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AHS Building Committee Minutes 2/13/2007
Corrections 03/13/07 Pages 1 &2

February 13, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Chairman Hank Frey in the Selectmen’s Chamber, Town Hall.  Members Present:  Jeff Brighenti, James Eacott, Douglas Evans, Jim Miller, John Papa and Jed Usich.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee accept the minutes of January 9, 2007 as amended.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Miller, Papa and Usich voted in favor.



Construction Manager – status of the project
Mr. Shugrue reported that the primary focus of work in the month of January was the erection of steel at the gymnasium cafeteria addition, some involving the roof still remains.  Scaffolding has been erected at the site. We have begun installing the stormwater sanitary systems, the sanitary sewer line has been extended to the firehouse and the connection is pending.  The building department has not issued a building permit, but at a meeting with the Building Inspector there is no issue with the permit.  The Building Department has indicated that they will collect the State of Connecticut educational fees.  The project is 97% awarded to sub contractors, with some remaining specialty items outstanding, but expect within a couple of weeks they will all be on board.  The GMP cost tracker has been updated since last month to include the demolition and asbestos buy out and a few other awards.  The savings on the cost of work has increased to $708,507.  There has been additional asbestos encountered on the project in the cafeteria, which needs to be removed in order to tie the building together.  It has been tested, and removal is scheduled for the week of February vacation while students are out of the building. This work was not identified in the original survey, and will result in additional cost.  

A question was raised as to whether the mason work would begin this week, given the forecast for cold weather. FIP reported that work would go forward as they are prepared for the conditions with heaters and tarps in place.  Of the $200,000 allowance for such conditions, $1,600  has been spent to date.

A question was raised regarding the budget for materials testing.  FIP reported that we schedule only as needed, for such items as concrete, testing fills and compaction.  The schedule of work has been updated since the previous month, in order to complete the new cafeteria/gymnasium addition by September, the last day of school is a critical point in time.  Significant activities that start once school is out include abatement, demolition, interior main office renovations, and roof replacement.  We will use the auxiliary gym as a temporary cafeteria and kitchen, then finish the new kitchen, begin using the new gym, and finally redo the existing gym.  

FIP reported the Connecticut Department of Transportation is holding a coordination meeting next week, regarding improvements to the State road Route 167.  The State has plans to resurface the entire road and widen it in some areas over the summer.  This work will not include utility pole relocation, but many areas include widening to allow a left turn lane into the school at the existing driveway. Ms. Robinson indicated that Town Staff will also attend this meeting.  A question was asked about the status of the temporary access road.  FIP reported we have set up this temporary road around the firehouse and DOT has approved that temporary use.  Mr. Miller noted that the temporary road seems to be usable, it appears to be sandy gravel. Mr. Shugrue said the road was usable with the current surface, but they will monitor the situation and concrete it as necessary.

Architect – status of the project
Mr. Boos provided updates under, the Old Business Section of the Agenda.

Design Modifications
Bleachers/Press Box
The Architect reported on the replacement of some of the exterior bleachers with ones that are handicapped accessible, as required by the State. They are waiting for a meeting with the State to get formal approval for this plan that will eliminate the press box and add 207 more seats.  This requires alteration to change the setback, therefore Planning & Zoning Commission approval is also required. If we wished to add a box behind this new design, it would require $70,000 in footings, the press box would cost $20,000, and that would then require an handicapped accessible elevator at $70,000. KBA suggests that we eliminate the press box, and use a pole with cameras for now. Dr. Kisiel reported that  the Board of Education is comfortable with this plan, this seems to be the best of all the alternatives, as it still maintains lots of visual seating, and takes care of handicapped accessibility.  The Architect reported that we would have to seek Zoning Board of Appeals approval if we wished to put the press box in as an alternative future project. Chairman Frey reported that would not be a concern of this Committee, our project ends with the bleachers and anything further would rest with the  Board of Education out of a different budget

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve the Architects plans for the bleachers.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Miller, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

Media Center
Architect Boos reported we have met with the Board of Education on several occasions. The staff has approved the plans and FIP is awaiting the receipt of those plans so they can obtain pricing, hopefully by the date of the next meeting.  Essentially these are the same plans as presented last meeting, and include an entry change, one less wall, added some storage, and an increase in office area. Chairman Frey reported that since all parties are in agreement, he does not see the need for further approval. The Architect reported if the changes add costs, they will be submitted, but he believes the changes may off-set construction cost.

