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Zoning Board Minutes 02/25/2002

Members Present: Mr. Hare, Mr. Darrow, Mr. Westlake, Mr. Gentile, Mr. Rejman

Absent: Ms. Marteney (called)           

Staff Present: Mr. Moore, Mr. Leone, Mr. Miller

Mr. Rejman: Good evening, this is the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Tonight we have one item: 17 Chestnut Street

17 Chestnut Street, (Ra-A), 3-foot side yard area variance for garage, Rocco Malvaso.

Mr. Rejman: 17 Chestnut Street, come forward please?  State your name for the record. 

Mrs. Donohue: Ann Malvaso Donohue.

Mr. Rejman: OK, Ann, tell us what you would like to do there.  Before you start I want to make an announcement.  This is a seven member Board and you can see we are a little short tonight.  It does take four affirmative votes to have an application passed.  We will start this thing and right at the very end I am going to ask you if you would like us to continue and vote on it.  OK. 

Mrs. Donohue: OK.

Mr. Rejman: Please understand if you don’t get four out of four here then it is really difficult at that point. 

Mrs. Donohue: What are my other alternatives?

Mr. Rejman: You can table until next month.  I suggest you move forward and let’s how we feel towards the end.

Mrs. Donohue: Basically what I want to is my father is 85 years old and he has lived there for over 60 years.  We want to put a one-car garage on the side of the house.  We will be taking out the side porch.  Basically the reason for this he needs a variance for that.  He still wants to live in his house.  One of our concerns is the winter; the ice and we strongly feel that this is safety measure for him.

Mr. Rejman: OK.

Mrs. Donohue: Basically that is all I have.

Mr. Rejman: Looking for a 3-foot variance, you need 7 feet, you only have 4.

Mrs. Donohue: Right. I did bring my father’s neighbor, Sandy Fedigan, the garage would be near her line and she has no objection.  Do you want to hear from her?

Mr. Rejman: Yes, would you mind coming up please.  Hi, state your name for the record. 

Ms. Fedigan: Sandy Fedigan and I live at 21 Chestnut and the line that you are talking about is between their house and my house.  We have no problem with it.

Mr. Rejman: You understand what they want to do there?

Ms. Fedigan: Yes.  Everything they have always done has increased the property value. 

Mr. Rejman: OK.  Thank you.  See one other gentleman out there, would you like to step forward and state your name.

Mr. Smith: Tim Smith, 13 Chestnut.

Mr. Rejman: OK, Tim, what is your opinion on this?

Mr. Smith: Well you sent me a notice, and where I sit I don’t have a problem with it as long as she doesn’t have a problem with it. 

Mr. Rejman: Very good.  OK, Ann, now we have a fifth member here (Mr. Gentile comes in to meeting), so now you only need four out of five affirmative votes.

Mrs. Donohue: This will only add to the value of the house.  I feel confident to go ahead with this.

Mr. Rejman: Let's ask the Board if they have any questions.  Any questions from the Board?

Mr. Darrow: Your father is 85 years old?

Mrs. Donohue: Yes.  On March 1st.

Mr. Rejman: Any other questions from the Board?  We are going to close the public portion right now, have a seat and we are going to discuss and come to a decision.

Mrs. Donohue: Thank you.

Mr. Darrow: Pretty self-explanatory when you consider the property is 62.37 feet wide, the minimum for a lot is 60 foot, there is not a lot you can do.  I understand the health and safety issues, snow and ice, for having an attached garage.  I don’t think there should be a problem.

Mr. Rejman: And the support of the two neighbors.

Mr. Darrow: Yes.  I would like to make a motion that we approve a 3-foot area variance for 17 Chestnut Street for Rocco Malvaso for the purpose of constructing an attached enclosed garage as plotted on the layout attached with application.

Mr. Westlake: I second the motion.

VOTING IN FAVOR: Mr. Hare, Mr. Darrow, Mr. Westlake, Mr. Gentile, Mr. Rejman

Mr. Rejman: Application has been approved.  See Mr. Moore in the morning for your building permit.   Thank you very much.

Mrs. Donohue: Our family really appreciates this very much.  Thank you.

Mr. Rejman: OK, any housekeeping?

Mr. Moore: Yes. I received a letter from Mr. Temple requesting that I extend his variance for another six months on 48 Cayuga Street and I could do it.

Mr. Darrow: That is where his girlfriend lived.

Mr. Moore: It is his girlfriend’s house.

Mr. Rejman: He presented it.

Mr. Moore: Actually he really didn’t have to come in, he does have a valid building permit, and he did send me a letter so I am notifying you.

Mr. Rejman: Are you looking for approval or looking for

Mr. Moore: Like I said it really doesn’t matter, I am just notifying you, that is all, because he does have a valid building permit.

Mr. Darrow: Does he have a valid reason for the extension?

Mr. Moore: Yes.

Mr. Rejman: Then there you go, your call.  OK.  Any other housekeeping? 

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.