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AHS Building Committee Minutes 12/11/2007
DECEMBER 11, 2007
The meeting was called to order by at 7:30 a.m. by Chairman Frey in the Conference Room at the Board of Education Administrative Offices.  Members Present, Jeff Brighenti, James Eacott, Douglas Evans, Jim Miller and Jed Usich.

II.     MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETING -   November 13, 2007
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee accept the November 13, 2007 minutes as amended.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Miller and Usich voted in favor.


1.      Construction Manager - Status of the project
Mr. Shugrue gave the Construction Manager's Report for the month of November, 2007.  He reported that the final slab placement for the media room has been completed and masonry continued on the science addition.  The plumbing contractor continued, with the rough in work.  Framing is also moving forward.  The orchestra area is essentially complete.  The plan is to turn over the cafeteria on December 21st.  Mr. Shugrue noted there was a small change to the cost tracker resulting in the buyout savings now totaling $741,000.

2.      Maintenance Garage Enhancements
Ms. Robinson reported at last month's meeting we discussed the request from the Board of Education for design work to add heat, insulated doors, insulation in the ceiling, improve the lighting, and install a telephone to the newly constructed maintenance garage.  Authorization was given to proceed with design to see how some of this can be done.  Mr. Boos reported the design cost would be about $4,000, thought it could range from $2,000 to $6,000, the project cost estimate is $50,000.  Mr. Shugrue said FIP would need a scope of work in order to confirm this price.  Chairman Frey questioned what kind of maintenance is done there, as he thought the Department of Public Works does all vehicle maintenance.  Mr. Franzi reported they do maintenance to keep salt from freezing in equipment, and truck bodies, especially when they are loaded with salt the night before a storm.  Dr. Kisiel said he did not know the modifications would be so expensive.  He will bring this back to the Board of Education to discuss further.  Chairman Frey said the Committee will put it on hold.     

Mr. Papa arrived at the meeting.

Mr. Frey asked about the status of the changes in two offices to create better circulation.  Mr. Boos said they had not developed a number yet, but they did not think it would be a large cost.  Dr. Kisiel said he believed the change would be beneficial.  The Committee agreed to go ahead with the work on a time and materials basis.

3.      Architect - Status of the project & FF&E
Mr. Boos, KBA, reported as a result of several meetings Ms. Berman with Dr. Kisiel and appropriate faculty, the current estimated cost for FF&E is $647,245.  Of that technology is $247,172, science equipment totals $47,626, custodial equipment is $15,278.57, and furniture totals $337,169.  The school is planning reusing many items including the library stacks, and 80% of the cafeteria tables by refurbishing them. Further discussion on this item was tabled until Ms. Berman arrived.

4.      Approve 2008 Regular Meeting Schedule   
It was discussed that due to the Town Hall renovations not being complete until April, the Building Committees regular meetings cannot be held there.  Dr. Kisiel suggested that the Building Committee could make use of a small conference room at the High School as long as needed.  It was the consensus of the Building Committee to schedule the 2008 meetings at the Avon High School.  Dr. Kisiel told the Committee there would be a tour of the school as well as all the other facilities on January 5th, and they are welcome to attend.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:         That the Building Committee approve the 2008 Meeting Schedule as follows:
Tuesday, January 8, 2008                7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, February 12, 2008              7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, March 11, 2008         7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, April 8, 2008          7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, May 13, 2008           7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, June 10, 2008          7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, July 8, 2008                   7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, August 12, 2008                7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, September 9, 2008              7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, October 14, 2008               7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, November 11, 2008              7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, December 9, 2008               7:30 am - Avon High School
Tuesday, January 13, 2009               7:30 am - Avon High School

Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Miller, Usich and Papa voted in favor.

