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10-November 1, 2011
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, November 1, 2011, 6:30 pm, Memorial City Hall

Present: Crystal Cosentino, Frank Reginelli, Anne McCarthy, Shelli Graney, Anthony Bartolotta, Sam Giangreco

Absent: Chris DeProspero,

Staff: Stephen Selvek, Planning and Community Development Program Manager; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel; Brian Hicks, Code Enforcement Officer

Agenda Items: 19R Prospect St., CDBG 2012 Action Plan

The Chair calls the meeting to order. The Pledge of allegiance is recited. Roll is called.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of September 6, 2011. So moved by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Frank Reginelli. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 1: Application for a Major Subdivision of existing parcels located at 1-19 Rear Prospect Street (formally 30R) and Franklin St. Road, an area known as East Side Heights, to create 52 residential lots for the construction of semi-detached, single-family homes. Applicant: PMV Vitale Realty, LLC

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Mike Vitale – a previous subdivision for 22 individual lots had been approved. Lots are partially in Sennett. We believe the site is more conducive, due to the economy, as a retirement community. Lots have been reconfigured. We want to annex the land from Sennett.  Want to reflect the neighborhood of single family dwellings.

Chair invites the public to speak.

Rusty Tierney, Prospect St. – expresses concerns about increased traffic, already many empty homes for sale, property currently not maintained, drainage issues.

Christine May, mother lives on Prospect St. – agrees with Mr. Tierney. Doesn’t think development will work nor fit in with the neighborhood. Expresses concerns about over-crowding, drainage, traffic, capacity of storm sewers.

Bob Bowen, Prospect St. – expresses concerns about drainage and traffic.

Chair closes public hearing and asks Board for comments.

Crystal Cosentino – questions Greg Gilfus on traffic.

Greg Gilfus – there are concerns as certain times especially when school is in session.

Anne McCarthy – questions the drainage

Steve Selvek – the area has long had problems. We can demand a performance bond for satisfactory completion.

Shelli Graney – asks if this is a new application.

Steve Selvek – it is considered new. All issues will need to be reviewed and meet the satisfaction of staff and the Board.

Frank Reginelli – questions lot size.

Steve Selvek – original was 22 lots with 21 developable lots of 0.5 acre. Now it is denser with 52 lots. The site has potential for over 100 lots due to minimal required size of 60 x 100.

Frank Reginelli – questions semi-detached.

Steve Selvek – defined as a single family that shares a common wall with a fire separation and separate utilities so each side may be sold on an individual basis. It is a permitted use in an R1 zoning district.

Crystal Cosentino – questions the determination of senior status and the assurity it will be used as such

Mike Vitale – there is no assurance. These will be two bedroom units which isn’t conducive to families with children. More for people looking to downsize.

Crystal Cosentino – but the potential for children is there. Questions sidewalks.

Mike Vitale – we are required to install sidewalks

Anthony Bartolotta – are homes for rent or sale?

Mike Vitale – Sale. We are not building, we will be bringing in a builder. We are developing the land only.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Steve Selvek – this plan not only requires approval from this Board but also from City Council, the Sennett Town Board, the Health Department for water hook up and DEC for a SPDIES permit and sanitary connection. The Health Department considers subdivisions a Type I SEQR action so we will be coordinating review with them and the other aforementioned agencies.  This Board should declare themselves lead agency for SEQR review. This must be done before site plan is considered. Many concerns have been brought up by neighbors which are concerns of the City also.  All issues need to be explored and decision made on the impact of SEQR. This is a multi-step process. I also reiterate that a performance bond can be required. Staff recommendation is for this Board to appoint itself lead agency for SEQR. *Reviews rules of hearing notification.* This is the beginning of the process. There will be further opportunities for people to speak at future meetings.

Anne McCarthy – questions performance bond.

Steve Selvek – it can be asked for as part of the approval. Staff will ask for a bond to be posted prior to issuance of any permits.

Motion for lead agency made by Frank Reginelli, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Motion to table the matter at this time made by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Crystal Cosentino. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2: Community Development Block Grant 2012 Action Plan: This public hearing will provide an opportunity to comment on the plans and priorities of the plans. Stephen Selvek, Planning and Community Development Program Manager.

Steve Selvek – makes presentation.

Chair asks for comments from the public.

Andy Fusco – states that is was a family pleasure for his son to be one of the workers on the Orchard St. playground and how well they enjoyed hearing about the progress being made.

Sam Giangreco – states Grandmother’s house on Orchard St. and how wonderful it is to see the neighborhood turning around.

Anthony Bartolotta – questions what success is attributed to

Steve Selvek – taking such a broad approach to one particular area and providing for it. Much goes to residents wanting it to happen.

Shelli Graney – concept of spending much money in one area is a good idea and leads to a ripple and lasting effect.

Steve Selvek – this particular project was not just the City. We looked at other partners out there and pooled resources to make a positive change. Applications submitted for a 10 million dollar investment by the State over the years.  Allyn foundation also a partner who has donated much.

Frank Reginelli – asks what is next on the list.

Steve Selvek – there is no standing list. We are looking for where the next need is.

Frank Reginelli – questions participation at parks already done.

Steve Selvek – knows that Grover St. has been used on a regular basis by the neighborhood.

Frank Reginelli – questions allocations

Steve Selvek – looked at project by project. A percentage goes to human services on a competitive basis.

Frank Reginelli – questions unoccupied buildings in disrepair.

Steve Selvek – the fund goes toward distressed property in the program to either rehab or demolish.

Anna Marinelli – questions how a playground contributes to the neighborhood with the number of vacant, derelict houses. Questions plans for those.  Except for the playgrounds hasn’t seen any improvement. Suggest continued work done there.

Chair – closes public hearing

Other Matters

Steve Selvek – the Scottish Inn on Grant Ave and the Church on Fitch Ave are finalizing plans for presentation at future meetings.

Chair – next meeting December 6, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. Asks Board to be sure to notify staff of intents to participate.

Meeting adjourned.