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AHS Building Committee Minutes 01/08/2008
JANUARY 8, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Chairman Frey in the Student Activity Room E109 at the High School. Members Present, Jeff Brighenti, Douglas Evans and Jed Usich.  Absent:  Mr. Miller and Mr. Eacott.

II.     MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETING –   December 11, 2007      
On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Frey, it was voted:
RESOLVED:        That the Building Committee accept the December 11, 2007 as read.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Evans and Usich voted in favor.
(Mr. Papa arrived at 7:35 a.m.)


        a.      Construction Manager – status of the project    
Mr. Shugrue gave the Construction Manager’s Report for the month of December, 2007.  He reported that the activities are highlighted by the completion of the new cafeteria and kitchen renovation. Final inspections and testing of Life Safety Systems were completed the last week of December.  The orchestra room is also complete.  Mr. Evans asked when students would be able to use the cafeteria.  It was answered that it would be in use after the upcoming exam period.  Mr. Shugrue also noted that the cost tracker showed the project savings were essentially unchanged.  

Masonry construction activities continued at the classroom addition, and the project remains on schedule.  FIP also gave the Committee an update on their analysis of construction related utility costs in light of the discussion at the previous meeting.  Hal provided a handout which outlined the timing and use of electricity on the project and cost comparison to other similar projects.  He noted the significant use of electricity due to the dehumidification of the gym. However it is difficult to determine true costs without a separate meter on the job.

Mr. Shugrue also told the Committee that they proceeded with having a delivery of oil put in the new tank and will have the tank tested as discussed at the previous meeting.  This will be on a future change order charged to contingency.
a.      Change Orders
Ms. Robinson reported we need to discuss Change Orders Proposals #31 & 33 which came in after the agenda was finalized.

On a motion made by Mr. Usich, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approves payment of Change Order Proposal No. 31, as submitted for installation of structural steel floor supports at existing kitchen slab, from Kaestle Boos Associates, in the amount of $22,024.37.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Usich, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve Change Order Proposal No. 33, as submitted to implement modifications to scope of work, to eliminate Refrigerated Merchandisers, from Kaestle Boos Associates, a credit in the amount of  $(6,000.00).
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

a.      Project Budget Update
Ms. Robinson reported included in the packet is the monthly update from the financial system and the breakdown of the expenditures for services and consultants.  You may note that the budget transfers have been made, thus the sub accounts for consultants are no longer showing a deficit.  

Ms. Robinson reported she attended the Town Council meeting on January 3rd.  They discussed the progress of the Building Committee, and were concerned with the change to include the Kabota tractor in the FF&E, without approaching them first, as it is over $20,000.  She reported due to Town Council concerns, she did not proceed with the tractor purchase.  The Committee discussed their disappointment with this decision, several members pointed out that they believed direction had been given by the Council when this matter came up at the CIP presentation to the Council in December.  Ms. Robinson was asked to forward the Committee the Council’s December 6th, and January 3rd minutes.

The Committee discussed several alternatives and as a result, it was the consensus of the Building Committee to have Chairman Frey attend the Town Council February meeting on behalf of the Building Committee.   

Mr. Boos asked if the Building Committee would be interested in having a presentation at the February 12th meeting by the BVH Engineers, on process of Commissioning.  This is a process by which a super punch list is generated along with a shake down on all systems to make sure they are all operating correctly.  We will have five months to do this beginning in late spring on all systems before the turnover of the project to the School.  This document will serve as extremely helpful to staff in the future.

Mr. Evans questioned the dollar range of work in the report.  Mr. Boos said the report would be in the range of $50,000 to $70,000.  Dr. Kisiel said he will ask his people to be at the meeting that are responsible for all of the new systems.  It was suggested that members of the Town Council may want to come as well.  Mr. Boos will set this up for the February 12th committee meeting.
b.      Approval of Bills
                      1.  FIP Construction   Payment #16 Construction            $ 1,359,942.00
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approves payment to FIP Construction, Payment #16, in the amount of $1,359,942.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.
2.  KBA Inv. #27        Construction Admin.       $ 18,497.15
On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approves payment to KBA, Construction Administration, Invoice #27, in the amount of $18,497.15.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

3.  KBA Inv. #11        Special Inspections              $     687.50
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to KBA, Special Inspections, Invoice #11, in the amount of $687.50.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

4.  IMTL      Inv. #7724-K        Construction Testing      $  2,322.00
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to IMTL, Construction Testing, Invoice #7724-K in the amount of $2,322.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

5. Carrier Transicold   Inv. #22869   Refrig. Trailer Rental     $ 540.00
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to Carrier Transicold, for refrigerator trailer rental, Invoice #22869, in the amount of $540.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

6.  Fuss & ONeill       Inv. # 0672     Gym Floor Sampling     $  2,681.00
On a motion made by Mr. Usich, seconded by Mr. Papa, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to Fuss & O’Neill, for gym floor sampling, Invoice #0672, in the amount of $2,681.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa, and Usich voted in favor.

7.  CMS Inv. # 10247        Moving Services          $   1,155.00
On a motion made by Mr. Usich, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approves payment to CMS, for moving services, Invoice #10247, in the amount of $1,155.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

        c.     Various Correspondence - None    
The Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 a.m.

                                                                Respectfully submitted:
                                                                Blythe Robinson, Staff Person
Attest:  Betty J. Marsh