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Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting 06/25/2007
MONDAY, JUNE 25, 2007

Members Present:                Ms. Marteney
Mr. Darrow
                                Ms. Brower
                                Mr. Westlake
                                Mr. Bartolotta
                                Mr. Rejman
Member Absent:          Mr. Baroody

Staff Present:          Mr. Fusco
Mr. Selvek      
Mr. Hicks
APPROVED:               254 North Street
Mr. Rejman:     Good evening, this is the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Tonight we have one item:

No minutes from the last meeting were in the packets.


MONDAY, JUNE 25, 2007

254 North Street.  General Industrial (I) zoning district.  Hammond & Irving, Inc., applicant.  Proposed demolition of 52’ x 94’ rear portion of manufacturing building and construction of 90’ x 150’ addition in place of it.  The addition requires a rear yard setback area variance of 40’ of the required 50’.

Mr. Rejman:     254 North Street, Hammond & Irving, are you here please?  Come forward; state your name for the record.

Mr. Wride:                      I am James Wride; I work for Hammond & Irving.  

Mr. Rejman:                     Tell us what you would like to do there.

Mr. Wride:      We are getting to the point were for the past few years our business has been going and our business is growing and we are starting to out grow our current facilities.  In order to accommodate our current customers and increasing workload we need to increase the size of our facility, mainly our shipping and receiving building.  In order to do so we have prepared this package for you tonight to tell you what we are trying to do.  

        We have some existing structures which are kind of old and dilapidated, there are pictures in there, we want to remove that structure and erect a larger structure to replace that and increase the capacity that we need.  Tricky thing about the design of the building it is a tough building lot and in order to do that we need a turn around area for our trucks so they can leave, right now they come and go out the same entrance but our building lot is kind of triangular shaped at that south end so we add on to our building there is not going to be any where for the truck to turn around and get out the same way as they do now.  Plan on adding a curb cut for exiting only traffic.

Mr. Rejman:     OK.  Questions from the board.  

Mr. Darrow:     It is all spelled out in black and white on the plot plan.  I can understand why they are doing what they are doing.  45-rear yard variance is needed strictly because of the setbacks.

Mr. Wride:      Most of the structures are built within 45 feet of the property line.  Considering our neighbors are a railroad on one side and a quarry on the other, I don’t think any body really minds.

Mr. Westlake:   We are just giving the variance for the setback.

Mr. Darrow:     That is it.   The curb cut has to go before DOT (Department of Transportation) because that is a State highway.

Mr. Rejman:     Is there any one wishing to speak for or against the application?  Hearing none, back to the board.  Close the public portion, have a seat.  

Mr. Darrow:     I would like to make a motion that we grant Hammond & Irving of 254 North Street a 45 foot rear yard set back for the purpose of erecting a new building as submitted in plot plan.

Mrs. Brower:    I’ll second that.

VOTING IN FAVOR:        Ms. Marteney
        Mr. Darrow
        Mrs. Brower
        Mr. Westlake
        Mr. Bartolotta
        Mr. Rejman

Mr. Rejman:     Application has been approved.

        Meeting adjourned.