5.      Memo from School Finance Director
Dr. Kisiel asked the Committee to reconsider the purchase of a Kabota utility tractor as part of the FF&E budget.  The Board of Education has included it in their CIP request to the Town.  Given the other competing requests for funds from the CIP and the need for the vehicle to maintain the expanded site, Mrs. Roell asked that a letter be written to the Building Committee and they reconsider funding it.  The Committee discussed it further and voted on the request.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee include the Kabota utility tractor as part of the FF&E budget.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans and Papa voted in favor.  Messrs Miller and Usich abstained.  
A memo the Committee received from School Finance Director Franzi was discussed, regarding testing the new underground storage tank as well as electricity costs.  Fuss & O'Neill indicated the tank should be failure tested, at a cost of $425, and the tank needs to be 20 - 80% full for the test, with current per gallon at $2.93, it would be $5,860 for a minimum of 2,000 gallons, and 80% full for $23,440.  The Board of Education would like the Building Committee to approve the minimum as part of the project costs.  The building committee agreed to 2,000 gallons, out of FIP's contingency.  Dr. Kisiel agreed.  

The second part of the memo concerned electric power utilization resulting from the Avon High School project starting in November 2006 through December 2007.  Mr. Franzi said the energy expenditures for electrical consumption have increased due to usage and rate increases.  The total difference from the start of the project through November 2007 is $86,626.  The Committee discussed the matter and agreed they would like a month by month comparison from the year before the project began, both in dollars and kwH.  It was noted that the owner is responsible for the utility costs on this project.

a.      Change Orders- None

a.      Project Budget Update
Ms. Robinson reported included in the packet is the monthly update from the financial system and the breakdown of the expenditures for services and consultants, with nothing new at this time.  

b.      Approval of Bills
1.  FIP Construction   Payment #15   Construction  $ 1,951,680.00
On a motion made by Mr. Usich, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to FIP Construction, Payment #15, in the amount of $1,951,680.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa, Miller and Usich voted in favor.
2.  KBA    Inv. #26     Construction Admin.    $ 18,847.02
On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Miller, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to KBA for Construction Administration, Invoice #26, in the amount of $18,847.02.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa, Miller and Usich voted in favor.

3.  KBA    Inv. #10     Special Inspections      $   2,875.00
On a motion made by Mr. Papa, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to KBA, Special Inspections, Invoice #10, in the amount of $2,875.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa, Miller and Usich voted in favor.

4.  KBA    Inv. #2    FF& E Services    $7,000.00
On a motion made by Mr. Eacott, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to KBA, FF&E Services, Invoice #2, in the amount of $7,000.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa, Miller and Usich voted in favor.

5.  IMTL    Inv. #7724-J    Construction Testing    $2,423.44
On a motion made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to IMTL, Construction Testing, Invoice #7724-J in the amount of $2,423.44.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa, Miller and Usich voted in favor.

6. Carrier Transicold   Inv. #22182     Refrig. Trailer Rental    $1,080.00
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Miller, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to Carrier Transicold, for refrigerator trailer rental, Invoice #22182, in the amount of $1,080.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa, Miller and Usich voted in favor.

7.  Fuss & Oneill    Inv. #1024    Gym Floor Sampling    $57.00
On a motion made by Mr. Usich, seconded by Mr. Miller, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to Fuss & O'Neill, Invoice #1024, for gym floor sampling, in the amount of $57.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa, Miller and Usich voted in favor.

8.  CMS   Inv. #10189    Storage Services        $1,035.00
On a motion made by Mr. Usich, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve payment to CMS, Storage Services, Invoice #10189, in the amount of $1,035.00.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa, Miller and Usich voted in favor.

c.      Further FF&E Discussion

Ms. Berman joined the meeting. She reviewed the details of the FF&E plan with the Committee.  She showed the Committee the choices of furniture and what would be reused and refurbished.  She noted that the furniture would be available from existing state and federal contracts, while the technology portion would need to be bid.  The Committee discussed that fact the $600,000 budget was insufficient, especially as it did not include the funds for the utility tractor and refurbishment of media center furniture.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee increases the FF&E budget not to exceed $700,000.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa, Miller and Usich voted in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m.

                                                                Respectfully submitted:
                                                                Blythe Robinson, Staff Person
Attest:  Betty J. Marsh