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09-October 4, 2011
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, October 4, 2011, 6:30 pm, Memorial City Hall

Present: Crystal Cosentino, Frank Reginelli, Anne McCarthy, Sam Giangreco

Absent: Chris DeProspero, Shelli Graney, Anthony Bartolotta

Staff: Stephen Selvek, Planning and Community Development Program Manager; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel; Brian Hicks, Code Enforcement Officer

Agenda Items: 255 Grant Ave, 103 Fitch Ave

The Chair calls the meeting to order. The Pledge of allegiance is recited. Roll is called.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of September 6, 2011. So moved by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Frank Reginelli. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 1: 255 Grant Ave. Application for Major Site Plan Review for the construction of a second floor addition, approximately 5,000 SF, and site improvements to the Scottish Inn and Suites.

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Zelimir Miranovic – working under supervision of architect Dean Johnson. Planning a second floor addition of 12 rooms, east wing restoration, adding a corridor to west wing, new lobby, exterior renovations, landscaping. 32 rooms, 34 parking spaces.

Chair asks for comments from the public. None. Chair closes public hearing and asks for comments from the Board.

Frank Reginelli – questions if any other businesses will be run from the premises.

Zelimir Miranovic – none. Rear building will be used for storage.

Andy Fusco – questions how plans were devised specifically concerning the building’s ability to withstand an addition.

Zelimir Miranovic – existing construction was checked and verified. As we get into construction if any problems arise they will be rectified at that time. If the existing walls are found to be unable to withstand the extra weight further construction to that end will be done.

Andy Fusco – thinks some type of study should be done addressing the structural integrity of the first floor.

Zelimir Miranovic – these are new plans showing our intent. Everything will be verified in the field and corrected as needed.

Steve Selvek – concerns are understandable but we must remain within the purview that this Board is allowed concerning the design process which is what we are in at this time.  Any time a design is done it is done with certain assumptions. What I heard is that the design of this building has the ability to hold a second floor. If that proves to be untrue, because of the condition, construction will be ceased until Codes is satisfied that proper measures have been taken to ensure stability. A complete set of building plans must be provided for a building permit to be issued. Review of building plans falls outside the purview of this Board. At the time plans are submitted the Code Enforcement Officer will check those plans for compliance with local and State codes and address any issues that need to be addressed. We rely on the architects and the Building Inspector for this.  The Board’s job is to look at the Site Plan as presented and base its decision on that. Actual construction is outside the Board’s purview. The Board can recommend demolition of the current building and the erection of a new one but it cannot demand it. Again, the Board has certain constraints to work within and cannot extend beyond those.  Further exploration and discussion of the integrity of the current building will be done by the applicant and any others directly involved, which, again, does not include this Board.

Frank Reginelli – we can’t go with the unknown

Steve Selvek – we go with the unknown with every project that comes in. The board decisions are based on certain assumptions.

Brian Hicks – this is a preliminary design and construction does not come into play until the final. Right now the applicant just needs to know if he can proceed. He is continuing the design process. He is not asking for permission to build at this time.

Crystal Cosentino – questions procedure concerning the site plan and SEQR.

Steve Selvek – the first step is completing SEQR. There appears to be landscaping planned in NYSDOT right-of-way, so NYSDOT may be an involved agency. At this time the Board should consider appointing themselves as the Lead Agency for SEQR review. Again, the Board’s purview is for the site plan review and approval. There are special circumstances here that do require further due diligence but it is not up to this Board to do a structural analysis. Some issues are outlined to determine what aspects will be required, for example, clarification of the right-of-way needs to be done. Staff recommends adopting the Lead Agency for SEQR review at this time and continued consideration of site plan issues.

Anne McCarthy – questions lighting.

Zelimir Miranovic – right now there is the existing lighting and there will be some new lighting.

Steve Selvek – we will need a photometric plan and details of lighting used.

Frank Reginelli – questions basins and water management

Steve Selvek – for this we look at the net increase. Because this is a second-story addition, there is none here so a management plan is not required. But I will confirm this with City Engineering.

Chair asks for a motion appointing the City Planning Board as Lead Agency for SEQR review. So moved by Crystal Cosentino, seconded by Frank Reginelli. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to table site plan review pending SEQR review. So moved by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Crystal Cosentino. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Steve Selvek – we will be in contact with the applicant concerning SEQR and continued building review including structural analysis.

Agenda Item 2: Application for Major Site Plan Review for the construction of a 1,350 SF addition and site improvement to The Apostolic Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at 103 Fitch Avenue. Applicant: The Apostolic Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Dennis Mitchell, Deacon for the church – proposal is for a 30 x 34 rear west addition to the sanctuary for needed space for events, classes, etc. It will be a steel building that will be assembled on a concrete slab.

Chair opens the public hearing for comments. None. Chair closes the public hearing and asks the Board for comments.

Crystal Cosentino – asks how the steel structure will reflect the existing building.

Dennis Mitchell – it will be painted the same to blend in.

Frank Reginelli – questions the siding.

Dennis Mitchell – it’s a steel building painted white.

Crystal Cosentino – questions windows.

Dennis Mitchell – there will be windows and a door.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Steve Selvek – the Board will need additional information before making a determination. To open the sanctuary as stated will require additional parking.

Dennis Mitchell – we are expanding the sanctuary to make more room, not for additional seating.

Steve Selvek – you will need to indicate current and proposed seating arrangements on the plans to determine parking. There is a potential that a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals may be required thereby required a resolution for Lead Agency for SEQR review. When looking at a site plan we look for necessary criteria that are lacking at this time. Also, building elevations are required along with a storm water management plan.

Chair asks for a motion appointing the City Planning Board as Lead Agency for SEQR review. So moved by Crystal Cosentino, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Steve Selvek – staff will work with the applicant on requirements.

Chair – next meeting November 1, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned.