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02-February 7, 2012
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 6:30 pm, Memorial City Hall

Present: Sam Giangreco, Anne McCarthy, Sheli Graney, Crystal Cosentino, Anthony Bartolotta

Absent: Chris DeProspero, Frank Reginelli  

Staff: Stephen Selvek, Planning and Community Development Program Manager; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel; Lane Paulsey, Code Enforcement Officer; Greg Gilfus, APD

Agenda Items: 3 Meadowbrook Dr., 191 Franklin St., 1-19R Prospect St.

The Chair calls the meeting to order. The Pledge of allegiance is recited. Roll is called.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of January 3, 2012. So moved by Crystal Cosentino, seconded by Sheli Graney. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 1: PUBLIC HEARING: Special Permit Application to conduct a Home Occupation providing Massage Therapy at a residence located at 3 Meadowbrook Drive. Applicant: Leigh Reilley, LMT.

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Leigh Reilley – a licensed massage therapist, wishes to conduct a home occupation of massage therapy.

Chair asks the public for comments. None. Chair closes the public hearing.

Chair asks the Board for comments. None.

Chair asks staff for comments.

Steve Selvek – there is a list in the City Ordinance of home occupations that are allowed by default.  Anything desired outside that list must apply to this Board for permission.  The Board then reviews any impact on the neighborhood. The applicant shows that 120 SF of the home will be used to conduct the business which is below the maximum amount allowed.  One client at a time will be on the premises. Questions hours of operation.

Leigh Reilley – Monday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Steve Selvek – these hours are similar to those used by a home based chiropractor and are reasonable.  SEQR is required and completed. *Reviews SEQR* Staff recommends a negative declaration on SEQR and approval of the special permit as submitted with note to the hours of operation.

Chair asks for a motion for a negative declaration on SEQR. So moved by Crystal Cosentino, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the special permit. So moved by Sheli Graney, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2: SEQRA environmental review and Zoning Amendment Request for the rezoning of lands, to be transferred between Auburn Enlarged City School District and Nelson Associates, LLC (Fox Dealership), which include a rear portion of 191 Franklin Street.  Applicant: Nelson Associates, LLC.

Steve Selvek – this was presented at the last meeting. The proposal is that the School District and Fox Toyota desire a land swap. Once the land is transferred from the School District (public use) it reverts to a residential zone. Fox requests that the zoning be made C3 to match the surrounding area.

Chair asks the public for comments. None. Chair closes the public hearing.

Chair asks the Board for comments.

Crystal Cosentino – this is a zoning change only so there is no true impact. It makes no sense to remain as a residential zone.

Steve Selvek – true.

Crystal Cosentino – so this goes to the ZBA with a recommendation from this Board?

Steve Selvek – no, this goes to Council with a recommendation for rezoning from the Board.

Anne McCarthy – will the zoning change stay in force if the project is not done.

Steve Selvek – it will be recommended to Council that the zoning change will not take effect until the transfer. If it isn’t transferred the zoning remains public. *Reviews Pt. 2 of the EAF.* Staff recommends a negative declaration on SEQR and approval of the resolution for recommendation to Council.

Chair asks for a motion for a negative declaration on SEQR. So moved by Crystal Cosentino, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion approving the amendment to City Council. So moved by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Crystal Cosentino. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: SEQRA environmental review of a Major Subdivision of existing parcels located at 1-19 Rear Prospect Street (formally 30R) and Franklin St. Road, an area known as East Side Heights, to create 52 residential lots for the construction of semi-detached, single-family homes. Applicant: PMV Vitale Realty, LLC.

Chair asks the applicant if they have anything to add at this time.

Agent for 1-19R Prospect St. – nothing new

Steve Selvek – this project consists of the development of 52 single-family detached (patio) homes. This project is being coordinated with the Town of Sennett, City Council, the Dept. of Health and DEC. We have received architectural drawings, photometric plan, drainage report, traffic engineering report. Concerns of the public hearing held last November have been addressed.

Chair asks the public for comments. None. Chair closes the public hearing.

Chair asks the Board for comments.

Crystal Cosentino – questions drainage.

Steve Selvek – TDK engineering has conducted the drainage report. After reviewing the previous reports and upon their own findings it was concluded that the site needs to be regraded and the detention basin and outflow are recommended to be moved. This will be required to be shown on the final plans. In regards to the environmental review there is a viable solution.

Concerning the traffic engineering report we’ve had discussion with traffic office Greg Gilfus and he doesn’t believe there will be any additional traffic impacts.  The report was done by Jim Napoleon and Associates. *Reviews report.* In conclusion, services will not be detrimentally affected by the development. No other highway construction is needed. The access are acceptable. A long form EAF has been completed. *Reviews part 2 of the EAF.* Staff recommends a negative declaration on SEQR. The project will then be presented to Council and Sennett for annexation. Upon approval it will be presented to this Board for action on the subdivision.

Andy Fusco – recommends a resolution to adopt Pt. 2 of the EAF as answers were formulated by Staff.

Steve Selvek – so the motion will be to accept the answers drafted by Staff to Pt. 2 of the EAF.

So moved by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Anthony Bartolotta. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion for a negative declaration on SEQR. So moved by Sheli Graney, seconded by Anthony Bartolotta. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Other Matters

Introduction to the S.E. Payne Cornerstone project. Developer: Housing Visions

Justin Rudgick  - introduces the project. Will be asking for approval of three site plans at the next meeting. *Gives background of Housing Visions.* The project consists of demolishing eleven derelict properties, new construction and rehabilitating five buildings including the historic site at 9 – 11 James St. which is being used as the cornerstone of the project.  The first site plan approval will be for two new house constructions and a community center.

Steve Selvek – when looking at the environment review we will be looking at the entire project as a whole, not individual aspects.  Council is concerned about the treatment of 9 – 11 James St. Detailed plans and a formal application will be available at the next meeting.

Sam Giangreco – a couple items. Please remember to respond to emails from Staff concerning attendance to meetings. We need to know if there will be a quorum. Asks for connector rd. update.

Steve Selvek – previous Council had no desire to acquire the required properties to see this through and I don’t see this Council making it a priority at the time either.

Next meeting is March 6, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.  

Motion to adjourn by Anthony Bartolotta, seconded by Crystal Cosentino. All members vote approval. Meeting adjourned.