Ms. Robinson as soon as possible, we must rank all of them and express our opinions.  Mr. Miller reported $100,000 is expensive in his opinion.  Ms. Robinson suggested that a sub-committee participate in the interviews of the top 1 or 2 firms so we can make a recommendation to the Town Council not just on lowest price as a factor but qualifications.  The money will be transferred from the Construction Budget for this.  Mr. Boos noted that they support this process.
               c.  AHS Baseball Field Fencing & Football Field Scoreboard.
The Committee reviewed the memo and recommendation from David Paul, Director of Buildings and Grounds for modifications to the baseball field fencing and to the football field scoreboard.  He is requesting funds to add fencing on the baseball field as a safety measure, and for the football field scoreboard to be hard wired to eliminate the need for a generator to power it.  Dr. Kisiel noted these items are needed.  

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Building Committee approve the modifications to the baseball field fencing and to the football field scoreboard, as recommended by the Director of Buildings &Grounds.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Usich, Miller and Papa voted in favor.
Ms. Robinson reported there is one new item.  At the last Town Council Meeting Mr. D’Onofrio approached the Town Council to ask that funds be appropriated to install a new press box.  The Council voted to authorize $5,000 be spent for design and estimates, should the Board of Education vote to say a press box is needed.  The Board of Education next meets on May 20th and she will add it to the next Building Committee agenda depending on the outcome.

Mr. Shugrue asked the Committee if they would be willing to entertain a proposal for additional construction management fees.  His request is to cover their costs to finish work that cannot be done wile students are in school.  It would be for limited services of the Superintendent through the end of July.  The Committee discussed it and indicated they would consider a proposal.  Mr. Eacott asked about the status of the punch list.  The upstairs of the classroom wind is complete and a list for the ground floor has been generated.  Mr. Boos said no further fees would be charge by his firm.     

d.      Approval of Bills
On a motion made by Mr. Usich, seconded by Mr. Miller, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to FIP Construction of Payment #20, in amount $907,546.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Usich, Miller, and Papa voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc. for Invoice #31, for Professional Services, in amount $5,996.75.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Usich, Eacott, Miller and Papa voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc. for Invoice #13 Special Inspections in amount $250.00
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Usich, Miller and Papa voted in favor.
On a motion made by Mr. Eacott, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to IMTL, Inc. for Invoice #7724-N Testing Services, in amount $2,160.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Usich, Eacott, Miller and Papa voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Eacott, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Building Committee approve payment to IMTL, Inc. for Invoice #7724-0 Testing Services, in amount $640.00
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Usich, Eacott, Miller and Papa voted in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 a.m.

Respectfully submitted:
                                                                Blythe Robinson, Staff Person
Attest:  Betty J. Marsh