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AHS Building Committee Minutes 1/9/2007
January 9, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Chairman Hank Frey in the Selectmen’s Chamber, Town Hall.  Members Present:  Jeff Brighenti, James Eacott, Douglas Evans and John Papa. Committee Member Jed Usich arrived at 7:45 a.m., absent: Jim Miller.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Building Committee accept the minutes of December 12, 2006 as amended.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans and Papa voted in favor.



Construction Manager – status of the project
FIP reported the progress report was not completed in time before the meeting, next time it will be delivered the Friday before and delivered with the Agenda packet.

FIP reported the new cafeteria & gymnasium are 5% complete, with temporary lines for summer. We have utilities and storm drains in place, and we are still awaiting the building permit from the  Building Inspector.  Staff Person Robinson will check with the Building Inspector about the status of the permit.  Chairman Frey questioned whether we would usually have them by now.  Architect Boos reported it is not unusual to issue the permits in phases.  Chairman Frey questioned whether we need final approval to continue, or would cooperative inspections be enough.  FIP reported cooperative inspections would be fine at this point.

FIP reported that the sub contracts are 95% awarded at this point and on schedule.  The cost report reflects buy out savings of $621,000, same as it was last month.

Question to FIP regarding as to whether the heating of the concrete and masonry by what looks like blankets are being provided by FIP.  FIP reported they are providing masonry and staging that are being heated and the mason does the work.  

Architect – status of the project

Design Modifications
Media Center
Architect Boos introduced Ms. Elizabeth Berman, the project interior designer.  Architect Boos reported that a meeting with the AHS Principal, Media Center specialist and his staff was held to discuss the design modifications to the Media Center.  The changes centered on supervision issues, student use, traffic flow and storage.  A second meeting will be scheduled to clarify and finalize all changes.  The electrical, data, lighting and fire protection plans were reviewed, revisions to these plans will be minimal, mainly conforming to the architectural changes.  The plans will be ready for the next meeting.      

Bleachers/Press Box
Architect Boos reported in his letter to Chairman Frey regarding the replacement of the exterior bleachers at the track field, the eventual monetary outcome and disposition of the bleacher replacement update was given to the Building Committee at the March 7, 2006 meeting and was listed in the August 17, 2006 referendum brochure.  (replacement*) Kaestle-Boos is proceeding with the bleacher/press box redesign as directed by the Building committee on December 12, 2006.  When completed, the plans may have to be approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals since construction will be done within the required 60’ setback from West Avon Road. We need to get the completed and approved design to FIP so the plans can be put out to bid.  When FIP was asked if putting this part of the project out to bid at a later date would be a problem, they responded that it would not be a problem.  They could still complete this part of the project this summer.

b.      West Avon Road Traffic Study
Chairman Frey reported we are continuing with the design plan but will not to do any road work at this time.  He noted that Mrs. Hornaday’s comment, at a recent Town Council meeting, was that the voters approved what the state requires for this school plan.

Drainage Pipe
Architect Boos reported the larger pipe has been replaced with a cast iron pipe,  we will check what is going into the second storm drain pipe.  if nothing more, including water, we will fill it with concrete. We will need Building Department and Architect approval to proceed.

Change Orders
The change order for the steel needs to be revised and resubmitted.  


a.      Project Budget Update
Staff person Robinson reported the Town Accountant worked with her on the project budget, the end result being that several object codes have been added.  She is still working on a breakdown of the services and consultant line item, which will be included in the next agenda.  Mr. Usich asked the Architect if the contingency budget of $407,000 was sufficient.  Mr. Boos indicated that it was. Ms. Robinson noted that the minutes of March, 2006 are incorrect  and need to be adjusted to show the correct amount of the low bid submitted by Calabrese PC, Consulting Engineers for the structural peer review.  She will resubmit the minutes for correction at the next meeting.     

Approval of Bills
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Eacott, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Building Committee approve payment in the amount of $275 to Enviro Science Consultants, Inc., for additional asbestos bulk sampling.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Eacott, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the Building Committee approve payment in the amount of $105.21 to Joseph Merritt & Co. for printing services.
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Eacott, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Building Committee approve payment in the amount of $760,067.00 to FIP Construction, Inc., for Contractor services.              
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa and Usich voted in favor.

Various Correspondence

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                Blythe Robinson, Staff Person
Attest: Betty J. Marsh