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AHS Building Committee Minutes 5/2/2006
TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2006

        I.      CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Hank Frey called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. in the Selectmen's Chamber, Town Hall.  Present wee members Jeff Brighenti, Ann Dearstyne and Doug Evans.  Messrs. Paine & papa came in late.

        II.     MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETING:  March 7, 2006
On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mrs. Dearstyne, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the AHS Renovations Addition Building Committee acceptthe minutes of the March 7, 2006 meeting, as submitted.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Evans and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.



        V.      UPDATE AND REPORT - Mr. Boos reported Dr. Kisiel received a letter from David Wedge dated March 7th indicating that the request for waiver of the ½ inch per foot pitch for the roof replacement has been denied because statutory requirements are not being met.  Mr. Boos reported he did not agree with this finding because the present roof, at the ½" per foot pitch has performed well for nearly sixteen years and there is no reason to believe that a new similarly pitched roof will not perform as well.  Mr. Boos has advised Dr. Kisiel that he feels the cost of replacing the entire roof drainage system, which is not scheduled for renovation, will be prohibitive and there is a real possibility that the work could not be completed in one summer.  He requested that the project should be re-submitted for further consideration.  On March 29, 2006, Dr. Kisiel advised the Commissioner of Education that he is requesting a formal hearing on these matters. He reported the plans have been adjusted - they will be hand carried back to the plan reviewers. In response to a question from Mr. Frey,  Mr. Boos reported we should have a response in twenty-four hours after they receive the information.  Bob Paine came in.

Mr. Boos reported we needed an answer on the existing bleachers in the gym. We are taking them out so we can put the new floor in; it's a small item of handicapped accessibility that they want to address.  It's a small item, but he doesn't think it's worth arguing about.

Mr. Evans asked if the DEP response was anticipated.  The answer was no because this has gone through the Department of Health review and approval for the transfer which is much more rigorous.  The drainage has been reviewed and accepted by the public Health, by DOT. From what we understand there is a new reviewing individual who did not understand some information on the plans.  Consequently he asked for additional information; we have to comply with so there are some additional sheets with clarifications that satisfy him.  

Mr. Shopis reported that some information was eMailed out the other day about the revised eligible and ineligible costs and if that's approved, this is all set to go.  There were only a couple of small modifications that had to be made on that.  We haven't looked at any cost impact because they all require some design.  When we receive the DEP response we'll take a look at it to see if there is any cost impact.  From a schedule viewpoint, the timing of the Referendum, is critical and we should begin to think about it soon but until we receive the letter to proceed, we won't have a final date.  He feels we will need to have a six to seven week time period to prepare a brochure for advertising and scheduling the necessary meetings with the Town Council and Board of Finance, preparing the basis for the Referendum number.  We won't have that number ready until early July.  If there's a 30 day period between we have a number prepared for Referendum, we are looking close to the middle of August.  Mr. Shopis doesn't believe our outlined schedule will hold because it really will not be appropriate to try to do a lot of heavy-duty site work, disturb parking areas and changing access to the site after school has started.  We are looking to changing the sequence of the project to accommodate this late start.  This will extend the schedule to well into the following March or April.  It will mean a good six month extension.   The cost of that will be reflected in a new schedule after bids are received. Mrs. LaMonica reported the Town will need more than the six weeks for the Town Meeting, etc.  It could go beyond the 60 days that contractors will hold their bids.  We need to be aware that the Town Meeting will probably be the first week in September as we need to make sure that school is in session and the parents are back from vacations.  Ms. Roell reported school will start on September 4th.  Mrs. LaMonica  listed the need to get the Town Council and the Board of Finance approval and then set the Town Meeting Date, all prior to getting the brochure out.  That's the important thing.

Mr. Papa came in.

The Town Manager reported on the need to develop and mail a brochure to the citizens explaining the need for a second referendum and this has to be done prior to the Town Meeting.  If a 90 day hold is too much, then we need to go to a 60 day schedule which means opening up the bids later in the summer to have time for a September referendum.

It was the decision of the Committee that the next meeting be scheduled as soon as we receive approval from the State.

        IV.     OTHER BUSINESS
                a.      Approval of Bills       
On a motion made by Mrs. Dearstyne, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the AHS Renovations Addition Building Committee approve payment of $2,400 to Kaestle Boos for Landscape Architect services.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa, Paine and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Paine, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the AHS Renovations Addition Building Committee approve payment of $203,403.04 to Kaestle-Boos for architectural services.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa, Paine and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Paine, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the AHS Renovations Addition Building Committee approve payment of $8,081.48 to Kaestle-Boos for professional services.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa, Paine and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Papa, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the AHS Renovations Addition Building Committee approve payment of 3,160.35 to Joseph Merritt & Co. for professional services.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa, Paine and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mrs. Dearstyne, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the AHS Renovations Addition Building Committee adjourn at 8:10 a.m.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Evans, Papa, Paine and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.

                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                        Ann L. Dearstyne, Secretary

Attest:  Elinor Burns, Clerk