Mr. Boos further reported he attends some of the FIP job meetings and they are one of the most professionally run projects he has even been on.  The site is clean, seems to be moving along, ahead of  schedule, and he hears nothing about communication issues.  

b.      Revise March 7, 2006 Minutes.
Staff Person Robinson reported that the March 7, 2006 approved minutes are incorrect. They indicate a low bid of $900 for the Structural Peer Review by Mr. Calabrese, but actually should have read $3,900.  The background information has been located and tapes of the meeting reviewed.  She recommended that a correction be made to those minutes. The Building Committee agreed unanimously.

c.      Drainage Pipe
The matter of the drainage pipe was taken up under Change Orders.

Change Orders
Staff person Robinson reported there are seven change orders submitted for consideration. FIP reported most of them are a no cost change to GMP as the associated cost of each are relatively small. However one is significant with regard to the storm drainage below the proposed footprint of the cafeteria, where we relocated a concrete pipe, and made site work, concrete and plumbing modifications.  The price of this change order is: $37,603.00.   

Mr. Brighenti questioned the change order process with regard to the markup mostly from subs.  Architect Boos reported we approved them after FIP has agreed on a price.  In this case the concrete bid was lowered, then we approved it. Only Change Order #2 has a cost change, all others have no change to the GMP.
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Usich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve the seven change orders as submitted.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Miller, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

a.      Project Budget Update
Staff Person Robinson reported she included two items in the memo, the status of the project appropriation from the accounting system, and a new spreadsheet detailing the expenses contained in the services & consultants line item. The project status shows the appropriation, expenses to date, and balance remaining in each account.

The Services Consultants Expense budget shows the project costs included in this line item, and the detailed invoices paid against it.  This spreadsheet bears watching as the reimbursable expenses already exceed the budgeted amount, and the testing and inspections are just recently underway.  The list of bills to be approved for payment includes an additional $8,070.00 of reimbursable expenses for bleacher and media center redesign.  Ms. Robinson requested the Committee vote to approve the Architects Contract modification to perform the work on the redesign of the bleachers and media center.  

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Miller, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee approve a modification to Kaestle Boos Associates, Architects Contract to include redesign of the bleachers and media center.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Miller, Papa and Usich voted in favor.   

Approval of Bills
On a motion made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Building Committee approve payment in the amount of $952,147.00 to FIP  Construction.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Miller, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Eacott, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Building Committee approve payment to Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc. as follows:
       Invoice # 15 for contract services 12/2/06 to 01/8/07 in amount $18,515.80      
        Invoice # 16 for contract services 01/9/07 to 01/26/07 in amount $18,497.13     
        Invoice #1 for bleacher redesign services 10/2/06 to 01/26/07 in amount $2,770.00 Invoice #1 for media center redesign services 10/2/06 to 01/26/07 in amount $5,300.00 
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Miller, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Eacott, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Building Committee approve payment in the amount of $9,120.00 to IMTL for construction materials testing.     
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

Various Correspondence
Staff Person Robinson reported there are four items of correspondence for your review, they are briefly as follows:
Letter from FIP – the temporary secondary driveway.

Memo from Mike Miller – the hazardous materials assessment of the existing sports tower.  Approval is requested to proceed with this work.

Letter from KBA Associates – Farmington Valley Health District construction document review.

Letters from CL&P – Energy Efficiency Services Project.
In July of 2006 CL&P and the Town signed an agreement for the installation of Energy efficient fixtures in the renovated and expanded high school.  In return for doing this work the Town will receive a payment from CL&P for $44,281.50.  This agreement required the work be completed by December 1, 2006.  Since the construction began later than originally planned, I requested that CL&P change the date to coincide with the anticipated completion date.  They have issued the attached addendum extending the deadline to June 30, 2008.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                Blythe Robinson, Staff Person
Attest: Betty J. Marsh